HSK 6 Characters

978 characters ?

The official HSK standard specifies words, not characters. This is a list of all characters contained in HSK 6 words.

# Hanzi Pinyin Meaning Words
1 this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle
2 dǎng political party, gang, faction
3 chén exhibit, display; plead; a surname 代谢 , ,
4 gōng attack, assault; criticize , ,
5 revive, resurrect; a species of thyme; transliteration of 'Soviet'
6 supreme ruler, emperor; god
7 ruò if, supposing, assuming; similar ,
8 waves, breakers; undulations , ,
9 different, unusual, strange , , 日新月
10 scheme, plan; to whip; urge , ,
11 zuì, zui crime, sin, vice; evil; hardship , ,
12 zhōu administrative division, state
13 zōng, zong lineage, ancestry; ancestor, clan , ,
14 xié be united; cooperate , ,
15 shěn examine, investigate; judge , ,
16 huáng royal, imperial; ruler, superior ,
17 assist; supplement; assistant 其实
18 kàng resist, oppose, defy, reject , ,
19 fàn commit crime, violate; criminal , ,
20 tián field, arable land, cultivated ,
21 yāng center, conclude, run out; beg
22 bó, bo older brother; father's elder brother; senior male 'sire'; feudal rank 'count'
23 jiān supervise, control, direct , ,
24 dew; bare, open, exposed , ,
25 open country, field; wilderness , ,
26 jiàn warship
27 wān bay, cove, inlet, bend of stream
28 lucky, propitious, good
29 jiàn sword, dagger, saber
30 also, too; likewise
31 kindness, mercy, charity
32 foolish, stupid, rash; vulgar
33 duān end, extreme; head; beginning , ,
34 tàn, tan find, locate; search, grope for , ,
35 a lake; Hubei, Hunan; bluish-green
36 I, me; to give , ,
37 gǎng port, harbor; small stream; bay ,
38 é forehead; tablet, plaque; fixed , ,
39 supervise, oversee, direct ,
40 marsh, swamp; grace, brilliance
41 miè extinguish; wipe out, exterminate , ,
42 mò, mo do not, is not, can not; negative 名其妙
43 wáng death, destroyed; lose, perish ,
44 shèng holy, sacred
45 promise; assent, approve
46 normal human relationships 之乐
47 mysterious, obscure, profound ,
48 Tang dynasty; Chinese
49 táng, tang hall; government office
50 gōng palace 殿
51 jūn sovereign, monarch, ruler, chief, prince
52 móu, mou plan, scheme; stratagem , ,
53 zhèn town, market place; suppress , ,
54 fán all, any, every; ordinary, common ,
55 zhū various, all, these; surname
56 zhuāng village, hamlet; villa, manor , ,
57 ancestor, forefather; grandfather , ,
58 bào violent, brutal, tyrannical , ,
59 tower, spire, tall building
60 yǐn hide, conceal; hidden, secret , ,
61 méng, mēng, měng cover; ignorant; suffer; mongolia
62 desire, want, long for; intend
63 zāo come across, meet with, encounter , ,
64 disciple, follower; go on foot ,
65 child's governess; matron
66 qū, qǔ crooked, bent; wrong, false , ,
67 sāi, sè stop up, block, seal, cork; pass, frontier; fortress ,
68 qīn invade, encroach upon, raid ,
69 xíng punishment, penalty; law
70 valley, gorge, ravine ,
71 stream, river; flow; boil 流不息
72 qián hide; hidden, secret, latent , , 移默化
73 resist, oppose; deny; off-set , ,
74 jié hero; heroic, outstanding
75 zhèng state in today's Henan; surname
76 hùn to mix, blend, mingle; to bumble along , ,
77 chén minister, statesman, official
78 elegant, graceful, refined
79 shèng, chéng abundant, flourishing; contain; fill , ,
80 anger, rage, passion; angry
81 cán injure, spoil; oppress; broken , ,
82 house; building, structure; eaves
83 měng violent, savage, cruel; bold
84 huǐ destroy ,
85 méng swear; oath, covenant, alliance
86 dīng male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem
87 demon, evil spirits; magic power ,
88 沿 yán, yàn follow a course, go along 沿
89 la final particle of assertion
90 tile; earthenware pottery; girl
91 yuán aid, assist; lead; cite
92 duó take by force, rob, snatch ,
93 piān inclined one side; slanting , ,
94 raid, attack; inherit
95 chivalrous person; knight-errant
96 side; incline, slant, lean
97 zhài debt, loan, liabilities
98 róng melt, fuse; blend, harmonize , ,
99 zòng indulge in, give free reign to ,
100 zhàng separate; shield; barricade , ,
101 xùn inquire; ask; examine; reproach
102 shè ford stream, wade across , ,
103 kān publication, periodical; publish ,
104 bào crackle, pop, burst, explode 烟花, ,
105 crow, rook, raven; black, dark
106 service; a servant, laborer; to serve
107 huàn suffer, worry about; suffering ,
108 xian, xiān Taoist super-being, transcendent, immortal
109 zhèng disease, illness, ailment ,
110 qīng upset, pour out, overflow , ,
111 xiàn submerge, sink, plunge; trap , ,
112 hōng rumble, explosion, blast
113 chè omit; remove; withdraw 退 ,
114 illness, disease, sickness; to hate ,
115 yuán hem, margin; reason, cause; fate ,
116 stop, prevent; restrict; surname
117 ceremony, rites gifts; admire ,
118 bēn, bèn run fast, flee; rush about; run ,
119 zhū precious stone, gem, jewel, pearl
120 zhù to be stationed at, reside at; to stop
121 kǒng opening, hole, orifice; great
122 wings; fins on fish; shelter 小心
123 tàn sigh, admire ,
124 more and more, even more
125 ba, bà cease, finish, stop; give up
126 jìng narrow path; diameter; direct , ,
127 qià just, exactly, precisely; proper 到好处 , ,
128 arrest, catch, seize ,
129 liè split, crack, break open; rend
130 great, exalted, superior; big
131 jiān sharp, pointed, acute, keen ,
132 zhōng loyalty, devotion, fidelity ,
133 yán flame, blaze; hot ,
134 huāng wasteland, desert; uncultivated , ,
135 héng across
136 orphan, fatherless; solitary ,
137 bāo womb, placenta, fetal membrane , ,
138 hún soul, spirit
139 hóng vast, immense; flood, deluge
140 jīn ferry; saliva; ford 有味
141 xiǎo dawn, daybreak; clear, explicit 家喻户
142 pín poor, impoverished, needy ,
143 humaneness, benevolence, kindness
144 lài rely, depend on; accuse falsely , ,
145 yǎng raise the head to look; look up to, rely on, admire ,
146 tǐng small boat, dugout, punt
147 xiōng culprit; murder; bad, sad ,
148 shǔ public office ,
149 drive, ride; chariot; manage
150 fèng offer; receive; serve; respect
151 xuán revolve, move in orbit; return , ,
152 chen, chén early morning, daybreak ,
153 crouch, crawl, lie hidden, conceal ,
154 lóng, lōng prosperous, plentiful, abundant ,
155 slave, servant
156 sàng mourning; mourn; funeral ,
157 cross, ferry over; ferry
158 banner, flag, streamer ,
159 gān sweetness; sweet, tasty 情愿 , 苦尽
160 zhā, zhá pull up; pierce; struggle free , ,
161 liáng, liang bridge; beam; rafters; surname
162 jiē all, every, everybody
163 zhòu time as concept; infinite time
164 yán cliff; rocks; mountain
165 dàng pond, pool; wash away, cleanse
166 peduncle or stem of plants 根深
167 jǐng well, mine shaft, pit
168 zhuàng big, large; robust; name of tribe , ,
169 zhí breed, spawn; increase; prosper 民地 ,
170 quickly, suddenly; surname
171 sā, sǎ release, cast away, let go; disperse; relax
172 sap, juice, liquid, fluid
173 fān to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat
174 gentleman, young man; husband
175 yōu sad, grieved; grief, melancholy 后顾之 , , 无虑
176 to float, drift, waft; to exceed; superfluous
177 sōu counter for ships, vessels
178 wu five, company of five; troops
179 fēng peak, summit; hump of camel
180 surname; numerous, many; black
181 guàn a string of 1000 coins; to go through , ,
182 zhēn spy, reconnoiter; detective
183 certificate, ticket; title deeds
184 chóng esteem, honor, revere, venerate , ,
185 xiàn constitution, statute, law
186 kind, charitable, benevolent , ,
187 zhī branches, limbs; branch off
188 tuō drag, tow, haul; delay, prolong
189 ink; writing 水儿
190 jiàn arrow; type of bamboo
191 fěn powder, face powder; plaster , ,
192 mud, mire; earth, clay; plaster
193 shì clan, family; mister
194 bá, ba uproot, pull out 苗助长 , ,
195 fèn resent, hate; indignant
196 pound, beat, strike; attack
197 spur a horse on; expel, drive away
198 yǎn to cover (with the hand); shut, conceal; ambush , ,
199 shī corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44
200 bǎo fort, fortress; town, village
201 chǔ save money, store, reserve; heir , ,
202 sāng mulberry tree; surname 饱经沧
203 cǎn sad, pitiful, wretched; cruel
204 jié clean, purify, pure , ,
205 zōng footprints, traces, tracks , ,
206 suddenly, sudden, quick 兴致 , 朝气蓬
207 chóu enemy, hate, hatred, enmity
208 mó, mo, mò grind; polish; rub; wear out; a millstone , ,
209 draft; intend, plan, propose
210 zòu memorialize emperor; report ,
211 xún patrol, go on circuit, cruise
212 medicinal preparation
213 slope, bank, hillside
214 jié cut off, stop, obstruct, intersect , , 斩钉
215 jiāo burned, scorched; anxious, vexed ,
216 殿 diàn hall; palace; temple 殿
217 wěi false, counterfeit, bogus ,
218 compel, pressure, force; bother
219 lean one side; very, rather
220 hūn, hún dusk, nightfall, twilight, dark ,
221 chéng submit, show; appear; petition
222 tend cattle, shepherd
223 shēng sacrificial animal; animal ,
224 jiā good, auspicious; beautiful; delightful
225 稿 gǎo draft, manuscript, rough copy 稿
226 stomach, belly, abdomen; inside
227 diē stumble, slip, fall down; stamp
228 chuí let down; suspend, hand; down
229 mài blood vessels, veins, arteries , ,
230 prison, jail; case; lawsuit
231 huò, huo confuse, mislead, baffle; doubt , ,
232 táo pottery, ceramics , ,
233 shòu beast, animal; bestial 飞禽走
234 zhàng tent; screen, mosquito net
235 light of sun; good, proper
236 pù, pū, pu shop, store; place sleep, bed
237 fear, be afraid of, dread ,
238 dào rob, steal; thief, bandit
239 huī brightness, luster, brilliance ,
240 kòu knock, strike, rap, tap; button
241 ma, má final exclamatory particle
242 direct, supervise; surname , 事长
243 qiān move, shift, change; transfer; relocate a capital city , ,
244 níng coagulate; congeal; freeze , ,
245 téng, teng fly; gallop; run; prance; rise ,
246 mái, mán bury, secrete, conceal , ,
247 yǒng surge up, bubble up, gush forth ,
248 linchpin of wheel; control
249 advance, increase; promote
250 hěn vicious, cruel; severely, extreme
251 jiàn mirror, looking glass; reflect , ,
252 xiè weapons; implements, instruments
253 chì red; communist, 'red'; bare ,
254 cut, divide, partition; cede
255 jiē raise, lift up; surname
256 to apprehend, realize, become aware 恍然大 , ,
257 fēng point of spear, sharp point
258 xiáng good luck, good omen; happiness ,
259 kuò broad, ample, wide; be apart 广 , ,
260 fame, reputation; praise , ,
261 chip, tally, token; raise money , 兼顾
262 cóng bush, shrub; thicket; collection
263 qiān drag, pull, lead by hand ,
264 míng cry of bird or animal; make sound
265 purpose, aim; excellent
266 xiù sleeve; put something in sleeve
267 liè hunt; field sports
268 bì, bei arm
269 zhù pillar, post; support; lean on
270 pāo throw (away)
271 láo prison; stable, pen; secure ,
272 xùn humble, modest; yield
273 mài take a big stride; pass by
274 cheat, double-cross, deceive ,
275 shuāi decline, falter, decrease; weaken , 退
276 yòu persuade, entice, induce; guide
277 láng wolf 吞虎咽 ,
278 zhàng rely upon; protector; fight; war, weaponry
279 grain; small particle
280 yáo far away, distant, remote ,
281 pat, console, comfort; pacify ,
282 jiū investigate, inspect ,
283 zuān drill, bore; pierce; diamond ,
284 jīng crystal; clear, bright; radiant
285 how? what? 有此理
286 xiá gorge, strait, ravine; isthmus
287 cāng blue; green
288 hào consume, use up; waste, squander ,
289 jūn mushroom; germ, microbe
290 cuì pure; unadulterated; select
291 biǎn flat; tablet, signboard
292 xún obey, comply with, follow 序渐进 , ,
293 tax; give; endow; army; diffuse ,
294 press down, repress; curb, hinder
295 āi sad, mournful, pitiful; pity
296 tà, tā step on, trample, tread on, walk ,
297 héng constant, regular, persistent
298 niǔ knot; button; handle, knob; tie 扣儿
299 wén line, streak, stripe; wrinkle
300 to fish; seize; pursue; surname
301 magnetic; magnetism; porcelain
302 tóng copper, brass, bronze
303 kuà straddle, bestride, ride; carry
304 terror, fear; frighten; terrified
305 pàn rebel; rebellion; rebellious
306 qiǎn send, dispatch; send off, exile
307 extensive, full; fill; complete ,
308 rare, unusual, scarce; sparse
309 jié win, victory, triumph
310 epidemic, plague, pestilence
311 zhǒng swell; swollen; swelling
312 xuē, xiāo scrape off, pare, trim ,
313 gǎng, gāng post; position
314 huang, huàng, huǎng bright, dazzling; to sway, shake
315 tūn swallow; absorb, annex, engulf 吐吐 , 虎咽
316 hóng wide, spacious, great, vast ,
317 ái cancer; marmoset
318 subservient; servant; KangXi radical 171
319 footwear, shoes; walk on, tread
320 耀 yào shine, sparkle, dazzle; glory 耀 , 耀 , 耀
321 niǔ, niu turn, twist, wrench; seize, grasp ,
322 altar; arena, examination hall
323 move; dispel; distribute
324 water, irrigate; fertile, rich
325 huì draw, sketch, paint
326 cut down, subjugate, attack ,
327 kān adequately capable of, worthy of ,
328 sacrifice, give up; sacrificial
329 grave, tomb
330 employ, to hire ,
331 lián upright, honorable, honest , 物美价
332 chéng punish, reprimand; warn
333 zhuō grasp, clutch; catch, seize
334 cover; tip over; return; reply
335 take by force, coerce; disaster
336 xián hate, detest; suspect; criticize
337 diāo engrave, inlay, carve; exhaust; used for U+9D70 鵰 an eagle, vulture ,
338 mèn, mēn gloomy, depressed, melancholy ,
339 breast, nipples; milk, suckle
340 chuàn string; relatives; conspire
341 wá, wa baby; doll; pretty girl
342 jiǎo deliver, submit; hand over
343 huàn, huan call
344 rule by might rather than right
345 tuǒ satisfactory, appropriate , ,
346 join together, attach to; add to ,
347 go to; attend, be present 全力以
348 mountain peak; surname
349 cāng hold of ship; cabin
350 páng disorderly, messy; huge, big
351 gēng plow, cultivate
352 ruì sharp, keen, acute, pointed ,
353 fèng, féng sew, mend
354 chì to scold, upbraid, accuse, reproach
355 zhái residence, dwelling, home; grave
356 tiān append, add to; increase , 画蛇, 锦上
357 dig, dig out, gouge out, scoop
358 ā, hē scold; laughing sound; yawn
359 sòng accuse; argue, dispute; litigate
360 yǎng oxygen 化碳 ,
361 strong, stimulating; very ,
362 lüè rob, ransack, plunder; pass by
363 huò misfortune, calamity, disaster
364 tān be greedy, covet; covetous ,
365 xuán hang, suspend, hoist; be hung 崖峭壁 , ,
366 chún lips
367 cāng granary; berth; sea ,
368 guǐ track, rut, path
369 méi stalk of shrub, trunk of tree
370 miào temple, shrine; imperial court
371 píng folding screen, shield ,
372 court, office; temple, monastery
373 stupid, doltish, foolish ,
374 shū neglect; careless, lax , ,
375 chàn shiver, tremble; trembling
376 cùn, cun inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41
377 dīng rivet gaze upon, keep eyes on
378 humiliate, insult, abuse
379 biàn distinguish, discriminate ,
380 ó, ò, é oh? really? is that so?
381 qiāng chest cavity; hollow in body
382 sweet smelling, rich in aroma; (Cant.) to move, hit
383 kuì flooding river; militarily defeat
384 jealous, envious; fear , 肆无
385 liū slide, glide, slip; slippery
386 lóng, long, lǒng cage; cage-like basket ,
387 qiū hill; elder; empty; a name
388 grow, multiply, increase; thrive ,
389 ké, qiào casing, shell, husk
390 hén scar; mark; trace
391 cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116
392 profound, brilliant, lofty
393 virtuous, worthy, good; able
394 membrane; to kneel and worship
395 resolute, decisive, firm, persist ,
396 jǐn brocade, tapestry; embroidered 上添花
397 máng, māng vast, boundless, widespread ,
398 áng rise, raise; proud, bold; upright
399 zhòu wrinkles, creases, folds
400 shé tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135
401 peel
402 nest; cave, den; hiding place
403 xié lead by hand, take with; carry
404 líng hill, mound; mausoleum
405 hēng hum; sing softly; groan, moan; (Cant.) an interjecting indicating disapproval
406 mián cotton; cotton padded
407 raise animals; feed; nourish
408 disobey, rebel; rebel, traitor
409 chuǎn pant, gasp, breathe heavily
410 zhào basket for catching fish; cover
411 fireplace, stove, oven, furnace
412 tāi unborn child, embryo, fetus 双胞 ,
413 store, save, hoard, gather
414 jié put forth great effort; exhaust 尽全力
415 hún muddy, turbid; blend, merge, mix
416 yuè pleased, contented, gratified
417 dàn bear children, give birth; birth ,
418 pào bubbles, suds; blister; soak ,
419 zéi thief, traitor; kill
420 tíng pavilion; erect
421 chou toast; reward, recompense ,
422 Confucian scholar
423 xiè leak; vent; flow; reveal ,
424 gān, gǎn pole; shaft of spear
425 āi near, close by, next to, towards, against; to wait; to lean on
426 yín sing, hum; recite; type of poetry
427 xiá narrow, limited; narrow-minded ,
428 xiào look like, resemble, be like ,
429 xiá rosy clouds
430 varicolored, variegated; mixed
431 abundant, rich, plentiful
432 wán obstinate, stubborn; recalcitrant ,
433 chù, xù livestock, domestic animals ,
434 yàn, yè, yān throat; pharynx 狼吞虎
435 gōu hook, join, connect; entice
436 jiāng boundary, border, frontier
437 bet, gamble, wager; compete
438 wèi fear, dread, awe, reverence
439 pō, bó anchor vessel; lie at anchor ,
440 fèi lungs
441 chán wrap, wind around; tie, bind
442 dèng stare at
443 diào condole, mourn, pity; hang
444 mottled, striped, freckle
445 tāo large waves
446 prisoner of war; take as prisoner
447 bēi humble, low, inferior; despise ,
448 zàng bury, inter
449 inscribe, engrave 座右
450 barbarians; barbarous, savage
451 fork of road; branching off ,
452 corridor, porch, veranda
453 guàn pour; water; irrigate, flood
454 miǎn endeavor, make effort; urge ,
455 máng blind; unperceptive, shortsighted
456 zǎi to slaughter; to rule
457 shà what?
458 zhàng swell, inflate, expand 通货膨
459 chě, che rip up, tear down; raise; haul
460 liáo distant, far
461 mǒ, mā smear, apply, wipe off, erase ,
462 tǒng thick piece of bamboo; pipe
463 simple, unadorned; sincere; surname; a tree ,
464 fu instruct, order ,
465 shì swear, pledge; oath ,
466 hóu throat, gullet, larynx; guttural
467 wàng absurd, foolish, reckless; false
468 restrain, seize, detain ,
469 chí go quickly or swiftly; hurry
470 lán railing, balustrade; animal pan
471 shì pass away; die
472 qiè secretly, stealthily; steal; thief
473 xiān fine, delicate; minute; graceful
474 fill; full, overflowing; surplus 热泪,
475 wink, blink; in a wink, a flash
476 yīng baby, infant; bother
477 jǐng neck, throat
478 tǎng if, supposing, in event of
479 cover, hide, conceal; shelter
480 chàng smoothly, freely, unrestrained , ,
481 give present; bestow, confer
482 guì kneel
483 diān top, peak, summit; upset ,
484 zhē cover, shield, protect
485 xū, yù interjection 'Alas!'; to sigh
486 pì, bì law, rule; open up, develop
487 tumor, lump, goiter
488 sǎo sister-in-law, elder brother's wife
489 kuāng, kuàng frame; framework; door frame
490 qīn respect, admire; respectful
491 yōng usual, common, ordinary, mediocre ,
492 hǒu roar, shout; bark, howl
493 tān spread out, open; apportion
494 zhǔ order, tell, instruct, leave word ,
495 heart, from bottom of one's heart 无动于 ,
496 jiāo seductive and loveable; tender
497 express surprise, be surprised
498 sǒng urge on; rise up; stir, excite
499 cuī destroy, break, injure
500 xīn fuel, firewood; salary
501 lín drip, soak, drench; perfectly
502 chǐ shame, humiliation; ashamed ,
503 hunger, starving; hungry; a famine 饿
504 bēng rupture, split apart, collapse
505 féng come upon, happen meet; flatter
506 chēng, cheng prop up, support; brace
507 xiáng soar, glide, hover; detailed
508 dried out, withered, decayed ,
509 còu piece together, assemble
510 mountain stream, creek
511 wriggle; stupid; silly; fat
512 chǎn explain, clarify, elucidate
513 wàng prosper; prosperous; increase
514 bēi stone tablet; gravestone 里程
515 move, shift on one side
516 zhī fat, grease, lard; grease
517 huǎng lie
518 kǎi sigh, regret; generous ,
519 jué dig, excavate; excavate cave
520 dài, dǎi seize, catch; reach, arrive
521 tāo take out; pull out; clean out
522 clear, evident; clearly
523 rare, scarce; surname
524 wǎn pull; pull back, draw back ,
525 zhōu boat, ship; KangXi radical 137
526 harass, bother, annoy, disturb ,
527 expand; open up; support or push
528 kēng pit, hole; bury, trap; harry
529 omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion
530 cliff, precipice; precipitous 峭壁
531 shā, chà temple, shrine, monastery ,
532 máng Miscanthus sinensis
533 jīn muscles; tendons 伤脑
534 gōu hook, barb; sickle; stroke with
535 gùn stick, cudgel; scoundrel
536 rǎng shout, brawl, make uproar, cry
537 xián string; hypotenuse, crescent
538 yàn flame, blaze; glowing, blazing
539 shuǎ frolic, play, amuse, play with
540 bow down, face down, look down
541 lèng be in a daze
542 ráo bountiful, abundant, plentiful
543 dīng nail, spike; pursue closely 截铁
544 dié pile; be piled up; fold up
545 irritate, vex, offend, incite
546 metaphor, analogy; example; like 不言而 , 户晓 ,
547 list, table; musical score
548 huáng bright, shining, luminous
549 róng to melt, dissolve; overflowing with
550 zhuì fall down, drop, sink, go to ruin
551 làn flood, overflow; excessive
552 crockery, porcelain, chinaware
553 bathe, wash; bath
554 break wind; fart; buttocks
555 varnish, lacquer, paint
556 cháo nest, living quarter in tree
557 fēn order, command, instruct
558 xiào roar, howl, scream; whistle
559 block up, obstruct; stagnant ,
560 knee
561 mào thick, lush, dense; talented
562 forgive, excuse, show mercy
563 ditch, canal, channel, gutter
564 early morning; 5th terrestrial branch
565 large, ocean-going vessel
566 bān confer, bestow; publish, promulgate ,
567 páo long gown, robe, cloak
568 cháo ridicule, deride, scorn, jeer at
569 xián bit; hold in mouth, bite; gag
570 juàn be tired of, weary
571 soak, wet; tolerate, be lenient
572 què sparrow 无声
573 jiāng stiff and motionless, stock still
574 zhī human limbs; animal feet
575 lǒng grave, mound; ridge in field
576 sojourn, lodge
577 cart, palanquin, sedan chair
578 evil, wrong, bad; criminal , ,
579 bitter cold, miserable, dreary
580 pěng hold up in two hands
581 jìn soak, immerse, dip, percolate
582 zhuān tile, brick
583 zhēng steam; evaporate
584 dǒu steep, sloping; abruptly, sudden
585 dumb, mute; become hoarse
586 fén grave, mound; bulge; bulging
587 zhǎ wink
588 seize; spring upon; strike , ,
589 lǒng collect, bring together
590 mèi obscure, dark; darken ,
591 monopolize; claim; arbitrarily; to dare ,
592 shuǎng happy, cheerful; refreshing
593 gē, ge place, put, lay down; delay
594 female; feminine; gentle, soft
595 shào whistle, blow whistle; chirp
596 gǒng bind; firm, secure, strong
597 formerly; ancient; in beginning
598 miù error, exaggeration; erroneous
599 an intelligence report; to spy; spying
600 daughter-in-law
601 yuān grievance, injustice, wrong
602 crow; Corvus species (various) 雀无声
603 péng type of raspberry; fairyland 朝气
604 xiàng alley, lane
605 zāi to cultivate, plant; to care for plants
606 zhān moisten, wet, soak; touch
607 cheat, defraud, swindle; trick
608 mán deceive, lie; eyes half-closed
609 fǎng spin, reel, weave; reeled pongee
610 guàn jar, jug, pitcher, pot
611 rǎng soil, loam, earth; rich
612 sòng laud, acclaim; hymn; ode
613 péng to swell; swollen, bloated, inflated 通货
614 harmonize, agree; joke, jest
615 crack, split, fissure; grudge
616 bǎng bind, tie, fasten ,
617 hēi be silent, be quiet
618 cuò push down; chop down; grind
619 spokes of wheel
620 beg; request
621 wa, wā vomit; cry of an infant
622 xiù embroider; embroidery; ornament
623 cane, walking stick
624 yǎn overflow, spill over, spread out
625 pān climb; pull; hang on to
626 metaphor, simile, example
627 indulge; excess; numeral four; particle meaning now, therefore; shop , 无忌惮
628 cry, sob, weep
629 frequently, often, again and again
630 zào tense, excited, irritable
631 hammer, mallet; vertebra
632 smash, crush, break; pound, mash
633 fān sail; boat 风顺
634 cuàn run away; revise, edit; expel
635 wán small round object; pellet, pill
636 cut, chop, sever; behead 钉截铁
637 dike
638 fall in ruins, collapse
639 fàn peddler, hawker, street merchant
640 xiān lift, raise; stir
641 riddle, conundrum; puzzle
642 niē pick with fingers; knead; mold
643 bīn beach, sea coast; river bank
644 to capture, imprison, seize; a prison
645 xiè lay down; retire from office
646 lake, fishpond, swamps
647 zhū numerary adjunct for trees; root
648 pōu split in two, slice; dissect
649 huā rushing sound; gush forward
650 cut apart, split, chop
651 qiè lacking in courage, afraid
652 mò, mo froth, foam, bubbles, suds
653 shù perpendicular, vertical; erect
654 jùn high, steep, towering; stern
655 lāo scoop out of water; dredge, fish
656 mean; low ,
657 vigor; body; dark part of moon ,
658 dōu pouch
659 hōng, hǒng coax; beguile, cheat, deceive
660 yǐng rice tassel; sharp point; clever
661 xiè bits, scraps, crumbs, fragments 一顾
662 ants
663 shèn soak through, infiltrate
664 bald
665 hàn drought; dry; dry land
666 qiǎn reprimand, scold, abuse
667 dào rice growing in field, rice plant
668 zhù melt, cast; coin, mint
669 huǎng seemingly; absent-minded 然大悟
670 decrease, lower; censure, criticize ,
671 zhú candle, taper; shine, illuminate
672 xiǔ decayed, rotten; rot, decay
673 commission fee
674 rough, uneven, rocky; mediocre
675 extend, reach; until; till 今为止
676 shēn girdle; tie, bind; gentry
677 bǎng placard; list of successful exam candidates
678 sòng recite, chant, repeat
679 birds, fowl; surname; ; capture 走兽
680 miáo take aim at; look at
681 carriage curtain; sun screen
682 look at, gaze at; observe
683 贿 bribe; bribes; riches, wealth 贿
684 miè disdain, disregard; slight ,
685 to tie
686 peng awning, covering; sail; boat
687 yān drown; cover with liquid, steep
688 kān investigate; compare; collate
689 càn vivid, illuminating; bright
690 chang roomy, spacious, open, broad ,
691 wax; candle; waxy, glazed; maggot; as a non-simplified form sometimes used as an equivalent to U+410D 䄍, meaning imperial harvest
692 crime, criminal offense ,
693 diàn advance money, pay for another
694 jealous, envious
695 yáo sing; folksong, ballad; rumor
696 zhěn pillow
697 beggar; beg; give
698 to seep out, excrete
699 dīng exhort or enjoin repeatedly
700 zhì throw, hurl, cast, fling
701 insult, ridicule, disgrace
702 shí nibble away; erode; eclipse
703 shuāng frost; crystallized; candied 雪上加
704 yùn to collect, gather, store; profound
705 to adorn oneself, dress up, use make-up
706 kǔn tie up; bind, truss up; bundle
707 bǐng third; 3rd heavenly stem
708 chāo paper money, bank notes; copy
709 quǎn dog; radical number 94
710 gōng body; personally, in person
711 zhòu daytime, daylight
712 diàn pay respect; settle
713 dǎo stamp feet; dance
714 lòu narrow; crude, coarse; ugly
715 companion; associate with
716 nephew
717 cruel, harsh, oppressive
718 fall, sink, let fall; degenerate
719 jīng stem, stalk
720 horn, bugle; lama; final particle
721 róng silk, cotton, or woolen fabric
722 jiǎo disturb, agitate, stir up
723 tie, join, connect; connection
724 jealousy; be jealous of
725 zào kitchen stove, cooking stove
726 pigeon, dove; Columba species (various)
727 wěi woof; parallels of latitude
728 fèi boil, bubble up, gush
729 farmland, arable land; category
730 stop, suppress, curb, check; a bar
731 shuò shine, glitter, sparkle
732 xiù smell, scent, sniff; olfactive
733 ba trumpet
734 extravagant, wasteful; exaggerate
735 stupid, clumsy, crude; convention
736 main beams supporting house
737 drain off, leak; flow, pour down
738 have interview with; meet
739 zhì young, immature; childhood
740 dǎo hull; thresh; beat, attack
741 embarrassed; ill at ease
742 chà be surprised, be shocked
743 limp, staggering gait; embarrass
744 jué prattle, be glib
745 kuàng extensive, wide, broad; empty
746 bud, sprout, shoot
747 tàn carbon 二氧化
748 be cautious, careful, alert
749 xiōng turbulent; noisy, restless
750 xīng raw meat; rank, strong-smelling
751 purify water by allowing sediment to settle; clear, pure
752 wither, wilt
753 tāo overflow; rushing water, a torrent 不绝
754 niàng brew, ferment
755 jiè warn, admonish; warning
756 hemp palm; palm tree
757 lively, noisy; clamor, talk loudly
758 serve, wait upon, attend; examine
759 shāo pointed tip of something long like a branch; rudder
760 embankment; dam
761 spread, diffuse; apply, paint
762 cover, shield, shelter, protect
763 scratch; disturb, bother; submit
764 lǒu hug, embrace; drag, pull
765 zào be noisy; chirp loudly
766 jia sow grain; sheaves of grain
767 sleep, rest; bed chamber 忘食
768 chew food; feed
769 zhì flag, pennant; sign; fasten
770 róu rub, massage; crush by hand
771 greasy, oily, dirty; smooth
772 paralysis, palsy, numbness
773 seek; search
774 out-of-the-way, remote; unorthodox
775 creeping plants, tendrils, vines
776 question-forming particle, why? how? what?; to bite; loud
777 qiàn inlay, set in; fall into; rugged
778 pàn boundary path dividing fields
779 astringent; harsh; uneven, rough
780 bèng hop, leap, jump; bright
781 talkative; quarrelous
782 vomit; annoy, enrage
783 protrude, bulge out, convex
784 put out, extinguish, quash
785 shang clothes; skirt; beautiful
786 āo concave, hollow, depressed; a pass, valley
787 táng chest; hollow space, cavity
788 deaf
789 stop, prevent; defeated, dejected
790 bud, sprout
791 discard, abandon, throw away
792 careless, frivolous; illicit; grammatical particle: if, but, if only; surname; grass name; distinguish DKW 30853 (ji4) 一丝不
793 ant; leech
794 jiǎn temperate, frugal, economical
795 invitation card; notice
796 jiān fry in fat or oil; boil in water
797 villa, country house
798 bad, vicious, depraved, wicked
799 ling lonely, solitary; actor
800 kuò broad, wide, open, empty; to expand
801 conceal; shun; regard as taboo
802 bàn petal; segment; valves
803 wang useless, in vain; bent, crooked
804 zuó polish jade; cut jade
805 ridicule, jeer, mock; inspect
806 shēn groan, moan; recite with intonation
807 kāng ardent; generous, magnanimous
808 chuí balance weight on scale; hammer
809 jiǎng oar, paddle
810 bàng pound; weigh
811 offer food superior; send gift
812 jiàn sprinkle, spray; spill, splash
813 gài calcium
814 clear, manifest, obvious
815 be blinded
816 high mound; hilly countryside; wasteland
817 zhān look; look out for; respect
818 dào grieve, mourn, lament; grieved
819 jiǎn choose; select; pick up; gather
820 miǎo endlessly long, boundless, vast
821 tài excessive; scour, wash out 优胜劣 ,
822 xiāng insert, inlay, set, mount; fill
823 lying prone, leaning over
824 serve wine; feast; deliberate
825 zhuó muddy, turbid, dirty, filthy
826 hàn move, shake; (Cant.) to fight
827 káng carry on shoulders; lift
828 qiào steep, precipitous, rugged 悬崖,
829 hit; collide, knock into; sound
830 qiào turn up, lift, elevate, raise
831 xūn smoke, fog, vapor; smoke, cure
832 zhui patch together, link, connect
833 huái linger, walk to and fro, hesitate
834 fáng animal fat
835 tear; snivel, nasal mucus
836 tired, weary, fatigued
837 sincere, warm, cordial; surname ,
838 to unravel or unreel silk; to interpret , 不绝
839 friendly, amiable, peaceful
840 hole, opening, aperture
841 zhōu rice gruel, congee
842 blue, dark green; cold 饱经
843 idle, remiss, negligent; neglect
844 lóng throat
845 pèi abundant, full, copious; sudden
846 zhǎn high, steep, precipitous; new
847 bow, bend; rear, raise, nourish
848 to blend with, be in harmony; to penetrate; to cover; a river in Shenxi ,
849 tuò spit, spit on; saliva
850 letter, invitation; choose
851 lift up, hold up, support
852 scar, cicatrix; birthmark
853 blunt, obtuse; dull; flat; dull-witted
854 máng people; subjects; vassals
855 lever, pole, crowbar; sharpen
856 make false accusation; defame
857 express; eliminate; relieve 己见
858 luxurious, extravagant
859 pái walk back and forth, hesitate
860 suo suck
861 bèi a legendary animal with short forelegs which rode a wolf
862 cuō to rub or roll between the hands
863 rent, hire; hired person
864 covet; covetous, avaricious
865 confused, disorder 有条不
866 fearful, cautious, wary 业业
867 scratch; dig up; crawl; crouch
868 paralysis, numbness of limbs
869 xiāo night, evening, dark
870 diverge, branch off; fork in road
871 rèn strong and pliable, resilient
872 biē to suppress inner feelings; hasty
873 xìn consecrate sacrificial vessels by smearing blood; rift
874 ài narrow, confined; a strategic pass
875 approach, be on verge of; near
876 pick out; scrape off; scrape meat
877 diàn shallow water, swamp; swampy
878 to sew in close stitches
879 to pour wine or tea into a cup; to gauge
880 níng pinch; twist, wring; determined
881 luxuriant, thick; ornamental
882 kuàng eye socket; rim of eye 热泪盈
883 waterfall, cascade; heavy rain
884 zhā refuse, dregs, lees, sediment
885 wagon ruts, wheel tracks 南辕北
886 sound of beating wind and rain
887 pitfall, trap, snare
888 duō tremble, shiver, shudder, quiver
889 biàn braid; pigtail, plait, queue
890 drag, tow; throw; twist
891 strain out, filter
892 notice; pay attention to
893 slander, libel
894 hàn ward off, guard against, defend
895 rash; addiction, craving, habit ,
896 polish, buff; scrutinize
897 confused, in disarray, mixed up
898 hōng bake, roast; dry by fire
899 bribe; give present 贿
900 gush out; burst forth; split
901 shine, glitter; show off, flaunt 耀
902 hāi an exclamation
903 indolent, careless, lazy, idle
904 tuǒ oval-shaped, elliptical, tubular
905 upright and strong; amiable 而谈
906 watch carefully, stare at, focus on 举世
907 buds, unopened flowers
908 chuī cook; meal
909 suì tunnel, underground passageway, path to a tomb
910 kěn gnaw, chew, bite
911 tiǎn lick with tongue; taste
912 dēng step on, tread on; lose energy
913 fu a piece of cloth used wrap bundles
914 beat, fight with fists, hit
915 be lucky; by chance, by luck
916 liquor, spirits, wine; ferment
917 thoroughly, completely
918 xiù rust, corrode
919 chóu dense, crowded, packed; soupy
920 chān give helping hand
921 shāi sieve, filter, screen; sift
922 paralysis, numbness
923 béng there is no need
924 chat, jaw, gossip, talk
925 move one's abode, shift, migrate
926 kuāng bamboo basket or chest
927 sun, air in sun, expose or dry in the sun
928 cáo noisy
929 ǎi lush; affable, friendly
930 boil, cook; quick fry, stir fry
931 bathe, cleanse, wash, shampoo
932 qiā hold; gather with hand; choke
933 suck; chew, masticate
934 stingy, miserly, parsimonious
935 cooked or prepared meat
936 gài water, irrigate, flood; wash
937 pimple, sore, boil, wart, pustule
938 zòu hit, beat; smash, break
939 slander, vilify, condemn
940 stubborn, obstinate, intransigent; firm
941 zǎn save, hoard
942 da pimples
943 misfortune, disaster, calamity
944 smooth; active; clever, sharp
945 bàn mix
946 orange
947 winnower
948 wǎn regret, be sorry; alarmed
949 dread, shrink from, shirk, fear 肆无忌
950 shāo to select; to take; to carry
951 make mischief, incite, instigate
952 to press or extract juices; a press to extract juices; a vegetable
953 step on, tread on; stumble, slip
954 diāo holding in mouth
955 chèng balance, scale, steelyard
956 diàn think of, remember, miss
957 disregard, slight, disdain
958 xiàn filling, stuffing; secret
959 obscure, dim, ambiguous, vague
960 axle; magistrate's office; surname 北辙
961 chán gluttonous, greedy; lewd, lecherous
962 miserly, thrifty; stingy
963 leap, jump
964 xuān warm, comfortable; warm, genial
965 liàng air-dry; sun-dry
966 lameness, paralysis of hands, leg
967 blocked or separated; to prevent
968 kuà carry
969 báo hail
970 drunk, to become violent under the influence of alcohol
971 zhǔ lean on; post; prod; ridicule
972 bāi (Cant.) to tear, to rip
973 meat diet; strong smelling
974 cooked food; cook until well done
975 iron, press
976 rinse; cook or boil in juice 火锅
977 sickle; cut, carve, engrave 而不舍
978 phonetic