HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1138th character |
RADICAL | ⾂ (131.0) |
INDEX # | 380 |
minister, statesman, official
- minister, statesman, official
- surname Chen
- state official or subject in dynastic China
- I, your servant (used in addressing the sovereign)
- Kangxi radical 131

大臣 dà chén | chancellor (of a monarchy); cabinet minister |
车臣 chē chén | Chechnya, a republic in southwestern Russia; Chechen |
臣服 chén fú | to acknowledge allegiance to (some regime); to serve |
臣民 chén mín | subject (of a kingdom, ruler etc) |
功臣 gōng chén | minister who has given outstanding service |
忠臣 zhōng chén | faithful official |
俯首称臣 fǔ shǒu chēng chén | to bow before (idiom); to capitulate |
家臣 jiā chén | counselor of king or feudal warlord; henchman |
李舜臣 lǐ shùn chén | Yi Sunshin (1545-1598), Korean admiral and folk hero, famous for sea victories over the Japanese invaders |
臣子 chén zǐ | official in feudal court; subject |
外交大臣 wài jiāo dà chén | Foreign Secretary; (UK) Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs |
弄臣 nòng chén | emperor's favorite courtier |
奸臣 jiān chén | a treacherous court official; a minister who conspires against the state |
名臣 míng chén | important official or statesman (in feudal China) |
一朝天子一朝臣 yī cháo tiān zǐ yī cháo chén | new emperor, new officials (idiom); a new chief brings in new aides |
乱臣贼子 luàn chén zéi zǐ | rebels and traitors (idiom); general term for scoundrel |
亂臣賊子 luàn chén zéi zǐ | rebels and traitors (idiom); general term for scoundrel |
人臣 rén chén | an official (in former times) |
位极人臣 wèi jí rén chén | to have reached the highest official positions |
位極人臣 wèi jí rén chén | to have reached the highest official positions |
俯首稱臣 fǔ shǒu chēng chén | to bow before (idiom); to capitulate |
内臣 nèi chén | chamberlain |
內臣 nèi chén | chamberlain |
内阁总理大臣 nèi gé zǒng lǐ dà chén | formal title of the Japanese prime minister |
內閣總理大臣 nèi gé zǒng lǐ dà chén | formal title of the Japanese prime minister |