2499 words

# Hanzi Pinyin Meaning
1 ó, ò, é oh? really? is that so?
2 hēi be silent, be quiet
3 hāi an exclamation
4 ma, má final exclamatory particle
5 家伙 jiā huo variant of 家伙[jia1 huo5]; household dish, implement or furniture; domestic animal; (coll.) guy; chap; weapon
6 la final particle of assertion
7 wa, wā vomit; cry of an infant
8 拜托 bài tuō to request sb to do sth; please!
9 而已 ér yǐ that's all; nothing more
10 夫人 fū ren lady; madam; Mrs.; CL:位[wei4]
11 尸体 shī tǐ dead body; corpse; carcass; CL:具[ju4]
12 现场 xiàn chǎng the scene (of a crime, accident etc); (on) the spot; (at) the site
13 监狱 jiān yù prison
14 shà what?
15 死亡 sǐ wáng to die; death
16 拥有 yōng yǒu to have; to possess
17 凶手 xiōng shǒu murderer; assassin
18 屁股 pì gu buttocks; bottom; butt; back part
19 选手 xuǎn shǒu athlete; contestant
20 投票 tóu piào to vote; vote
21 撒谎 sā huǎng to tell lies
22 武器 wǔ qì weapon; arms; CL:種|种[zhong3]
23 发誓 fā shì to vow; to pledge; to swear
24 意识 yì shí consciousness; awareness; to be aware; to realize
25 线索 xiàn suǒ trail; clues; thread (of a story)
26 smash, crush, break; pound, mash
27 失踪 shī zōng to be missing; to disappear; unaccounted for
28 真相 zhēn xiàng the truth about sth; the actual facts
29 恐怖 kǒng bù terrible; frightful; frightening; terror; terrorist
30 性感 xìng gǎn sex appeal; eroticism; sexuality; sexy
31 意味着 yì wèi zhe to signify; to mean; to imply
32 交易 jiāo yì (business) transaction; business deal; CL:筆|笔[bi3]
33 恶心 ě xīn variant of 惡心|恶心[e3 xin1]; nausea; to feel sick; disgust; nauseating; to embarrass (deliberately)
34 舞蹈 wǔ dǎo dance (performance art); dancing
35 事件 shì jiàn event; happening; incident; CL:個|个[ge4]
36 assist; supplement; assistant
37 攻击 gōng jī to attack; to accuse; to charge; an attack (terrorist or military)
38 试图 shì tú to attempt; to try
39 淘汰 táo tài to wash out; elimination (by selection); natural selection; to knock out (in a competition); to die out; to phase out
40 子弹 zǐ dàn bullet; CL:粒[li4],顆|颗[ke1],發|发[fa1]
41 毒品 dú pǐn drugs; narcotics; poison
42 袭击 xí jī attack (esp. surprise attack); raid; to attack
43 灵魂 líng hún soul; spirit
44 爆炸 bào zhà explosion; to explode; to blow up; to detonate
45 dīng rivet gaze upon, keep eyes on
46 愚蠢 yú chǔn silly; stupid
47 跟踪 gēn zōng to follow sb's tracks; to tail; to shadow; tracking
48 绑架 bǎng jià to kidnap; to abduct; to hijack; a kidnapping; abduction; staking
49 客户 kè hù client; customer
50 将军 jiāng jūn Chiangchun township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan; general; high-ranking military officer; to check or checkmate; fig. to embarrass; to challenge; to put sb on the spot
51 zhōu administrative division, state
52 毫无 háo wú not in the least; to completely lack
53 逮捕 dài bǔ to arrest; to apprehend; an arrest
54 成员 chéng yuán member
55 监视 jiān shì to monitor; to keep a close watch over; surveillance
56 警告 jǐng gào to warn; to admonish
57 尝试 cháng shì to try; to attempt; CL:次[ci4]
58 搭档 dā dàng to cooperate; partner
59 对付 duì fu to handle; to deal with; to cope; to get by with
60 荣幸 róng xìng honored (to have the privilege of ...)
61 队伍 duì wǔ ranks; troops; queue; line; procession; CL:個|个[ge4],支[zhi1],條|条[tiao2]
62 偶像 ǒu xiàng idol
63 同志 tóng zhì comrade; (slang) homosexual; CL:個|个[ge4]
64 军队 jūn duì army; troops; CL:支[zhi1],個|个[ge4]
65 侦探 zhēn tàn detective; to do detective work
66 确保 què bǎo to ensure; to guarantee
67 shuǎ frolic, play, amuse, play with
68 战斗 zhàn dòu to fight; to engage in combat; struggle; battle; CL:場|场[chang2],次[ci4]
69 展示 zhǎn shì to reveal; to display; to show; to exhibit sth
70 进展 jìn zhǎn to make headway; to make progress
71 乐意 lè yì to be willing to do sth; to be ready to do sth; to be happy to do sth; content; satisfied
72 解雇 jiě gù to fire; to sack; to dismiss; to terminate employment
73 时光 shí guāng time; era; period of time
74 无辜 wú gū innocent; innocence; not guilty (law)
75 join together, attach to; add to
76 恐惧 kǒng jù to be frightened; fear; dread
77 惊讶 jīng yà amazed; astonished; to surprise; amazing; astonishment; awe
78 事业 shì yè undertaking; project; activity; (charitable, political or revolutionary) cause; publicly funded institution, enterprise or foundation; career; occupation; CL:個|个[ge4]
79 不可思议 bù kě sī yì inconceivable (idiom); unimaginable; unfathomable
80 案件 àn jiàn case; instance; CL:宗[zong1],樁|桩[zhuang1],起[qi3]
81 档案 dàng àn file; record; archive
82 协议 xié yì agreement; pact; protocol; CL:項|项[xiang4]
83 抢劫 qiǎng jié to rob; looting
84 代价 dài jià price; cost; consideration (in share dealing)
85 背叛 bèi pàn to betray
86 天堂 tiān táng paradise; heaven
87 释放 shì fàng to release; to set free; to liberate (a prisoner); to discharge
88 执行 zhí xíng to implement; to carry out; to execute; to run
89 报警 bào jǐng to sound an alarm; to report sth to the police
90 折磨 zhé mó to torment; to torture
91 juǎn, juàn scroll; curl; make a comeback
92 sōu counter for ships, vessels
93 罪犯 zuì fàn criminal
94 stab; prick, irritate; prod
95 情报 qíng bào information; intelligence
96 暴力 bào lì violence; force; violent
97 事故 shì gù accident; CL:樁|桩[zhuang1],起[qi3],次[ci4]
98 神经 shén jīng nerve; mental state; (coll.) unhinged; nutjob
99 牺牲 xī shēng to sacrifice one's life; to sacrifice (sth valued); beast slaughtered as a sacrifice
100 愤怒 fèn nù angry; indignant; wrath; ire
101 婴儿 yīng ér infant; baby; CL:個|个[ge4]; lead (Pb)
102 tower, spire, tall building
103 信仰 xìn yǎng to believe in (a religion); firm belief; conviction
104 魔鬼 mó guǐ devil
105 孤独 gū dú lonely; solitary
106 惩罚 chéng fá penalty; punishment; to punish
107 神奇 shén qí magical; mystical; miraculous
108 bàng pound; weigh
109 承诺 chéng nuò to promise; to undertake to do something; commitment
110 间谍 jiàn dié spy
111 确信 què xìn to be convinced; to be sure; to firmly believe; to be positive that; definite news
112 hēng hum; sing softly; groan, moan; (Cant.) an interjecting indicating disapproval
113 尴尬 gān gà awkward; embarrassed
114 生物 shēng wù organism; living creature; life form; biological; CL:個|个[ge4]
115 能量 néng liàng energy; capabilities
116 清醒 qīng xǐng clear-headed; sober; awake
117 感染 gǎn rǎn infection; to infect; to influence
118 指望 zhǐ wàng to hope for sth; to count on; hope
119 抛弃 pāo qì to abandon; to discard; to renounce; to dump (sb)
120 zòu hit, beat; smash, break
121 美妙 měi miào beautiful; wonderful; splendid
122 擅长 shàn cháng to be good at; to be expert in
123 忍受 rěn shòu to bear; to endure
124 动手 dòng shǒu to set about (a task); to hit; to punch; to touch
125 清理 qīng lǐ to clear up; to tidy up; to dispose of
126 完毕 wán bì to finish; to end; to complete
127 机构 jī gòu mechanism; structure; organization; agency; institution; CL:所[suo3]
128 即将 jí jiāng on the eve of; to be about to; to be on the verge of
129 钻石 zuàn shí diamond; CL:顆|颗[ke1]
130 艰难 jiān nán difficult; hard; challenging
131 坦白 tǎn bái honest; forthcoming; to confess
132 慈善 cí shàn benevolent; charitable
133 痕迹 hén jì vestige; mark; trace
134 区域 qū yù area; region; district
135 镜头 jìng tóu camera lens; camera shot (in a movie etc); scene
136 联盟 lián méng alliance; union; coalition
137 审判 shěn pàn a trial; to try sb
138 基地 jī dì base (of operations); industrial or military base; al-Qaeda
139 嫉妒 jí dù to be jealous; to envy; to hate
140 保姆 bǎo mǔ nanny; housekeeper
141 摇滚 yáo gǔn rock 'n' roll (music); to rock; to fall off
142 天赋 tiān fù gift; innate skill
143 打架 dǎ jià to fight; to scuffle; to come to blows; CL:場|场[chang2]
144 打击 dǎ jī to hit; to strike; to attack; to crack down on sth; blow; (psychological) shock; percussion (music)
145 类似 lèi sì similar; analogous
146 激情 jī qíng passion; fervor; enthusiasm; strong emotion
147 注射 zhù shè injection; to inject
148 转移 zhuǎn yí to shift; to divert or distract (attention etc); to change; to transform; metastasis (medicine); to evacuate (people)
149 保密 bǎo mì to keep sth confidential; to maintain secrecy
150 助手 zhù shǒu assistant; helper
151 摆脱 bǎi tuō to break away from; to cast off (old ideas etc); to get rid of; to break away (from); to break out (of); to free oneself from; to extricate oneself
152 main beams supporting house
153 迷人 mí rén fascinating; enchanting; charming; tempting
154 开除 kāi chú to expel (a member of an organization); to fire (an employee)
155 仪式 yí shì ceremony
156 混乱 hùn luàn confusion; chaos; disorder
157 联络 lián luò to get in touch with; to contact; to stay in contact (with); liaison; (math.) connection
158 癌症 ái zhèng cancer
159 jiàn sword, dagger, saber
160 天才 tiān cái talent; gift; genius; talented; gifted
161 发射 fā shè to shoot (a projectile); to fire (a rocket); to launch; to emit (a particle); to discharge; emanation; emission
162 生存 shēng cún to exist; to survive
163 结局 jié jú conclusion; ending
164 非法 fēi fǎ illegal
165 人家 rén jiā household; dwelling; family; sb else's house; household business; house of woman's husband-to-be; CL:戶|户[hu4],家[jia1]
166 动机 dòng jī motor; locomotive; motive; motivation; intention
167 欺骗 qī piàn to deceive; to cheat
168 并非 bìng fēi really isn't
169 人质 rén zhì hostage
170 扮演 bàn yǎn to play the role of; to act
171 宇宙 yǔ zhòu universe; cosmos
172 剧本 jù běn script for play, opera, movie etc; screenplay; scenario
173 证实 zhèng shí to confirm (sth to be true); to verify
174 被告 bèi gào defendant
175 kòu knock, strike, rap, tap; button
176 时机 shí jī fortunate timing; occasion; opportunity
177 辩护 biàn hù to speak in defense of; to argue in favor of; to defend; to plead
178 起码 qǐ mǎ at the minimum; at the very least
179 宁愿 nìng yuàn would rather; better
180 隐瞒 yǐn mán to conceal; to hide (a taboo subject); to cover up the truth
181 社区 shè qū community; neighborhood
182 助理 zhù lǐ assistant
183 渴望 kě wàng to thirst for; to long for
184 liū slide, glide, slip; slippery
185 太空 tài kōng outer space
186 毁灭 huǐ miè to perish; to ruin; to destroy
187 眼神 yǎn shén expression or emotion showing in one's eyes; meaningful glance; wink; eyesight (dialect)
188 古怪 gǔ guài eccentric; grotesque; oddly; queer
189 进攻 jìn gōng to attack; to assault; to go on the offensive; attack; assault; offense (sports)
190 报复 bào fù to make reprisals; to retaliate; revenge; retaliation
191 move; dispel; distribute
192 荒谬 huāng miù absurd; ridiculous
193 卫星 wèi xīng satellite; moon; CL:顆|颗[ke1]
194 嘲笑 cháo xiào to jeer at; to deride; to ridicule; mockery; derision
195 期望 qī wàng to have expectations; to earnestly hope; expectation; hope
196 冒犯 mào fàn to offend
197 娃娃 wá wa baby; small child; doll
198 达成 dá chéng to reach (an agreement); to accomplish
199 夫妇 fū fù a (married) couple; husband and wife; CL:對|对[dui4]
200 新娘 xīn niáng bride
201 竞选 jìng xuǎn to take part in an election; to run for office
202 亲密 qīn mì intimate; close
203 cut, divide, partition; cede
204 制服 zhì fú to subdue; to check; to bring under control; (in former times) what one is allowed to wear depending on social status; uniform (army, party, school etc); livery (for company employees); CL:套[tao4]
205 直播 zhí bō live broadcast (not recorded); direct Internet broadcasting; (agriculture) direct seeding
206 宗教 zōng jiào religion
207 崩溃 bēng kuì to collapse; to crumble; to fall apart
208 chéng ride, ascend; avail oneself of; numerary adjunct for vehicles
209 陷入 xiàn rù to sink into; to get caught up in; to land in (a predicament)
210 回报 huí bào (in) return; reciprocation; payback; retaliation; to report back; to reciprocate
211 试验 shì yàn experiment; test; CL:次[ci4],個|个[ge4]; to experiment; experimental
212 异常 yì cháng exceptional; abnormal; an anomaly
213 疾病 jí bìng disease; sickness; ailment
214 展现 zhǎn xiàn to come out; to emerge; to reveal; to display
215 强迫 qiǎng pò to compel; to force
216 暗示 àn shì to hint; to suggest; suggestion; hint
217 当事人 dāng shì rén persons involved or implicated; party (to an affair)
218 绝望 jué wàng to despair; to give up all hope; desperate; desperation
219 沮丧 jǔ sàng dispirited; dejected; dismayed
220 灾难 zāi nàn disaster; catastrophe
221 正义 zhèng yì justice; righteousness; just; righteous
222 荣誉 róng yù honor; credit; glory; (honorable) reputation; honorary
223 技巧 jì qiǎo skill; technique
224 中央 zhōng yāng central; middle; center; central authorities (of a state)
225 提议 tí yì proposal; suggestion; to propose; to suggest
226 即便 jí biàn even if; even though; right away; immediately
227 机密 jī mì secret; classified (information)
228 忠诚 zhōng chéng devoted; loyal; fidelity; loyalty
229 走廊 zǒu láng corridor; aisle; hallway; passageway; veranda
230 当初 dāng chū at that time; originally
231 症状 zhèng zhuàng symptom (of an illness)
232 系列 xì liè series; set
233 保重 bǎo zhòng to take care of oneself
234 震惊 zhèn jīng to shock; to astonish
235 反抗 fǎn kàng to resist; to rebel
236 心灵 xīn líng bright; smart; quick-witted; heart; thoughts; spirit
237 掩护 yǎn hù to screen; to shield; to cover; protection; cover; CL:面[mian4]
238 活力 huó lì energy; vitality; vigor; vital force
239 天生 tiān shēng nature; disposition; innate; natural
240 méi stalk of shrub, trunk of tree
241 不止 bù zhǐ incessantly; without end; more than; not limited to
242 障碍 zhàng ài barrier; obstruction; hindrance; impediment; obstacle
243 顾问 gù wèn adviser; consultant
244 危机 wēi jī crisis; CL:個|个[ge4]
245 主管 zhǔ guǎn in charge; responsible for; person in charge; manager
246 保守 bǎo shǒu conservative; to guard; to keep
247 维持 wéi chí to keep; to maintain; to preserve
248 主义 zhǔ yì -ism; ideology
249 guàn jar, jug, pitcher, pot
250 视频 shì pín video
251 出卖 chū mài to offer for sale; to sell; to sell out or betray
252 标记 biāo jì sign; mark; symbol; to mark up; (computing) token
253 治安 zhì ān law and order; public security
254 昏迷 hūn mí to lose consciousness; to be in a coma; stupor; coma; stunned; disoriented
255 侮辱 wǔ rǔ to insult; to humiliate; dishonor
256 凌晨 líng chén very early in the morning; in the wee hours
257 暴露 bào lù to expose; to reveal; to lay bare; also pr. [pu4 lu4]
258 绅士 shēn shì gentleman
259 公民 gōng mín citizen
260 残忍 cán rěn cruel; mean; merciless; ruthless
261 造型 zào xíng to model; to shape; appearance; style; design; form; pose
262 神圣 shén shèng divine; hallow; holy; sacred
263 迹象 jì xiàng mark; indication; sign; indicator
264 航空 háng kōng aviation
265 仓库 cāng kù depot; storehouse; warehouse
266 码头 mǎ tóu dock; pier; wharf; CL:個|个[ge4]
267 大不了 dà bù liǎo at worst; if worst comes to worst; serious; alarming
268 本人 běn rén the person himself; I (humble form used in speeches); oneself; myself; in person; personal
269 补偿 bǔ cháng to compensate; to make up
270 冲动 chōng dòng to have an urge; to be impetuous; impulse; urge
271 演奏 yǎn zòu to perform on a musical instrument
272 城堡 chéng bǎo castle; rook (chess piece)
273 对抗 duì kàng to withstand; to resist; to stand off; antagonism; confrontation
274 按摩 àn mó massage; to massage
275 本身 běn shēn itself; in itself; per se
276 奴隶 nú lì slave
277 áo cook down, to boil; endure
278 在意 zài yì to care about; to mind
279 拜访 bài fǎng to pay a visit; to call on
280 奖励 jiǎng lì to reward; reward (as encouragement)
281 引擎 yǐn qíng engine (loanword); CL:臺|台[tai2]
282 膝盖 xī gài knee; (Internet slang) to kneel down (in admiration)
283 zǎi to slaughter; to rule
284 zéi thief, traitor; kill
285 种族 zhǒng zú race; ethnicity
286 舌头 shé tou tongue; CL:個|个[ge4]; enemy soldier captured for the purpose of extracting information
287 消灭 xiāo miè to put an end to; to annihilate; to cause to perish; to perish; annihilation (in quantum field theory)
288 乐趣 lè qù delight; pleasure; joy
289 tiǎn lick with tongue; taste
290 虐待 nüè dài to mistreat; to maltreat; to abuse; mistreatment; maltreatment
291 薪水 xīn shuǐ salary; wage
292 理智 lǐ zhì reason; intellect; rationality; rational
293 封锁 fēng suǒ to blockade; to seal off
294 诉讼 sù sòng lawsuit
295 基因 jī yīn gene (loanword)
296 职位 zhí wèi post; office; position
297 可恶 kě wù repulsive; vile; hateful; abominable
298 zhā, zhá pull up; pierce; struggle free
299 支援 zhī yuán to provide assistance; to support; to back
300 确切 què qiè definite; exact; precise
301 排练 pái liàn to rehearse; rehearsal
302 评论 píng lùn to comment on; to discuss; comment; commentary; CL:篇[pian1]
303 基金 jī jīn fund
304 投降 tóu xiáng to surrender; surrender
305 漫画 màn huà caricature; cartoon; Japanese manga
306 灵感 líng gǎn inspiration; insight; a burst of creativity in scientific or artistic endeavor
307 角落 jiǎo luò nook; corner
308 预言 yù yán to predict; prophecy
309 策略 cè lüè strategy; tactics; crafty; adroit
310 装备 zhuāng bèi equipment; to equip; to outfit
311 领先 lǐng xiān to lead; to be in front
312 声明 shēng míng to state; to declare; statement; declaration; CL:項|项[xiang4],份[fen4]
313 流氓 liú máng rogue; hoodlum; gangster; immoral behavior
314 排除 pái chú to eliminate; to remove; to exclude; to rule out
315 成交 chéng jiāo to complete a contract; to reach a deal
316 皇后 huáng hòu empress; imperial consort
317 消防 xiāo fáng firefighting; fire control
318 hǒu roar, shout; bark, howl
319 发动 fā dòng to start; to launch; to unleash; to mobilize; to arouse
320 集团 jí tuán group; bloc; corporation; conglomerate
321 协助 xié zhù to provide assistance; to aid
322 动力 dòng lì motive power; force; (fig.) motivation; impetus
323 阴谋 yīn móu plot; conspiracy
324 性命 xìng mìng life
325 协会 xié huì an association; a society; CL:個|个[ge4],家[jia1]
326 喉咙 hóu lóng throat; larynx
327 爆发 bào fā to break out; to erupt; to explode; to burst out
328 陷害 xiàn hài to entrap; to set up; to frame (up); to make false charges against
329 瞄准 miáo zhǔn to take aim at; to target
330 荒唐 huāng táng beyond belief; preposterous; absurd; intemperate; dissipated
331 随意 suí yì as one wishes; according to one's wishes; at will; voluntary; conscious
332 策划 cè huà to plot; to scheme; to bring about; to engineer; planning; producer; planner
333 弥补 mí bǔ to complement; to make up for a deficiency
334 dǎng political party, gang, faction
335 判决 pàn jué judgment (by a court of law); to pass judgment on; to sentence
336 来源 lái yuán source (of information etc); origin
337 依靠 yī kào to rely on sth (for support etc); to depend on
338 公正 gōng zhèng just; fair; equitable
339 陷阱 xiàn jǐng pitfall; snare; trap
340 委托 wěi tuō to entrust; to trust; to commission
341 冲突 chōng tū conflict; to conflict; clash of opposing forces; collision (of interests); contention
342 quǎn dog; radical number 94
343 化妆 huà zhuāng to put on makeup
344 指示 zhǐ shì to point out; to indicate; to instruct; directives; instructions; CL:個|个[ge4]
345 卑鄙 bēi bǐ base; mean; contemptible; despicable
346 duān end, extreme; head; beginning
347 人士 rén shì person; figure; public figure
348 脆弱 cuì ruò weak; frail
349 侵犯 qīn fàn to infringe on; to encroach on; to violate; to assault
350 器官 qì guān organ (part of body tissue); apparatus
351 崇拜 chóng bài to worship; adoration
352 考验 kǎo yàn to test; to put to the test; trial; ordeal
353 欲望 yù wàng desire; longing; appetite; craving
354 魔术 mó shù magic
355 实力 shí lì strength
356 chú eliminate, remove, except
357 赌博 dǔ bó to gamble
358 处境 chǔ jìng situation (of a person)
359 huang, huàng, huǎng bright, dazzling; to sway, shake
360 继承 jì chéng to inherit; to succeed to (the throne etc); to carry on (a tradition etc)
361 rǎn dye; be contagious; infect
362 企图 qǐ tú to attempt; to try; attempt; CL:種|种[zhong3]
363 隔离 gé lí to separate; to isolate
364 雇佣 gù yōng to employ; to hire
365 无能为力 wú néng wéi lì impotent (idiom); powerless; helpless
366 dīng male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem
367 挣扎 zhēng zhá to struggle
368 领袖 lǐng xiù leader; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2]
369 骚扰 sāo rǎo to disturb; to cause a commotion; to harass
370 许可 xǔ kě to allow; to permit
371 难堪 nán kān hard to take; embarrassed
372 汇报 huì bào to report; to give an account of; to collect information and report back; report
373 过度 guò dù excessive; over-; excess; going too far; extravagant; intemperate; overdue
374 包围 bāo wéi to surround; to encircle; to hem in
375 提示 tí shì to point out; to remind (sb of sth); to suggest; suggestion; tip; reminder; notice
376 fèi lungs
377 混合 hùn hé to mix; to blend; hybrid; composite
378 明智 míng zhì sensible; wise; judicious; sagacious
379 武装 wǔ zhuāng arms; equipment; to arm; military; armed (forces)
380 指甲 zhǐ jia fingernail
381 斗争 dòu zhēng a struggle; fight; battle
382 透露 tòu lù to leak out; to divulge; to reveal
383 选举 xuǎn jǔ to elect; election; CL:次[ci4],個|个[ge4]
384 足以 zú yǐ sufficient to...; so much so that; so that
385 隐私 yǐn sī secrets; private business; privacy
386 口音 kǒu yin voice; accent
387 旋转 xuán zhuǎn to rotate; to revolve; to spin; to whirl
388 回顾 huí gù to look back; to review
389 穿越 chuān yuè to pass through; to traverse; to cross
390 biǎn flat; tablet, signboard
391 欢乐 huān lè gaiety; gladness; glee; merriment; pleasure; happy; joyous; gay
392 抚养 fǔ yǎng to foster; to bring up; to raise
393 环节 huán jié (zoology) segment (of the body of a worm, centipede etc); (fig.) a part of an integrated whole: aspect (of a project), element (of a policy), sector (of the economy), stage (of a process), etc
394 使命 shǐ mìng mission; long-term task to which one devotes oneself; a calling
395 残酷 cán kù cruel; cruelty
396 场合 chǎng hé situation; occasion; context; setting; location; venue
397 酒精 jiǔ jīng alcohol; ethanol CH3CH2OH; ethyl alcohol; also written 乙醇; grain alcohol
398 模型 mó xíng model; mold; matrix; pattern
399 解除 jiě chú to remove; to sack; to get rid of; to relieve (sb of their duties); to free; to lift (an embargo); to rescind (an agreement)
400 评估 píng gū to evaluate; to assess; assessment; evaluation
401 通讯 tōng xùn communications; news story; dispatch; CL:個|个[ge4]
402 典型 diǎn xíng model; typical case; archetype; typical; representative
403 给予 jǐ yǔ to accord; to give; to show (respect)
404 伪造 wěi zào to forge; to fake; to counterfeit
405 掩盖 yǎn gài to conceal; to hide behind; to cover up
406 团结 tuán jié to unite; unity; solidarity; united
407 lying prone, leaning over
408 qiào turn up, lift, elevate, raise
409 诱惑 yòu huò to entice; to lure; to induce; to attract
410 火箭 huǒ jiàn rocket; CL:枚[mei2]
411 负担 fù dān burden; to bear a burden
412 团体 tuán tǐ group; organization; team; CL:個|个[ge4]
413 轮胎 lún tāi tire; pneumatic tire
414 倾向 qīng xiàng trend; tendency; orientation
415 统治 tǒng zhì to rule (a country); to govern; rule; regime
416 遭遇 zāo yù to meet with; to encounter; (bitter) experience
417 嘴唇 zuǐ chún lip; CL:片[pian4]
418 双胞胎 shuāng bāo tāi twin; CL:對|对[dui4]
419 复活 fù huó to revive; (lit. and fig.) to come back to life; (religion) resurrection
420 边缘 biān yuán edge; fringe; verge; brink; periphery; marginal; borderline
421 居民 jū mín resident; inhabitant
422 蜡烛 là zhú candle; CL:根[gen1],支[zhi1]
423 仁慈 rén cí benevolent; charitable; kind; kindly; kindness; merciful
424 情形 qíng xing circumstances; situation; CL:個|个[ge4]
425 意志 yì zhì will; willpower; determination; CL:個|个[ge4]
426 立场 lì chǎng position; standpoint; CL:個|个[ge4]
427 一向 yī xiàng always (previously); a period of time in the recent past
428 导弹 dǎo dàn guided missile; cruise missile; missile; CL:枚[mei2]
429 无比 wú bǐ incomparable; matchless
430 隧道 suì dào tunnel
431 本事 běn shì source material; original story
432 突破 tū pò to break through; to make a breakthrough; to surmount or break the back of (a task etc); (of ball sports) to break through a defense
433 指令 zhǐ lìng order; command; instruction
434 石油 shí yóu oil; petroleum
435 撤退 chè tuì to retreat
436 悲惨 bēi cǎn miserable; tragic
437 模式 mó shì mode; method; pattern
438 忽略 hū lüè to neglect; to overlook; to ignore
439 风暴 fēng bào storm; violent commotion; fig. crisis (e.g. revolution, uprising, financial crisis etc)
440 外表 wài biǎo external; outside; outward appearance
441 干扰 gān rǎo to disturb; to interfere; perturbation; interference (physics)
442 额外 é wài extra; added; additional
443 欺负 qī fu to bully
444 qiān drag, pull, lead by hand
445 防守 fáng shǒu to defend; to protect (against)
446 挽救 wǎn jiù to save; to remedy; to rescue
447 脱离 tuō lí to separate oneself from; to break away from; diastasis (medicine); abscission; abjunction (botany)
448 酗酒 xù jiǔ heavy drinking; to get drunk; to drink to excess
449 节奏 jié zòu rhythm; tempo; musical pulse; cadence; beat
450 拼命 pīn mìng to do one's utmost; with all one's might; at all costs; (to work or fight) as if one's life depends on it
451 枕头 zhěn tou pillow
452 情节 qíng jié plot; circumstances
453 操作 cāo zuò to work; to operate; to manipulate
454 屏幕 píng mù screen (TV, computer or movie)
455 diào condole, mourn, pity; hang
456 ā, hē scold; laughing sound; yawn
457 过于 guò yú too much; excessively
458 jǐng well, mine shaft, pit
459 访问 fǎng wèn to visit; to call on; to interview; CL:次[ci4]
460 慷慨 kāng kǎi vehement; fervent; generous; giving; liberal
461 细胞 xì bāo cell (biology)
462 潜力 qián lì potential; capacity
463 举动 jǔ dòng act; action; activity; move; movement
464 鸽子 gē zi pigeon; dove; various birds of the family Columbidae
465 抗议 kàng yì to protest; protest
466 周年 zhōu nián anniversary; annual
467 哭泣 kū qì to weep
468 指责 zhǐ zé to criticize; to find fault with; to denounce
469 政策 zhèng cè policy; CL:個|个[ge4]
470 财富 cái fù wealth; riches
471 侄子 zhí zi brother's son; nephew
472 良心 liáng xīn conscience
473 容忍 róng rěn to put up with; to tolerate
474 zhā refuse, dregs, lees, sediment
475 尊严 zūn yán dignity; sanctity; honor; majesty
476 清除 qīng chú to clear away; to eliminate; to get rid of
477 收音机 shōu yīn jī radio; CL:臺|台[tai2]
478 伴侣 bàn lǚ companion; mate; partner
479 肿瘤 zhǒng liú tumor
480 遭受 zāo shòu to suffer; to sustain (loss, misfortune)
481 发布 fā bù to release; to issue; to announce; to distribute; also written 發布|发布[fa1 bu4]
482 气味 qì wèi odor; scent
483 预算 yù suàn budget
484 患者 huàn zhě patient; sufferer
485 手法 shǒu fǎ technique; trick; skill
486 滋味 zī wèi taste; flavor; feeling
487 作弊 zuò bì to practice fraud; to cheat; to engage in corrupt practices
488 征服 zhēng fú to conquer; to subdue; to vanquish
489 涉及 shè jí to involve; to touch upon (a topic)
490 报仇 bào chóu to take revenge; to avenge
491 浑身 hún shēn all over; from head to foot
492 布置 bù zhì to put in order; to arrange; to decorate; to fix up; to deploy
493 收藏 shōu cáng to hoard; to collect; collection; to bookmark (Internet)
494 泄露 xiè lù to leak (information); to divulge; also pr. [xie4 lou4]
495 典礼 diǎn lǐ celebration; ceremony
496 着迷 zháo mí to be fascinated; to be captivated
497 战术 zhàn shù tactics
498 抵抗 dǐ kàng to resist; resistance
499 jiē all, every, everybody
500 局面 jú miàn aspect; phase; situation
501 操纵 cāo zòng to operate; to control; to rig; to manipulate
502 设置 shè zhì to set up; to install
503 奇妙 qí miào fantastic; wonderful
504 代理 dài lǐ to act on behalf of sb in a responsible position; to act as an agent or proxy; surrogate; (computing) proxy
505 消除 xiāo chú to eliminate; to remove
506 场面 chǎng miàn scene; spectacle; occasion; situation
507 纯粹 chún cuì pure; unadulterated; purely; completely
508 防止 fáng zhǐ to prevent; to guard against; to take precautions
509 carriage curtain; sun screen
510 nest; cave, den; hiding place
511 明明 míng míng obviously; plainly; undoubtedly; definitely
512 超越 chāo yuè to surpass; to exceed; to transcend
513 原始 yuán shǐ first; original; primitive; original (document etc)
514 不惜 bù xī not stint; not spare; not hesitate (to do sth); not scruple (to do sth)
515 弱点 ruò diǎn weak point; failing
516 永恒 yǒng héng eternal; everlasting; fig. to pass into eternity (i.e. to die)
517 祖父 zǔ fù father's father; paternal grandfather
518 投诉 tóu sù complaint; to complain; to register a complaint (esp. as a customer)
519 drag, tow; throw; twist
520 高潮 gāo cháo high tide; high water; upsurge; climax; orgasm; chorus (part of a song)
521 信念 xìn niàn faith; belief; conviction
522 服从 fú cóng to obey (an order); to comply; to defer
523 火焰 huǒ yàn blaze; flame
524 贿赂 huì lù to bribe; a bribe
525 故障 gù zhàng malfunction; breakdown; defect; shortcoming; fault; failure; impediment; error; bug (in software)
526 签署 qiān shǔ to sign (an agreement)
527 cāng hold of ship; cabin
528 创作 chuàng zuò to create; to produce; to write; creative work; creation; CL:個|个[ge4]
529 打仗 dǎ zhàng to fight a battle; to go to war
530 分散 fēn sàn to scatter; to disperse; to distribute
531 question-forming particle, why? how? what?; to bite; loud
532 坟墓 fén mù grave; tomb
533 官方 guān fāng government; official (approved or issued by an authority)
534 推测 tuī cè speculation; to conjecture; to surmise; to speculate
535 棕色 zōng sè brown
536 降临 jiàng lín to descend; to arrive; to come
537 实施 shí shī to implement; to carry out
538 曲子 qǔ zi poem for singing; tune; music; CL:支[zhi1]
539 贵族 guì zú lord; nobility; nobleman; noblewoman; aristocrat; aristocracy
540 敞开 chǎng kāi to open wide; unrestrictedly
541 陈述 chén shù an assertion; to declare; to state
542 边境 biān jìng frontier; border
543 掩饰 yǎn shì to cover up; to conceal; to mask; to gloss over
544 终点 zhōng diǎn the end; end point; finishing line (in a race); destination; terminus; CL:個|个[ge4]
545 维护 wéi hù to defend; to safeguard; to protect; to uphold; to maintain
546 野蛮 yě mán barbarous; uncivilized
547 厌恶 yàn wù to loathe; to hate; disgusted with sth
548 漫长 màn cháng very long; endless
549 责怪 zé guài to blame; to rebuke
550 赞助 zàn zhù to support; to assist; to sponsor
551 堕落 duò luò to degrade; to degenerate; to become depraved; corrupt; a fall from grace
552 正当 zhèng dàng honest; reasonable; fair; sensible
553 预料 yù liào to forecast; to anticipate; expectation
554 合并 hé bìng variant of 合併|合并[he2 bing4]; to merge; to annex
555 丢人 diū rén to lose face
556 年度 nián dù year (e.g. school year, fiscal year); annual
557 极端 jí duān extreme
558 机械 jī xiè machine; machinery; mechanical; (old) cunning; scheming
559 拘留 jū liú to detain (a prisoner); to keep sb in custody
560 刹车 shā chē to brake (when driving); to stop; to switch off; to check (bad habits); a brake
561 裁判 cái pàn judgment; to referee; umpire; judge; referee; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2]
562 分裂 fēn liè to split up; to divide; to break up; fission; schism
563 噪音 zào yīn rumble; noise; static (in a signal)
564 巡逻 xún luó to patrol (police, army or navy)
565 呕吐 ǒu tù to vomit
566 定义 dìng yì definition; to define
567 恐吓 kǒng hè to threaten; to menace
568 zhé, zhē break off, snap; bend
569 清洁 qīng jié clean; to clean
570 羞耻 xiū chǐ (a feeling of) shame
571 chuàn string; relatives; conspire
572 帐篷 zhàng peng tent; CL:頂|顶[ding3],座[zuo4]
573 视线 shì xiàn line of sight
574 轨道 guǐ dào orbit; railway or tram line; fig. conventional way of thinking
575 氧气 yǎng qì oxygen
576 血压 xuè yā blood pressure
577 遗传 yí chuán heredity; to inherit (a trait); to pass on (to one's offspring)
578 十足 shí zú ample; complete; hundred percent; a pure shade (of some color)
579 携带 xié dài to carry (on one's person); to support (old); Taiwan pr. [xi1 dai4]
580 守护 shǒu hù to guard; to protect
581 检验 jiǎn yàn to inspect; to examine; to test
582 误解 wù jiě to misunderstand; to misread; misunderstanding
583 鉴于 jiàn yú in view of; seeing that; considering; whereas
584 例外 lì wài exception; to be an exception
585 震撼 zhèn hàn to shake; to shock; to stun; shocking; stunning; shock
586 保卫 bǎo wèi to defend; to safeguard
587 地步 dì bù stage; degree (to which a situation has evolved); situation; leeway
588 打包 dǎ bāo to wrap; to pack; to put leftovers in a doggy bag for take-out; to package (computing)
589 qiā hold; gather with hand; choke
590 民主 mín zhǔ democracy
591 跳跃 tiào yuè to jump; to leap; to bound; to skip
592 事务 shì wù (political, economic etc) affairs; work; transaction (as in a computer database)
593 命名 mìng míng to give a name to; to dub; to christen; to designate; named after; naming
594 妄想 wàng xiǎng to attempt vainly; a vain attempt; delusion
595 撤销 chè xiāo to repeal; to revoke; (computing) to undo
596 防御 fáng yù defense; to defend
597 司法 sī fǎ judicial; (administration of) justice
598 解放 jiě fàng to liberate; to emancipate; liberation; refers to the Communists' victory over the Nationalists in 1949; CL:次[ci4]
599 谣言 yáo yán rumor
600 版本 bǎn běn version; edition; release
601 动静 dòng jìng (detectable) movement; (sign of) activity; movement and stillness
602 报酬 bào chou reward; remuneration
603 丧失 sàng shī to lose; to forfeit
604 人性 rén xìng human nature; humanity; human; the totality of human attributes
605 着想 zhuó xiǎng to give thought (to others); to consider (other people's needs); also pr. [zhao2 xiang3]
606 粗鲁 cū lǔ coarse; crude (in one's manner); boorish
607 辐射 fú shè radiation
608 pù, pū, pu shop, store; place sleep, bed
609 带领 dài lǐng to guide; to lead
610 move, shift on one side
611 迫不及待 pò bù jí dài impatient (idiom); in a hurry; itching to get on with it
612 潜水 qián shuǐ to dive; to go under water; (in an online forum) to lurk
613 光荣 guāng róng honor and glory; glorious
614 āi near, close by, next to, towards, against; to wait; to lean on
615 违背 wéi bèi to go against; to be contrary to; to violate
616 圈套 quān tào trap; snare; trick
617 正经 zhèng jīng decent; honorable; proper; serious; according to standards
618 瞬间 shùn jiān in an instant; in a flash
619 遗产 yí chǎn heritage; legacy; inheritance; bequest; CL:筆|笔[bi3]
620 看待 kàn dài to look upon; to regard
621 人格 rén gé personality; integrity; dignity
622 惊奇 jīng qí to be amazed; to be surprised; to wonder
623 珍贵 zhēn guì precious
624 思维 sī wéi (line of) thought; thinking
625 先进 xiān jìn advanced (technology); to advance
626 真理 zhēn lǐ truth; CL:個|个[ge4]
627 竞赛 jìng sài race; competition; CL:個|个[ge4]
628 级别 jí bié (military) rank; level; grade
629 diàn advance money, pay for another
630 岩石 yán shí rock
631 引导 yǐn dǎo to guide; to lead (around); to conduct; to boot; introduction; primer
632 革命 gé mìng revolution; revolutionary (politics); CL:次[ci4]
633 嫌疑 xián yí suspicion; to have suspicions
634 学位 xué wèi academic degree; place in school
635 干涉 gān shè to interfere; to meddle; interference
636 迷惑 mí huo to puzzle; to confuse; to baffle
637 交叉 jiāo chā to cross; to intersect; to overlap
638 元首 yuán shǒu head of state
639 人间 rén jiān the human world; the earth
640 本能 běn néng instinct
641 修复 xiū fù to restore; to renovate; restoration; (computing) to fix (a bug)
642 拳头 quán tou fist; clenched fist; CL:個|个[ge4]; competitive (product)
643 认定 rèn dìng to maintain (that sth is true); to determine (a fact); determination (of an amount); of the firm opinion; to believe firmly; to set one's mind on; to identify with
644 一流 yī liú top quality; front ranking
645 抵达 dǐ dá to arrive; to reach (a destination)
646 发觉 fā jué to become aware; to detect; to realize; to perceive
647 kēng pit, hole; bury, trap; harry
648 悲哀 bēi āi grieved; sorrowful
649 居住 jū zhù to reside; to dwell; to live in a place; resident in
650 别墅 bié shù villa; CL:幢[zhuang4],座[zuo4]
651 呈现 chéng xiàn to appear; to emerge; to present (a certain appearance); to demonstrate
652 元素 yuán sù element; element of a set; chemical element
653 和解 hé jiě to settle (a dispute out of court); to reconcile; settlement; conciliation; to become reconciled
654 失误 shī wù lapse; mistake; to make a mistake; fault; service fault (in volleyball, tennis etc)
655 等候 děng hòu to wait; to wait for
656 识别 shí bié to distinguish; to discern
657 传达 chuán dá to pass on; to convey; to relay; to transmit; transmission
658 贪婪 tān lán avaricious; greedy; rapacious; insatiable; avid
659 niē pick with fingers; knead; mold
660 清晰 qīng xī clear; distinct
661 镇定 zhèn dìng calm; unperturbed; cool
662 仪器 yí qì instrument; apparatus; CL:臺|台[tai2]
663 无知 wú zhī ignorant; ignorance
664 眼光 yǎn guāng gaze; insight; foresight; vision; way of looking at things
665 细菌 xì jūn bacterium; germ
666 麻醉 má zuì anesthesia; (fig.) to poison (sb's mind)
667 亲热 qīn rè affectionate; intimate; warmhearted; to get intimate with sb
668 往常 wǎng cháng usual; customary
669 放大 fàng dà to enlarge; to magnify
670 杰出 jié chū outstanding; distinguished; remarkable; prominent; illustrious
671 诞生 dàn shēng to be born
672 风趣 fēng qù charm; humor; wit; humorous; witty
673 忠实 zhōng shí faithful
674 以便 yǐ biàn so that; so as to; in order to
675 指定 zhǐ dìng to appoint; to assign; to indicate clearly and with certainty; designated
676 符号 fú hào symbol; mark; sign
677 鉴定 jiàn dìng to appraise; to identify; to evaluate
678 宣誓 xuān shì to swear an oath (of office); to make a vow
679 推销 tuī xiāo to market; to sell
680 盗窃 dào qiè to steal
681 纤维 xiān wéi fiber; CL:種|种[zhong3]
682 bèng hop, leap, jump; bright
683 hōng, hǒng coax; beguile, cheat, deceive
684 捣乱 dǎo luàn to disturb; to look for trouble; to stir up a row; to bother sb intentionally
685 jiān fry in fat or oil; boil in water
686 终身 zhōng shēn lifelong; all one's life; marriage
687 guì kneel
688 雷达 léi dá radar (loanword)
689 需求 xū qiú requirement; to require; (economics) demand
690 福利 fú lì material benefit; benefit in kind; (social) welfare
691 循环 xún huán to cycle; to circulate; circle; loop
692 探索 tàn suǒ to explore; to probe
693 牵扯 qiān chě to involve; to implicate; to be interrelated
694 驱逐 qū zhú to expel; to deport; banishment
695 局势 jú shì situation; state (of affairs)
696 财务 cái wù financial affairs
697 峡谷 xiá gǔ canyon; gill; ravine
698 模样 mú yàng look; style; appearance; approximation; about; CL:個|个[ge4]; also pr. [mo2 yang4]
699 终止 zhōng zhǐ to stop; to terminate (law)
700 运行 yùn xíng to move along one's course (of celestial bodies etc); (fig.) to function; to be in operation; (of a train service etc) to operate; to run; (of a computer) to run
701 含义 hán yì meaning (implicit in a phrase); implied meaning; hidden meaning; hint; connotation
702 登陆 dēng lù to land; to come ashore; to make landfall (of typhoon etc); to log in (frequently used erroneous variant of 登錄|登录[deng1 lu4])
703 频率 pín lǜ frequency
704 资助 zī zhù to subsidize; to provide financial aid; subsidy
705 争夺 zhēng duó to fight over; to contest; to vie over
706 以往 yǐ wǎng in the past; formerly
707 优先 yōu xiān to have priority; to take precedence
708 拖延 tuō yán to delay; to put off; to procrastinate
709 挖掘 wā jué to excavate; to dig; to unearth
710 回避 huí bì variant of 迴避|回避[hui2 bi4]; to shun; to avoid (sb); to skirt; to evade (an issue); to step back; to withdraw; to recuse (a judge etc)
711 赋予 fù yǔ to assign; to entrust (a task); to give; to bestow
712 妥协 tuǒ xié to compromise; to reach terms; a compromise
713 警惕 jǐng tì to be on the alert; vigilant; alert; on guard; to warn
714 精确 jīng què accurate; precise
715 钞票 chāo piào paper money; a bill (e.g. 100 yuan); CL:張|张[zhang1],紮|扎[za1]
716 上瘾 shàng yǐn to get into a habit; to become addicted
717 依赖 yī lài to depend on; to be dependent on
718 演绎 yǎn yì (of a story etc) to unfold; to play out; to develop (a technique etc); to enact; (logic) to deduce; to infer
719 倾听 qīng tīng to listen attentively
720 坚定 jiān dìng firm; steady; staunch; resolute
721 意图 yì tú intent; intention; to intend
722 气色 qì sè complexion
723 电源 diàn yuán electric power source
724 新郎 xīn láng bridegroom; groom
725 玩弄 wán nòng to play with; to toy with; to dally with; to engage in; to resort to
726 吩咐 fēn fù to tell; to instruct; to command
727 童话 tóng huà children's fairy tales
728 保管 bǎo guǎn to hold in safekeeping; to have in one's care; to guarantee; certainly; surely; custodian; curator
729 偏见 piān jiàn prejudice
730 高尚 gāo shàng noble; lofty; refined; exquisite
731 解散 jiě sàn to dissolve; to disband
732 仍旧 réng jiù still (remaining); to remain (the same); yet
733 战略 zhàn lüè strategy
734 无耻 wú chǐ without any sense of shame; unembarrassed; shameless
735 焦点 jiāo diǎn focus; focal point
736 封闭 fēng bì to seal; to close; to confine; to seal off; to close down; sealed; confined; closed; unreceptive
737 脉搏 mài bó pulse (both medical and figurative)
738 首要 shǒu yào the most important; of chief importance
739 出路 chū lù a way out (lit. and fig.); opportunity for advancement; a way forward; outlet (for one's products)
740 走私 zǒu sī to smuggle; to have an illicit affair
741 动脉 dòng mài artery
742 tāo take out; pull out; clean out
743 恶化 è huà to worsen
744 目睹 mù dǔ to witness; to see at first hand; to see with one's own eyes
745 宪法 xiàn fǎ constitution (of a country); CL:部[bu4]
746 幼稚 yòu zhì young; childish; puerile
747 监督 jiān dū to control; to supervise; to inspect
748 阻碍 zǔ ài to obstruct; to hinder; to block; obstruction; hindrance
749 严厉 yán lì severe; strict
750 极限 jí xiàn limit; extreme boundary
751 歧视 qí shì to discriminate against; discrimination
752 激励 jī lì to encourage; to urge; motivation; incentive
753 面子 miàn zi outer surface; outside; honor; reputation; face (as in "losing face"); self-respect; feelings; (medicinal) powder
754 港口 gǎng kǒu port; harbor
755 特定 tè dìng special; specific; designated; particular
756 引用 yǐn yòng to quote; to cite; to recommend; to appoint; (computing) reference
757 pound, beat, strike; attack
758 曝光 bào guāng to expose (photography); (fig.) to expose (a scandal); (advertising) exposure; Taiwan pr. [pu4 guang1]
759 古董 gǔ dǒng curio; antique
760 纯洁 chún jié pure; clean and honest; to purify
761 压抑 yā yì to constrain or repress emotions; oppressive; stifling; depressing; repression
762 知觉 zhī jué perception; consciousness
763 流浪 liú làng to drift about; to wander; to roam; nomadic; homeless; unsettled (e.g. population); vagrant
764 发行 fā xíng to publish; to issue (stocks, currency etc); to release; to distribute (a film)
765 进化 jìn huà evolution; CL:個|个[ge4]
766 挽回 wǎn huí to retrieve; to redeem
767 遥远 yáo yuǎn distant; remote
768 着手 zhuó shǒu to put one's hand to it; to start out on a task; to set out
769 途径 tú jìng way; channel
770 唠叨 láo dao to prattle; to chatter away; to nag; garrulous; nagging
771 炫耀 xuàn yào dazzling; to show off; to flaunt
772 摇摆 yáo bǎi to sway; to wobble; to waver
773 目光 mù guāng sight; vision; view; gaze; look
774 保障 bǎo zhàng to ensure; to guarantee; to safeguard
775 名誉 míng yù fame; reputation; honor; honorary; emeritus (of retired professor)
776 处置 chǔ zhì to handle; to take care of; to punish
777 镇静 zhèn jìng calm; cool
778 刑事 xíng shì criminal; penal
779 容器 róng qì receptacle; vessel; (computing) container
780 shù bind, control, restrain; bale
781 生理 shēng lǐ physiology
782 统计 tǒng jì statistics; to count; to add up
783 腐烂 fǔ làn to rot; to putrefy; (fig.) corrupt
784 解剖 jiě pōu to dissect (an animal); to analyze; anatomy
785 打猎 dǎ liè to go hunting
786 lāo scoop out of water; dredge, fish
787 空白 kòng bái blank space
788 融化 róng huà to melt; to thaw; to dissolve; to blend into; to combine; to fuse
789 kuà straddle, bestride, ride; carry
790 场所 chǎng suǒ location; place
791 奉献 fèng xiàn to offer respectfully; to consecrate; to dedicate; to devote
792 祖国 zǔ guó motherland
793 精心 jīng xīn with utmost care; fine; meticulous; detailed
794 要命 yào mìng to cause sb's death; very; extremely; frightening; annoying
795 冷酷 lěng kù grim; unfeeling; callous
796 固执 gù zhí obstinate; stubborn
797 床单 chuáng dān bed sheet; CL:條|条[tiao2],件[jian4],張|张[zhang1],床[chuang2]
798 勉强 miǎn qiǎng to do with difficulty; to force sb to do sth; reluctant; barely enough
799 和谐 hé xié harmonious; harmony; (euphemism) to censor
800 榜样 bǎng yàng example; model; CL:個|个[ge4]
801 关照 guān zhào to take care; to keep an eye on; to look after; to tell; to remind
802 条款 tiáo kuǎn clause (of contract or law); CL:項|项[xiang4]
803 纠正 jiū zhèng to correct; to make right
804 中断 zhōng duàn to cut short; to break off; to discontinue; to interrupt
805 包装 bāo zhuāng to pack; to package; to wrap; packaging
806 损坏 sǔn huài to damage; to injure
807 报答 bào dá to repay; to requite
808 担保 dān bǎo to guarantee; to vouch for
809 液体 yè tǐ liquid
810 fān to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat
811 grain; small particle
812 英勇 yīng yǒng heroic; gallant; valiant
813 势力 shì li power; (ability to) influence
814 认可 rèn kě to approve; approval; acknowledgment; OK
815 占领 zhàn lǐng to occupy (a territory); to hold
816 资产 zī chǎn property; assets
817 注视 zhù shì to watch attentively; to gaze at
818 销毁 xiāo huǐ to destroy (by melting or burning); to obliterate
819 饥饿 jī è hunger; starvation; famine
820 上级 shàng jí higher authorities; superiors; CL:個|个[ge4]
821 财政 cái zhèng finances (public); financial
822 依旧 yī jiù as before; still
823 制止 zhì zhǐ to curb; to put a stop to; to stop; to check; to limit
824 差别 chā bié difference; distinction; disparity
825 biē to suppress inner feelings; hasty
826 hit; collide, knock into; sound
827 缺陷 quē xiàn defect; flaw; physical defect
828 恰当 qià dàng appropriate; suitable
829 活该 huó gāi (coll.) serve sb right; deservedly; ought; should
830 言论 yán lùn expression of opinion; views; remarks; arguments
831 部位 bù wèi position; place
832 脂肪 zhī fáng fat (in the body, in a plant, or in food)
833 华丽 huá lì gorgeous
834 占据 zhàn jù to occupy; to hold
835 埋葬 mái zàng to bury
836 fall in ruins, collapse
837 磁带 cí dài magnetic tape; CL:盤|盘[pan2],盒[he2]
838 前提 qián tí premise; precondition; prerequisite
839 岗位 gǎng wèi a post; a job
840 héng across
841 scar, cicatrix; birthmark
842 答复 dá fù variant of 答覆|答复[da2 fu4]; to answer; to reply; Reply to: (in email header)
843 大伙儿 dà huǒ r erhua variant of 大伙[da4 huo3]
844 光芒 guāng máng rays of light; brilliant rays; radiance
845 揭露 jiē lù to expose; to unmask; to ferret out; to disclose; disclosure
846 粉色 fěn sè pink; white; erotic; beautiful woman; powdered (with make-up)
847 比方 bǐ fang analogy; instance; for instance
848 近来 jìn lái recently; lately
849 屈服 qū fú to surrender; to succumb; to yield; (as a transitive verb) to defeat; to prevail over
850 membrane; to kneel and worship
851 also, too; likewise
852 崭新 zhǎn xīn brand new
853 是非 shì fēi right and wrong; quarrel
854 诈骗 zhà piàn to defraud; to swindle; to blackmail
855 履行 lǚ xíng to fulfill (one's obligations); to carry out (a task); to implement (an agreement); to perform
856 彩票 cǎi piào lottery ticket
857 昂贵 áng guì expensive; costly
858 化验 huà yàn chemical examination; to do a lab test
859 回收 huí shōu to recycle; to reclaim; to retrieve; to recover; to recall (a defective product)
860 家属 jiā shǔ family member; (family) dependent
861 沉重 chén zhòng heavy; hard; serious; critical
862 僵硬 jiāng yìng stiff; rigid
863 束缚 shù fù to bind; to restrict; to tie; to commit; fetters
864 演习 yǎn xí maneuver; exercise; practice; to maneuver
865 蚂蚁 mǎ yǐ ant
866 全力以赴 quán lì yǐ fù to do at all costs; to make an all-out effort
867 平凡 píng fán commonplace; ordinary; mediocre
868 忧郁 yōu yù sullen; depressed; melancholy; dejected
869 传单 chuán dān leaflet; flier; pamphlet
870 免得 miǎn de so as not to; so as to avoid
871 比喻 bǐ yù to compare; to liken to; metaphor; analogy; figure of speech; figuratively
872 po, pō pour, splash, water, sprinkle
873 瘫痪 tān huàn paralysis; be paralyzed (body, transportation, etc)
874 贩卖 fàn mài to sell; to peddle; to traffic
875 顽固 wán gù stubborn; obstinate
876 黎明 lí míng dawn; daybreak
877 万分 wàn fēn very much; extremely; one ten thousandth part
878 协调 xié tiáo to coordinate; to harmonize; to fit together; to match (colors etc); harmonious; concerted
879 皇帝 huáng dì emperor; CL:個|个[ge4]
880 缘故 yuán gù reason; cause
881 罕见 hǎn jiàn rare; rarely seen
882 跟随 gēn suí to follow
883 为难 wéi nán to feel embarrassed or awkward; to make things difficult (for someone); to find things difficult (to do or manage)
884 兑现 duì xiàn (of a check etc) to cash; to honor a commitment
885 安宁 ān níng Anning District of Lanzhou City 蘭州市|兰州市[Lan2 zhou1 Shi4], Gansu; Anning City, to the west of Kunming 昆明[Kun1 ming2], Yunnan; peaceful; tranquil; calm; composed; free from worry
886 起初 qǐ chū originally; at first; at the outset
887 当场 dāng chǎng at the scene; on the spot
888 当面 dāng miàn to sb's face; in sb's presence
889 毫米 háo mǐ millimeter
890 腐败 fǔ bài corruption; to corrupt; to rot; rotten
891 分辨 fēn biàn to distinguish; to differentiate; to resolve
892 往事 wǎng shì past events; former happenings
893 方位 fāng wèi direction; points of the compass; bearing; position; azimuth
894 油漆 yóu qī oil paints; lacquer; to paint; CL:層|层[ceng2]
895 片刻 piàn kè short period of time; a moment
896 功劳 gōng láo contribution; meritorious service; credit
897 恩怨 ēn yuàn gratitude and grudges; resentment; grudges; grievances
898 jiàn sprinkle, spray; spill, splash
899 难得 nán dé seldom; rare; hard to come by
900 信赖 xìn lài to trust; to have confidence in; to have faith in; to rely on
901 原告 yuán gào complainant; plaintiff
902 安置 ān zhì to find a place for; to help settle down; to arrange for; to get into bed; placement
903 行政 xíng zhèng administrative; executive (attributive)
904 xián hate, detest; suspect; criticize
905 战役 zhàn yì military campaign
906 diē stumble, slip, fall down; stamp
907 作风 zuò fēng style; style of work; way
908 偿还 cháng huán to repay; to reimburse
909 权威 quán wēi authority; authoritative; power and prestige
910 殴打 ōu dǎ to beat up; to come to blows; battery (law)
911 智商 zhì shāng IQ (intelligence quotient)
912 罢工 bà gōng a strike; to go on strike
913 dōu pouch
914 mài take a big stride; pass by
915 便利 biàn lì convenient; easy; to facilitate
916 强制 qiáng zhì to enforce; enforcement; forcibly; compulsory
917 免疫 miǎn yì immunity (to disease)
918 烹饪 pēng rèn cooking; culinary arts
919 扩散 kuò sàn to spread; to proliferate; to diffuse; spread; proliferation; diffusion
920 澄清 dèng qīng to settle (of liquid); to become clear (by precipitation of impurities); precipitate (chemistry); to put in order; to quell disturbances
921 依据 yī jù according to; basis; foundation
922 竭尽全力 jié jìn quán lì to spare no effort (idiom); to do one's utmost
923 过失 guò shī error; fault; (law) negligence; delinquency
924 预期 yù qī to expect; to anticipate
925 图案 tú àn design; pattern
926 níng pinch; twist, wring; determined
927 卡通 kǎ tōng cartoon (loanword)
928 后代 hòu dài descendant; progeny; posterity; later ages; later generations
929 kǒng opening, hole, orifice; great
930 拿手 ná shǒu expert in; good at
931 规划 guī huà to plan (how to do sth); planning; plan; program
932 支撑 zhī chēng to prop up; to support; strut; brace
933 航行 háng xíng to sail; to fly; to navigate
934 lín drip, soak, drench; perfectly
935 伴随 bàn suí to accompany; to follow; to occur together with; concomitant
936 同胞 tóng bāo born of the same parents; sibling; fellow citizen; compatriot
937 沼泽 zhǎo zé marsh; swamp; wetlands; glade
938 体面 tǐ miàn dignity; face (as in "losing face"); honorable; creditable; (of sb's appearance) presentable; respectable
939 导航 dǎo háng navigation
940 恼火 nǎo huǒ to get angry; irritated; to annoy; to aggravate; annoying
941 折腾 zhē teng to toss from side to side (e.g. sleeplessly); to repeat sth over and over again; to torment sb; to play crazy; to squander (time, money)
942 案例 àn lì case (law); CL:個|个[ge4]
943 珍珠 zhēn zhū pearl; CL:顆|颗[ke1]
944 祖先 zǔ xiān ancestor; forebears
945 临床 lín chuáng clinical
946 探望 tàn wàng to visit; to call on sb; to look around
947 外界 wài jiè the outside world; external
948 迟钝 chí dùn slow in one's reactions; sluggish (in movement or thought)
949 事态 shì tài situation; existing state of affairs
950 准则 zhǔn zé norm; standard; criterion
951 lean one side; very, rather
952 初步 chū bù initial; preliminary; tentative
953 覆盖 fù gài to cover
954 先前 xiān qián before; previously
955 示范 shì fàn to demonstrate; to show how to do sth; demonstration; a model example
956 挑剔 tiāo ti picky; fussy
957 边界 biān jiè boundary; border
958 以免 yǐ miǎn in order to avoid; so as not to
959 无赖 wú lài hoodlum; rascal; rogue; rascally; scoundrelly
960 通缉 tōng jī to order the arrest of sb as criminal; to list as wanted
961 飞翔 fēi xiáng to circle in the air; to soar
962 扰乱 rǎo luàn to disturb; to perturb; to harass
963 搭配 dā pèi to pair up; to match; to arrange in pairs; to add sth into a group
964 统统 tǒng tǒng totally
965 审查 shěn chá to examine; to investigate; to censor out; censorship
966 热门 rè mén popular; hot; in vogue
967 饮食 yǐn shí food and drink; diet
968 威力 wēi lì might; formidable power
969 推翻 tuī fān to overthrow
970 测量 cè liáng survey; to measure; to gauge; to determine
971 虚伪 xū wěi false; hypocritical; artificial; sham
972 谴责 qiǎn zé to denounce; to condemn; to criticize; condemnation; criticism
973 吹牛 chuī niú to talk big; to shoot off one's mouth; to chat (dialect)
974 敬礼 jìng lǐ to salute; salute
975 成天 chéng tiān (coll.) all day long; all the time
976 激发 jī fā to arouse; to excite
977 特意 tè yì specially; intentionally
978 辨认 biàn rèn to recognize; to identify
979 压迫 yā pò to oppress; to repress; to constrict; oppression; stress (physics)
980 发财 fā cái to get rich
981 奖赏 jiǎng shǎng reward; prize; award
982 姿态 zī tài attitude; posture; stance
983 wán small round object; pellet, pill
984 品尝 pǐn cháng to taste a small amount; to sample
985 界限 jiè xiàn boundary
986 金融 jīn róng banking; finance; financial
987 可行 kě xíng feasible
988 种子 zhǒng zi seed; CL:顆|颗[ke1],粒[li4]
989 雕塑 diāo sù a statue; a Buddhist image; sculpture; to carve
990 人工 rén gōng artificial; manpower; manual work
991 充足 chōng zú adequate; sufficient; abundant
992 共和国 gòng hé guó republic
993 手势 shǒu shì gesture; sign; signal
994 隐蔽 yǐn bì to conceal; to hide; covert; under cover
995 产业 chǎn yè industry; estate; property; industrial
996 公关 gōng guān public relations
997 口气 kǒu qì tone of voice; the way one speaks; manner of expression; tone
998 散发 sàn fā to distribute; to emit; to issue
999 水泥 shuǐ ní cement; CL:袋[dai4]
1000 群众 qún zhòng mass; multitude; the masses
1001 争议 zhēng yì controversy; dispute; to dispute
1002 任命 rèn mìng to appoint; (job) appointment; CL:紙|纸[zhi3]
1003 品质 pǐn zhì character; intrinsic quality (of a person); quality (of a product or service, or as in "quality of life", "air quality" etc)
1004 旋律 xuán lǜ melody; rhythm
1005 气质 qì zhì temperament; personality traits; manners
1006 琢磨 zhuó mó to carve and polish (jade); to polish and refine a literary work
1007 采集 cǎi jí to gather; to collect; to harvest
1008 俘虏 fú lǔ captive
1009 宫殿 gōng diàn palace; CL:座[zuo4]
1010 宽容 kuān róng lenient; tolerant; indulgent; charitable; to forgive
1011 现状 xiàn zhuàng current situation
1012 等级 děng jí grade; rank; status
1013 算数 suàn shù to count numbers; to keep to one's word; to hold (i.e. to remain valid); to count (i.e. to be important)
1014 颠倒 diān dǎo to turn upside down; to reverse; back to front; confused; deranged; crazy
1015 喇叭 lǎ ba horn (automobile etc); loudspeaker; brass wind instrument; trumpet; suona 鎖吶|锁呐[suo3 na4]
1016 旗帜 qí zhì ensign; flag
1017 莫名其妙 mò míng qí miào (idiom) baffling; inexplicable
1018 分歧 fēn qí divergent; difference (of opinion, position); disagreement; bifurcation (math.)
1019 探测 tàn cè to probe; to take readings; to explore; exploration
1020 智力 zhì lì intelligence; intellect
1021 期限 qī xiàn time limit; deadline; allotted time
1022 当选 dāng xuǎn to be elected; to be selected
1023 用户 yòng hù user; consumer; subscriber; customer
1024 书面 shū miàn in writing; written
1025 原先 yuán xiān originally; original; former
1026 反常 fǎn cháng unusual; abnormal
1027 遥控 yáo kòng remote control
1028 光彩 guāng cǎi luster; splendor; radiance; brilliance
1029 反感 fǎn gǎn to be disgusted with; to dislike; bad reaction; antipathy
1030 zhuān tile, brick
1031 空虚 kōng xū hollow; emptiness; meaningless
1032 颤抖 chàn dǒu to shudder; to shiver; to shake; to tremble
1033 交代 jiāo dài to hand over; to explain; to make clear; to brief (sb); to account for; to justify oneself; to confess; (coll.) to finish
1034 否决 fǒu jué to veto; to overrule
1035 忙碌 máng lù busy; bustling
1036 排斥 pái chì to reject; to exclude; to eliminate; to remove; to repel
1037 苍白 cāng bái pale; wan
1038 踪迹 zōng jì tracks; trail; footprint; trace; vestige
1039 终究 zhōng jiū in the end; after all is said and done
1040 设想 shè xiǎng to imagine; to assume; to envisage; tentative plan; to have consideration for
1041 内在 nèi zài inner; internal; intrinsic; innate
1042 延续 yán xù to continue; to go on; to last
1043 视力 shì lì vision; eyesight
1044 实行 shí xíng to implement; to carry out; to put into practice
1045 忍耐 rěn nài to endure; to bear with; to exercise patience; to restrain oneself; patience; endurance
1046 样品 yàng pǐn sample; specimen
1047 棉花 mián hua cotton
1048 tóng copper, brass, bronze
1049 kěn gnaw, chew, bite
1050 岁月 suì yuè years; time
1051 专长 zhuān cháng specialty; special knowledge or ability
1052 灭亡 miè wáng to be destroyed; to become extinct; to perish; to die out; to destroy; to exterminate
1053 约束 yuē shù to restrict; to limit to; to constrain; restriction; constraint
1054 值班 zhí bān to work a shift; on duty
1055 合成 hé chéng to compose; to constitute; compound; synthesis; mixture; synthetic
1056 辩解 biàn jiě to explain; to justify; to defend (a point of view etc); to provide an explanation; to try to defend oneself
1057 部署 bù shǔ to dispose; to deploy; deployment
1058 体系 tǐ xì system; setup; CL:個|个[ge4]
1059 补救 bǔ jiù to remedy
1060 记载 jì zǎi to write down; to record; written account
1061 供给 gōng jǐ to furnish; to provide; supply (as in supply and demand)
1062 埋伏 mái fú to ambush; to lie in wait for; to lie low; ambush
1063 教养 jiào yǎng to train; to educate; to bring up; to nurture; education; culture; upbringing; early conditioning
1064 温和 wēn huo lukewarm
1065 生效 shēng xiào to take effect; to go into effect
1066 疲惫 pí bèi beaten; exhausted; tired
1067 不顾 bù gù in spite of; regardless of
1068 抚摸 fǔ mō to gently caress and stroke; to pet; to fondle
1069 搏斗 bó dòu to wrestle; to fight; to struggle
1070 标题 biāo tí title; heading; headline; caption; subject
1071 疑惑 yí huò to doubt; to distrust; unconvincing; to puzzle over; misgivings; suspicions
1072 火药 huǒ yào gunpowder
1073 耀眼 yào yǎn to dazzle; dazzling
1074 shi, shí pick up, collect, tidy up; accounting form of the numeral ten
1075 出身 chū shēn to be born of; to come from; family background; class origin
1076 清晨 qīng chén early morning
1077 灿烂 càn làn to glitter; brilliant; splendid
1078 讨好 tǎo hǎo to get the desired outcome; to win favor by fawning on sb; to curry favor with; a fruitful outcome to reward one's labor
1079 迷信 mí xìn superstition; to have a superstitious belief (in sth)
1080 鼻涕 bí tì nasal mucus; snivel
1081 任意 rèn yì any; arbitrary; at will; at random
1082 季度 jì dù quarter of a year; season (sports)
1083 dèng stare at
1084 野心 yě xīn ambition; wild schemes; careerism
1085 理所当然 lǐ suǒ dāng rán as it should be by rights (idiom); proper and to be expected as a matter of course; inevitable and right
1086 挑衅 tiǎo xìn to provoke; provocation
1087 残留 cán liú to remain; left over; surplus; remnant
1088 粉碎 fěn suì to crush; to smash; to shatter
1089 职务 zhí wù post; position; job; duties
1090 视野 shì yě field of view; horizon
1091 公道 gōng dào justice; fairness; public highway
1092 动身 dòng shēn to go on a journey; to leave
1093 tān spread out, open; apportion
1094 疏远 shū yuǎn to drift apart; to become estranged; to alienate; estrangement
1095 擅自 shàn zì without permission
1096 废墟 fèi xū ruins
1097 scratch; dig up; crawl; crouch
1098 敏锐 mǐn ruì keen; sharp; acute
1099 wings; fins on fish; shelter
1100 蔓延 màn yán to extend; to spread
1101 辉煌 huī huáng splendid; glorious
1102 密封 mì fēng to seal up
1103 致力 zhì lì to work for; to devote one's efforts to
1104 呼唤 hū huàn to call out (a name etc); to shout
1105 审理 shěn lǐ to hear (a case)
1106 zhǎ wink
1107 轰动 hōng dòng to cause a sensation; to create a stir in (a place); commotion; controversy
1108 北极 běi jí the North Pole; the Arctic Pole; the north magnetic pole
1109 延期 yán qī to delay; to extend; to postpone; to defer
1110 xián string; hypotenuse, crescent
1111 设立 shè lì to set up; to establish
1112 首饰 shǒu shì jewelry; head ornament
1113 登录 dēng lù to register; to log in
1114 蒸发 zhēng fā to evaporate; evaporation
1115 冲击 chōng jī variant of 衝擊|冲击[chong1 ji1]; to attack; to batter; (of waves) to pound against; shock; impact
1116 盲目 máng mù blind; blindly; ignorant; lacking understanding
1117 shù perpendicular, vertical; erect
1118 支配 zhī pèi to control; to dominate; to allocate
1119 畏惧 wèi jù to fear; to dread; foreboding
1120 频繁 pín fán frequently; often
1121 克制 kè zhì to restrain; to control; restraint; self-control
1122 壮观 zhuàng guān spectacular; magnificent sight
1123 时常 shí cháng often; frequently
1124 证书 zhèng shū credentials; certificate
1125 住宅 zhù zhái residence; tenement
1126 归还 guī huán to return sth; to revert
1127 思念 sī niàn to think of; to long for; to miss
1128 成本 chéng běn (manufacturing, production etc) costs
1129 一贯 yī guàn consistent; constant; from start to finish; all along; persistent
1130 xuē, xiāo scrape off, pare, trim
1131 pěng hold up in two hands
1132 条约 tiáo yuē treaty; pact; CL:個|个[ge4]
1133 欣慰 xīn wèi to be gratified
1134 丰满 fēng mǎn Fengman district of Jilin city 吉林市, Jilin province; ample; well developed; fully rounded
1135 侵略 qīn lüè invasion; encroachment
1136 股份 gǔ fèn a share (in a company); stock
1137 拐杖 guǎi zhàng crutches; crutch; walking stick
1138 授予 shòu yǔ to award; to confer
1139 推理 tuī lǐ reasoning; inference; to infer; to deduce
1140 更新 gēng xīn to replace the old with new; to renew; to renovate; to upgrade; to update; to regenerate
1141 jade, precious stone, gem
1142 储存 chǔ cún stockpile; to store; to stockpile; storage
1143 庞大 páng dà huge; enormous; tremendous
1144 蛋白质 dàn bái zhì protein
1145 验证 yàn zhèng to inspect and verify; experimental verification; to validate (a theory); to authenticate
1146 不择手段 bù zé shǒu duàn by fair means or foul; by hook or by crook; unscrupulously
1147 侧面 cè miàn lateral side; side; aspect; profile
1148 包袱 bāo fu wrapping cloth; a bundle wrapped in cloth; load; weight; burden; funny part; punchline
1149 slope, bank, hillside
1150 徘徊 pái huái to dither; to hesitate; to pace back and forth; by ext. to hover around; to linger
1151 káng carry on shoulders; lift
1152 潮流 cháo liú tide; current; trend
1153 备忘录 bèi wàng lù memorandum; aide-memoire; memorandum book
1154 层次 céng cì layer; level; gradation; arrangement of ideas; (a person's) standing
1155 摩擦 mó cā friction; rubbing; chafing; fig. disharmony; conflict; also written 磨擦
1156 泡沫 pào mò foam; (soap) bubble; (economic) bubble
1157 bì, bei arm
1158 严密 yán mì strict; tight (organization, surveillance etc)
1159 cut apart, split, chop
1160 原理 yuán lǐ principle; theory
1161 戒备 jiè bèi to take precautions; to guard against (emergency)
1162 辅助 fǔ zhù to assist; to aid; supplementary; auxiliary; subsidiary
1163 预先 yù xiān beforehand; in advance
1164 创新 chuàng xīn innovation; to bring forth new ideas; to blaze new trails
1165 将近 jiāng jìn almost; nearly; close to
1166 渠道 qú dào irrigation ditch; (fig.) channel; means
1167 苏醒 sū xǐng to come to; to awaken; to regain consciousness
1168 塑造 sù zào to model; to mold; (fig.) to create (a character, a market, an image etc); (literature) to portray (in words)
1169 奔驰 bēn chí Benz (name); Mercedes-Benz, German car maker; to run quickly; to speed; to gallop
1170 当前 dāng qián current; today's; modern; present; to be facing (us)
1171 况且 kuàng qiě moreover; besides; in addition; furthermore
1172 快活 kuài huo happy; cheerful
1173 收益 shōu yì earnings; profit
1174 消毒 xiāo dú to disinfect; to sterilize
1175 偏偏 piān piān (indicates that sth turns out just the opposite of what one would wish) unfortunately; as it happened; (indicates that sth is the opposite of what would be normal or reasonable) stubbornly; contrarily; against reason; (indicates that sb or a group is singled out) precisely; only; of all people
1176 捕捉 bǔ zhuō to catch; to seize; to capture
1177 散布 sàn bù to disseminate
1178 瀑布 pù bù waterfall
1179 得罪 dé zui to offend sb; to make a faux pas; a faux pas; see also 得罪[de2 zui4]
1180 救济 jiù jì emergency relief; to help the needy with cash or goods
1181 笨拙 bèn zhuō clumsy; awkward; stupid
1182 锋利 fēng lì sharp (e.g. knife blade); incisive; to the point
1183 麻痹 má bì paralysis; palsy; numbness; to benumb; (fig.) to lull; negligent; apathetic
1184 机遇 jī yù opportunity; favorable circumstance; stroke of luck
1185 zhī branches, limbs; branch off
1186 让步 ràng bù to concede; to give in; to yield; a concession; (linguistics) concessive
1187 隆重 lóng zhòng grand; prosperous; ceremonious; solemn
1188 高明 gāo míng Gaoming district of Foshan city 佛山市[Fo2 shan1 shi4], Guangdong; brilliant; superior; tall and bright
1189 专利 zhuān lì patent; sth uniquely enjoyed (or possessed etc) by a certain group of people; monopoly
1190 别扭 biè niu awkward; difficult; uncomfortable; not agreeing; at loggerheads; gauche
1191 声誉 shēng yù reputation; fame
1192 意料 yì liào to anticipate; to expect
1193 扭转 niǔ zhuǎn to reverse; to turn around (an undesirable situation); (mechanics) torsion
1194 洪水 hóng shuǐ deluge; flood
1195 诽谤 fěi bàng to slander; to libel
1196 区分 qū fēn to differentiate; to draw a distinction; to divide into categories
1197 喜悦 xǐ yuè happy; joyous
1198 more and more, even more
1199 jiǎn choose; select; pick up; gather
1200 机灵 jī ling clever; quick-witted
1201 精致 jīng zhì delicate; fine; exquisite; refined
1202 音响 yīn xiǎng sound; acoustics; audio; hi-fi system; stereo sound system; abbr. for 組合音響|组合音响[zu3 he2 yin1 xiang3]
1203 开支 kāi zhī expenditures; expenses; CL:筆|笔[bi3], 項|项[xiang4]; to spend money; (coll.) to pay wages
1204 把手 bǎ shǒu to shake hands
1205 抢救 qiǎng jiù to rescue
1206 残疾 cán jí disabled; handicapped; deformity on a person or animal
1207 发育 fā yù to develop; to mature; growth; development; (sexually) mature
1208 消耗 xiāo hào to use up; to consume
1209 生育 shēng yù to bear; to give birth; to grow; to rear; to bring up (children); fertility
1210 股东 gǔ dōng shareholder; stockholder
1211 迄今为止 qì jīn wéi zhǐ so far; up to now; still (not)
1212 一如既往 yī rú jì wǎng just as in the past (idiom); as before; continuing as always
1213 分解 fēn jiě to resolve; to decompose; to break down
1214 mottled, striped, freckle
1215 歹徒 dǎi tú evildoer; malefactor; gangster; hoodlum
1216 疲倦 pí juàn to tire; tired
1217 辜负 gū fù to fail to live up (to expectations); unworthy (of trust); to let down; to betray (hopes); to disappoint
1218 风度 fēng dù elegance (for men); elegant demeanor; grace; poise
1219 内幕 nèi mù inside story; non-public information; behind the scenes; internal
1220 反射 fǎn shè to reflect; reflection (from a mirror etc); reflex (i.e. automatic reaction of organism)
1221 反驳 fǎn bó to retort; to refute
1222 司令 sī lìng commanding officer
1223 政权 zhèng quán regime; political power
1224 故乡 gù xiāng home; homeland; native place; CL:個|个[ge4]
1225 贫困 pín kùn impoverished; poverty
1226 干预 gān yù to meddle; to intervene; intervention
1227 平行 píng xíng parallel; of equal rank; simultaneous
1228 描绘 miáo huì to describe; to portray
1229 cuàn run away; revise, edit; expel
1230 zhōu rice gruel, congee
1231 缺席 quē xí absence; absent
1232 诸位 zhū wèi (pron) everyone; Ladies and Gentlemen; Sirs
1233 迫害 pò hài to persecute; persecution
1234 chuí balance weight on scale; hammer
1235 惯例 guàn lì convention; usual practice
1236 lǒu hug, embrace; drag, pull
1237 照样 zhào yàng as before; (same) as usual; in the same manner; still; nevertheless
1238 融洽 róng qià harmonious; friendly relations; on good terms with one another
1239 鞠躬 jū gōng to bow; (literary) to bend down
1240 做主 zuò zhǔ see 作主[zuo4 zhu3]
1241 冻结 dòng jié to freeze (water etc); (fig.) to freeze (assets, prices etc)
1242 向导 xiàng dǎo guide
1243 róu rub, massage; crush by hand
1244 熄灭 xī miè to stop burning; to go out (of fire); to die out; extinguished
1245 较量 jiào liàng to pit oneself against sb; to compete with sb; contest; battle; to haggle; to quibble
1246 光辉 guāng huī radiance; glory; brilliant; magnificent
1247 公务 gōng wù official business
1248 合伙 hé huǒ to act jointly; to form a partnership
1249 放射 fàng shè to radiate; radioactive
1250 淹没 yān mò to submerge; to drown; to flood; to drown out (also fig.)
1251 素食 sù shí vegetables; vegetarian food
1252 考察 kǎo chá to inspect; to observe and study; on-the-spot investigation
1253 裁缝 cái féng tailor; dressmaker
1254 鄙视 bǐ shì to despise; to disdain; to look down upon
1255 伺候 cì hòu to serve; to wait upon
1256 xiè bits, scraps, crumbs, fragments
1257 打官司 dǎ guān si to file a lawsuit; to sue; to dispute
1258 要点 yào diǎn main point; essential
1259 触犯 chù fàn to violate; to offend
1260 风光 fēng guāng scene; view; sight; landscape; to be well-regarded; to be well-off; grand (dialect); impressive (dialect)
1261 不妨 bù fáng there is no harm in; might as well
1262 shāo to select; to take; to carry
1263 断绝 duàn jué to sever; to break off
1264 构思 gòu sī to design; to plot; to plan out; to compose; to draw a mental sketch; conception; plan; idea; composition
1265 模范 mó fàn model; fine example
1266 款待 kuǎn dài to entertain; to be hospitable to
1267 呻吟 shēn yín to moan; to groan
1268 失事 shī shì (of a plane, ship etc) to have an accident (plane crash, shipwreck, vehicle collision etc); to mess things up
1269 孤立 gū lì isolate; isolated
1270 心血 xīn xuè heart's blood; expenditure (for some project); meticulous care
1271 注重 zhù zhòng to pay attention to; to emphasize
1272 不堪 bù kān cannot bear; cannot stand; utterly; extremely
1273 掠夺 lüè duó to plunder; to rob
1274 胜负 shèng fù victory or defeat; the outcome of a battle
1275 遵循 zūn xún to follow; to abide by; to comply with; compliance
1276 刊登 kān dēng to carry a story; to publish (in a newspaper or magazine)
1277 喘气 chuǎn qì to breathe deeply; to pant
1278 奢侈 shē chǐ luxurious; extravagant
1279 延伸 yán shēn to extend; to spread
1280 殖民地 zhí mín dì colony
1281 气象 qì xiàng meteorological feature; CL:個|个[ge4]; meteorology; atmosphere; ambience; scene
1282 精通 jīng tōng to be proficient in; to master (a subject)
1283 麻木 má mù numb; insensitive; apathetic
1284 启示 qǐ shì to reveal; to enlighten; enlightenment; revelation; illumination; moral (of a story etc); lesson
1285 手艺 shǒu yì craftmanship; workmanship; handicraft; trade
1286 挫折 cuò zhé setback; reverse; check; defeat; frustration; disappointment; to frustrate; to discourage; to set sb back; to blunt; to subdue
1287 步伐 bù fá pace; (measured) step; march
1288 mountain stream, creek
1289 决策 jué cè strategic decision; decision-making; policy decision; to determine policy
1290 动态 dòng tài movement; motion; development; trend; dynamic (science)
1291 疏忽 shū hu to neglect; to overlook; negligence; carelessness
1292 遍布 biàn bù to cover the whole (area); to be found throughout
1293 乞丐 qǐ gài beggar
1294 zhuì fall down, drop, sink, go to ruin
1295 施展 shī zhǎn to use fully; to put to use
1296 藐视 miǎo shì to despise; to look down on
1297 虚假 xū jiǎ false; phony; pretense
1298 贝壳 bèi ké shell; conch; cowry; mother of pearl; hard outer skin; also pr. [bei4 qiao4]
1299 连锁 lián suǒ to interlock; to be linked; chain (store etc)
1300 饶恕 ráo shù to forgive; to pardon; to spare
1301 习俗 xí sú custom; tradition; local tradition; convention
1302 冒充 mào chōng to feign; to pretend to be; to pass oneself off as
1303 想方设法 xiǎng fāng shè fǎ to think up every possible method (idiom); to devise ways and means; to try this, that and the other
1304 沸腾 fèi téng (of a liquid) to boil; (of sentiments etc) to boil over; to flare up; to be impassioned
1305 紧迫 jǐn pò pressing; urgent
1306 草率 cǎo shuài careless; negligent; sloppy; not serious
1307 衷心 zhōng xīn heartfelt; wholehearted; cordial
1308 下属 xià shǔ subordinate; underling
1309 储备 chǔ bèi reserves; to store up
1310 充实 chōng shí rich; full; substantial; to enrich; to augment; to substantiate (an argument)
1311 周边 zhōu biān periphery; rim; surroundings; all around; perimeter; peripheral (computing); spin-offs
1312 备份 bèi fèn backup
1313 纠纷 jiū fēn dispute
1314 观光 guān guāng to tour; sightseeing; tourism
1315 宣扬 xuān yáng to proclaim; to make public or well known
1316 渗透 shèn tòu (lit. and fig.) to permeate; to seep into; (of a product, idea etc) to penetrate (in a population); (of hostile forces) to infiltrate; (chemistry) osmosis
1317 颁发 bān fā to issue; to promulgate; to award
1318 领事馆 lǐng shì guǎn consulate
1319 领土 lǐng tǔ territory
1320 向往 xiàng wǎng to yearn for; to look forward to
1321 妥当 tuǒ dang appropriate; proper; ready
1322 智能 zhì néng intelligent; able; smart (phone, system, bomb etc)
1323 起源 qǐ yuán origin; to originate; to come from
1324 起草 qǐ cǎo to make a draft; to draw up (plans)
1325 侥幸 jiǎo xìng luckily; by a fluke
1326 施加 shī jiā to exert (effort or pressure)
1327 经费 jīng fèi funds; expenditure; CL:筆|笔[bi3]
1328 美满 měi mǎn happy; blissful
1329 顾虑 gù lǜ misgivings; apprehensions
1330 收缩 shōu suō to pull back; to shrink; to contract; (physiology) systole
1331 繁殖 fán zhí to breed; to reproduce; to propagate
1332 圆满 yuán mǎn satisfactory; consummate; perfect
1333 堵塞 dǔ sè to clog up; blockage
1334 大致 dà zhì more or less; roughly; approximately
1335 钦佩 qīn pèi to admire; to look up to; to respect sb greatly
1336 不得已 bù dé yǐ to act against one's will; to have no alternative but to; to have to; to have no choice; must
1337 主导 zhǔ dǎo leading; dominant; prevailing; to lead; to direct; to dominate
1338 便条 biàn tiáo (informal) note; CL:張|张[zhang1],個|个[ge4]
1339 反馈 fǎn kuì to send back information; feedback
1340 树立 shù lì to set up; to establish
1341 沐浴 mù yù to take a bath; to bathe; to immerse
1342 维生素 wéi shēng sù vitamin
1343 表态 biǎo tài to declare one's position; to say where one stands
1344 货币 huò bì currency; monetary; money
1345 冷却 lěng què to cool off; cooling
1346 协商 xié shāng to consult with; to talk things over; agreement
1347 大臣 dà chén chancellor (of a monarchy); cabinet minister
1348 皱纹 zhòu wén wrinkle; CL:道[dao4]
1349 管辖 guǎn xiá to administer; to have jurisdiction (over)
1350 偏僻 piān pì remote; desolate; far from the city
1351 山脉 shān mài mountain range; CL:條|条[tiao2]
1352 扩张 kuò zhāng expansion; dilation; to expand (e.g. one's power or influence); to broaden
1353 派遣 pài qiǎn to send (on a mission); to dispatch
1354 笼罩 lǒng zhào to envelop; to shroud
1355 起伏 qǐ fú to move up and down; to undulate; ups and downs
1356 间接 jiàn jiē indirect
1357 众所周知 zhòng suǒ zhōu zhī as everyone knows (idiom); see 眾所周知|众所周知[zhong4 suo3 zhou1 zhi1]
1358 债券 zhài quàn bond; debenture
1359 共鸣 gòng míng resonance (physics); sympathetic response to sth
1360 务必 wù bì must; to need to; to be sure to
1361 坚固 jiān gù firm; firmly; hard; stable
1362 崇高 chóng gāo majestic; sublime
1363 持久 chí jiǔ lasting; enduring; persistent; permanent; protracted; endurance; persistence; to last long
1364 bāi (Cant.) to tear, to rip
1365 discard, abandon, throw away
1366 zǎn save, hoard
1367 话筒 huà tǒng microphone; (telephone) receiver; handset
1368 调节 tiáo jié to adjust; to regulate; to harmonize; to reconcile (accountancy etc)
1369 埋怨 mán yuàn to complain; to grumble (about); to reproach; to blame
1370 微不足道 wēi bù zú dào negligible; insignificant
1371 慎重 shèn zhòng cautious; careful; prudent
1372 方圆 fāng yuán perimeter; range; (within) a radius of ...
1373 称号 chēng hào name; term of address; title
1374 调动 diào dòng to transfer; to maneuver (troops etc); movement of personnel; to mobilize; to bring into play
1375 重心 zhòng xīn center of gravity; central core; main part
1376 预兆 yù zhào omen; sign (of sth yet to occur); prior indication; to foreshadow
1377 国防 guó fáng national defense
1378 筹备 chóu bèi preparations; to get ready for sth
1379 追究 zhuī jiū to investigate; to look into
1380 选拔 xuǎn bá to select the best
1381 前景 qián jǐng foreground; vista; (future) prospects; perspective
1382 xiàng alley, lane
1383 抵制 dǐ zhì to resist; to boycott; to refuse (to cooperate); to reject; resistance; refusal
1384 漂浮 piāo fú to float; to hover; to drift (also fig., to lead a wandering life); to rove; showy; superficial
1385 示威 shì wēi to demonstrate (as a protest); a demonstration; a military show of force
1386 联想 lián xiǎng abbr. for 聯想集團|联想集团[Lian2 xiang3 Ji2 tuan2]; to associate (cognitively); to make an associative connection; mental association; word prediction and auto-complete functions of input method editing programs
1387 行列 háng liè ranks; procession
1388 配偶 pèi ǒu consort; mate; spouse
1389 器材 qì cái equipment; material
1390 四肢 sì zhī the four limbs of the body
1391 寂静 jì jìng quiet
1392 废除 fèi chú to abolish; to abrogate; to repeal
1393 恨不得 hèn bu de wishing one could do sth; to hate to be unable; itching to do sth
1394 敏捷 mǐn jié nimble; quick; shrewd
1395 计较 jì jiào to bother about; to haggle; to bicker; to argue; plan; stratagem
1396 闪烁 shǎn shuò flickering; twinkling; evasive; vague (of speech)
1397 丰盛 fēng shèng rich; sumptuous
1398 制裁 zhì cái to punish; punishment; sanctions (incl. economic)
1399 嗅觉 xiù jué sense of smell
1400 渺小 miǎo xiǎo minute; tiny; negligible; insignificant
1401 过滤 guò lǜ to filter; filter
1402 分泌 fēn mì to secrete; secretion
1403 加工 jiā gōng to process; processing; working (of machinery)
1404 振奋 zhèn fèn to stir oneself up; to raise one's spirits; to inspire
1405 特长 tè cháng personal strength; one's special ability or strong points
1406 胡乱 hú luàn careless; reckless; casually; absent-mindedly; at will; at random; any old how
1407 腐蚀 fǔ shí corrosion; to corrode (degrade chemically); to rot; corruption
1408 借助 jiè zhù to draw support from; with the help of
1409 倾斜 qīng xié to incline; to lean; to slant; to slope; to tilt
1410 启程 qǐ chéng to set out on a journey
1411 流露 liú lù to reveal (indirectly, implicitly); to show (interest, contempt etc) by means of one's actions, tone of voice etc
1412 lameness, paralysis of hands, leg
1413 相应 xiāng yìng to correspond; answering (one another); to agree (among the part); corresponding; relevant; appropriate; (modify) accordingly
1414 高峰 gāo fēng peak; summit; height
1415 事迹 shì jì deed; past achievement; important event of the past
1416 倒闭 dǎo bì to go bankrupt; to close down
1417 冤枉 yuān wang to accuse wrongly; to treat unjustly; injustice; wronged; not worthwhile
1418 承办 chéng bàn to undertake; to accept a contract
1419 机动 jī dòng locomotive; motorized; power-driven; adaptable; flexible (use, treatment, timing etc)
1420 气概 qì gài lofty quality; mettle; spirit
1421 混淆 hùn xiáo to obscure; to confuse; to mix up; to blur; to mislead
1422 遗失 yí shī to lose; lost
1423 之际 zhī jì during; at the time of
1424 书籍 shū jí books; works
1425 富裕 fù yù Fuyu county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilongjiang; prosperous; well-to-do; well-off
1426 礼节 lǐ jié etiquette
1427 逼迫 bī pò to force; to compel; to coerce
1428 和蔼 hé ǎi kindly; nice; amiable
1429 平原 píng yuán field; plain; CL:個|个[ge4]
1430 惦记 diàn jì to think of; to keep thinking about; to be concerned about
1431 枯燥 kū zào dry and dull; uninteresting; dry-as-dust
1432 皮革 pí gé leather; CL:張|张[zhang1]
1433 表决 biǎo jué to decide by vote; to vote
1434 公告 gōng gào post; announcement
1435 品种 pǐn zhǒng breed; variety; CL:個|个[ge4]
1436 正规 zhèng guī regular; according to standards
1437 shèng, chéng abundant, flourishing; contain; fill
1438 衰老 shuāi lǎo to age; to deteriorate with age; old and weak
1439 记性 jì xing memory (ability to retain information)
1440 rǎng shout, brawl, make uproar, cry
1441 平面 píng miàn plane (flat surface); print media
1442 掀起 xiān qǐ to lift; to raise in height; to begin; upsurge; to set off (a campaign)
1443 粉末 fěn mò fine powder; dust
1444 转达 zhuǎn dá to pass on; to convey; to communicate
1445 关怀 guān huái care; solicitude; to show care for; concerned about; attentive to
1446 心态 xīn tài attitude (of the heart); state of one's psyche; way of thinking; mentality
1447 探讨 tàn tǎo to investigate; to probe
1448 支柱 zhī zhù mainstay; pillar; prop; backbone
1449 爱戴 ài dài to love and respect; love and respect
1450 猛烈 měng liè fierce; violent (criticism etc)
1451 种植 zhòng zhí to plant; to grow
1452 空洞 kōng dòng cavity; empty; vacuous
1453 贬低 biǎn dī to belittle; to disparage; to play down; to demean; to degrade; to devalue
1454 国务院 guó wù yuàn State Council (PRC); State Department (USA)
1455 胡须 hú xū beard; CL:根[gen1],綹|绺[liu3]
1456 胸膛 xiōng táng chest
1457 辫子 biàn zi plait; braid; pigtail; a mistake or shortcoming that may be exploited by an opponent; handle; CL:根[gen1],條|条[tiao2]
1458 体谅 tǐ liàng to empathize; to allow (for sth); to show understanding; to appreciate
1459 受罪 shòu zuì to endure; to suffer; hardships; torments; a hard time; a nuisance
1460 商标 shāng biāo trademark; logo
1461 宽敞 kuān chang spacious; wide
1462 无动于衷 wú dòng yú zhōng aloof; indifferent; unconcerned
1463 民间 mín jiān among the people; popular; folk; non-governmental; involving people rather than governments
1464 繁忙 fán máng busy; bustling
1465 中立 zhōng lì neutral; neutrality
1466 健全 jiàn quán robust; sound
1467 凑合 còu he to bring together; to make do in a bad situation; to just get by; to improvise; passable; not too bad
1468 定期 dìng qī at set dates; at regular intervals; periodic; limited to a fixed period of time; fixed term
1469 根源 gēn yuán origin; root (cause)
1470 濒临 bīn lín on the edge of; (fig.) on the verge of; close to
1471 iron, press
1472 见解 jiàn jiě opinion; view; understanding
1473 过渡 guò dù to cross over (by ferry); transition; interim; caretaker (administration)
1474 风味 fēng wèi distinctive flavor; distinctive style
1475 台风 tái fēng stage presence, poise; hurricane; typhoon
1476 开展 kāi zhǎn to launch; to develop; to unfold; (of an exhibition etc) to open
1477 急切 jí qiè eager; impatient
1478 自主 zì zhǔ independent; to act for oneself; autonomous
1479 谅解 liàng jiě to understand; to make allowances for; understanding
1480 不时 bù shí from time to time; now and then; occasionally; frequently
1481 大肆 dà sì wantonly; without restraint (of enemy or malefactor); unbridled
1482 徒弟 tú dì apprentice; disciple
1483 断定 duàn dìng to conclude; to determine; to come to a judgment
1484 款式 kuǎn shì pattern; style; design; CL:種|种[zhong3]
1485 犹如 yóu rú similar to; appearing to be
1486 畅销 chàng xiāo to sell well; best seller; chart-topping
1487 修建 xiū jiàn to build; to construct
1488 储蓄 chǔ xù to deposit money; to save; savings
1489 照耀 zhào yào to shine; to illuminate
1490 肖像 xiào xiàng portrait (painting, photo etc); (in a general sense) representation of a person; likeness
1491 可口 kě kǒu tasty; to taste good
1492 小心翼翼 xiǎo xīn yì yì cautious and solemn (idiom); very carefully; prudent; gently and cautiously
1493 平庸 píng yōng mediocre; indifferent; commonplace
1494 懒惰 lǎn duò idle; lazy
1495 orange
1496 盘旋 pán xuán to spiral; to circle; to go around; to hover; to orbit
1497 个体 gè tǐ individual
1498 弹性 tán xìng flexibility; elasticity
1499 文物 wén wù cultural relic; historical relic; CL:件[jian4],個|个[ge4]
1500 生锈 shēng xiù to rust; to grow rusty; to corrode; oxidization
1501 糟蹋 zāo tà to waste; to defile; to abuse; to insult; to trample on; to wreck; also pr. [zao1 ta5]
1502 题材 tí cái subject matter
1503 默默 mò mò in silence; not speaking
1504 凡是 fán shì each and every; every; all; any
1505 diāo holding in mouth
1506 就职 jiù zhí to take office; to assume a post
1507 庄稼 zhuāng jia farm crop; CL:種|种[zhong3]
1508 海滨 hǎi bīn shore; seaside
1509 赠送 zèng sòng to present as a gift
1510 陶醉 táo zuì to be infatuated with; to be drunk with; to be enchanted with; to revel in
1511 二氧化碳 èr yǎng huà tàn carbon dioxide CO2
1512 委员 wěi yuán committee member; committee; council; CL:個|个[ge4]
1513 演变 yǎn biàn to develop; to evolve; development; evolution
1514 轮廓 lún kuò an outline; silhouette
1515 分明 fēn míng clear; distinct; evidently; clearly
1516 晋升 jìn shēng to promote to a higher position
1517 灵敏 líng mǐn smart; clever; sensitive; keen; quick; sharp
1518 hōng bake, roast; dry by fire
1519 规范 guī fàn norm; standard; specification; regulation; rule; within the rules; to fix rules; to regulate; to specify
1520 不禁 bù jīn can't help (doing sth); can't refrain from
1521 创立 chuàng lì to establish; to set up; to found
1522 口头 kǒu tóu oral; verbal
1523 境界 jìng jiè boundary; state; realm
1524 恰巧 qià qiǎo fortunately; unexpectedly; by coincidence
1525 气压 qì yā atmospheric pressure; barometric pressure
1526 钩子 gōu zi hook
1527 严峻 yán jùn grim; severe; rigorous
1528 任性 rèn xìng willful; headstrong; unruly
1529 剧烈 jù liè violent; acute; severe; fierce
1530 庄严 zhuāng yán solemn; dignified; stately
1531 情理 qíng lǐ reason; sense
1532 驻扎 zhù zhā to station; to garrison (troops)
1533 不愧 bù kuì to be worthy of; to deserve to be called; to prove oneself to be
1534 充当 chōng dāng to serve as; to act as; to play the role of
1535 卓越 zhuó yuè outstanding; surpassing; distinguished; splendid
1536 反面 fǎn miàn reverse side; backside; the other side (of a problem etc); negative; bad
1537 君子 jūn zǐ nobleman; person of noble character
1538 含糊 hán hu ambiguous; vague; careless; perfunctory
1539 呼吁 hū yù to call on (sb to do sth); to appeal (to); an appeal
1540 气势 qì shì imposing manner; loftiness; grandeur; energetic looks; vigor
1541 dēng step on, tread on; lose energy
1542 辛勤 xīn qín hardworking; industrious
1543 公然 gōng rán openly; publicly; undisguised
1544 周期 zhōu qī period; cycle
1545 坚硬 jiān yìng hard; solid
1546 当代 dāng dài the present age; the contemporary era
1547 gē, ge place, put, lay down; delay
1548 潇洒 xiāo sǎ confident and at ease; free and easy
1549 筛选 shāi xuǎn to filter
1550 资本 zī běn capital (economics)
1551 过瘾 guò yǐn to satisfy a craving; to get a kick out of sth; gratifying; immensely enjoyable; satisfying; fulfilling
1552 领悟 lǐng wù to understand; to comprehend
1553 上任 shàng rèn to take office; previous (incumbent); predecessor
1554 bǐng third; 3rd heavenly stem
1555 安详 ān xiáng serene
1556 实质 shí zhì substance; essence
1557 寄托 jì tuō to entrust (to sb); to place (one's hope, energy etc) in; a thing in which you invest (your hope, energy etc)
1558 文凭 wén píng diploma
1559 素质 sù zhì inner quality; basic essence
1560 论坛 lùn tán forum (for discussion)
1561 资深 zī shēn veteran (journalist etc); senior; highly experienced
1562 féng come upon, happen meet; flatter
1563 顽强 wán qiáng tenacious; hard to defeat
1564 高涨 gāo zhǎng to surge up; to rise; (of tensions etc) to run high
1565 高超 gāo chāo excellent; superlative
1566 齐心协力 qí xīn xié lì to work with a common purpose (idiom); to make concerted efforts; to pull together; to work as one
1567 仓促 cāng cù all of a sudden; hurriedly
1568 名额 míng é quota; number of places; place (in an institution, a group etc)
1569 拥护 yōng hù to endorse; to support
1570 蔑视 miè shì to loathe; to despise; contempt
1571 谜语 mí yǔ riddle; conundrum; CL:條|条[tiao2]
1572 通用 tōng yòng to use anywhere, anytime (card, ticket etc); to be used by everyone (language, textbook etc); (of two or more things) interchangeable
1573 郑重 zhèng zhòng serious; solemn
1574 鉴别 jiàn bié to differentiate; to distinguish
1575 丑恶 chǒu è ugly; repulsive
1576 搅拌 jiǎo bàn to stir; to agitate
1577 桥梁 qiáo liáng bridge (lit. and fig.)
1578 片断 piàn duàn section; fragment; segment
1579 采纳 cǎi nà to accept; to adopt
1580 采购 cǎi gòu to procure (for an enterprise etc); to purchase
1581 gài calcium
1582 人道 rén dào human sympathy; humanitarianism; humane; the "human way", one of the stages in the cycle of reincarnation (Buddhism); sexual intercourse
1583 密度 mì dù density; thickness
1584 寻觅 xún mì to look for
1585 机智 jī zhì quick-witted; resourceful
1586 柔和 róu hé gentle; soft
1587 béng there is no need
1588 被动 bèi dòng passive
1589 践踏 jiàn tà to trample
1590 大意 dà yi careless
1591 恰到好处 qià dào hǎo chù it's just perfect; it's just right
1592 推论 tuī lùn to infer; inference; corollary; reasoned conclusion
1593 花瓣 huā bàn petal; CL:片[pian4]
1594 走漏 zǒu lòu to leak (of information, liquid etc); to divulge
1595 领会 lǐng huì to understand; to comprehend; to grasp
1596 土壤 tǔ rǎng soil
1597 外行 wài háng layman; amateur
1598 座右铭 zuò yòu míng motto; maxim
1599 开阔 kāi kuò wide; open (spaces); to open up
1600 支出 zhī chū to spend; to pay out; expense
1601 精华 jīng huá best feature; most important part of an object; quintessence; essence; soul
1602 调料 tiáo liào condiment; seasoning; flavoring
1603 配备 pèi bèi to allocate; to provide; to outfit with
1604 阵地 zhèn dì position; front
1605 颠簸 diān bǒ to shake; to jolt; to bump
1606 飞跃 fēi yuè to leap
1607 信誉 xìn yù prestige; distinction; reputation; trust
1608 凝视 níng shì to gaze at; to fix one's eyes on
1609 分量 fēn liàng (vector) component
1610 标本 biāo běn specimen; sample; the root cause and symptoms of a disease
1611 理睬 lǐ cǎi to heed; to pay attention to
1612 生态 shēng tài ecology
1613 留神 liú shén to take care; to be careful
1614 shào whistle, blow whistle; chirp
1615 对策 duì cè countermeasure for dealing with a situation
1616 形态 xíng tài shape; form; pattern; morphology
1617 挥霍 huī huò to squander money; extravagant; prodigal; free and easy; agile
1618 泄气 xiè qì to leak (gas); to be discouraged; to despair; (disparaging) pathetic; to vent one's anger; (of a tire) to be flat
1619 私自 sī zì private; personal; secretly; without explicit approval
1620 请教 qǐng jiào to ask for guidance; to consult
1621 黄昏 huáng hūn dusk; evening; nightfall
1622 全局 quán jú overall situation
1623 杂技 zá jì acrobatics; CL:場|场[chang3]
1624 牢固 láo gù firm; secure
1625 精密 jīng mì accuracy; exact; precise; refined
1626 薄弱 bó ruò weak; frail
1627 还原 huán yuán to restore to the original state; to reconstruct (an event); reduction (chemistry)
1628 遗留 yí liú to leave behind; to hand down
1629 遭殃 zāo yāng to suffer a calamity
1630 一度 yī dù for a time; at one time; one time; once
1631 人为 rén wéi artificial; man-made; having human cause or origin; human attempt or effort
1632 以致 yǐ zhì to such an extent as to; down to; up to
1633 削弱 xuē ruò to weaken; to impair; to cripple
1634 得力 dé lì able; capable; competent; efficient
1635 提拔 tí bá to promote to a higher job; to select for promotion
1636 liàng air-dry; sun-dry
1637 瓦解 wǎ jiě to collapse; to disintegrate; to crumble
1638 神仙 shén xiān Daoist immortal; supernatural entity; (in modern fiction) fairy, elf, leprechaun etc; fig. lighthearted person
1639 可观 kě guān considerable; impressive; significant
1640 告辞 gào cí to say goodbye; to take one's leave
1641 垂直 chuí zhí perpendicular; vertical
1642 尖锐 jiān ruì sharp; intense; penetrating; pointed; acute (illness)
1643 悔恨 huǐ hèn remorse; repentance
1644 数额 shù é amount; sum of money; fixed number
1645 波浪 bō làng wave
1646 结晶 jié jīng to crystallize; crystallization; crystal; crystalline; (fig.) the fruit (of labor etc)
1647 裁员 cái yuán to cut staff; to lay off employees
1648 请柬 qǐng jiǎn invitation card; written invitation
1649 公式 gōng shì formula
1650 局部 jú bù part; local
1651 巢穴 cháo xué lair; nest; den; hideout
1652 指南针 zhǐ nán zhēn compass
1653 未免 wèi miǎn unavoidably; can't help; really; rather
1654 胆怯 dǎn qiè timidity; timid; cowardly
1655 诚挚 chéng zhì sincere; cordial
1656 陶瓷 táo cí pottery and porcelain; ceramics
1657 齐全 qí quán complete; comprehensive
1658 公认 gōng rèn publicly known (to be); accepted (as)
1659 寺庙 sì miào temple; monastery; shrine
1660 悬念 xuán niàn suspense in a movie, play etc; concern for sb's welfare
1661 cuō to rub or roll between the hands
1662 来历 lái lì history; antecedents; origin
1663 腐朽 fǔ xiǔ rotten; decayed; decadent; degenerate
1664 规章 guī zhāng rule; regulation
1665 阶层 jiē céng hierarchy; stratum; social class
1666 雕刻 diāo kè to carve; to engrave; carving
1667 交涉 jiāo shè to negotiate (with); to have dealings (with)
1668 内涵 nèi hán meaningful content; implication; connotation (semantics); inner qualities (of a person)
1669 告诫 gào jiè to warn; to admonish
1670 总而言之 zǒng ér yán zhī in short; in a word; in brief
1671 源泉 yuán quán fountainhead; well-spring; water source; fig. origin
1672 补贴 bǔ tiē to subsidize; subsidy; allowance; to supplement (one's salary etc); benefit
1673 间隔 jiàn gé gap; interval; compartment; to divide; to separate; to leave a gap of (two weeks, three meters etc)
1674 阻挠 zǔ náo to thwart; to obstruct (sth)
1675 保养 bǎo yǎng to take good care of (or conserve) one's health; to keep in good repair; to maintain; maintenance
1676 慢性 màn xìng slow and patient; chronic (disease); slow to take effect (e.g. a slow poison)
1677 歪曲 wāi qū to distort; to misrepresent
1678 沉闷 chén mèn oppressive (of weather); heavy; depressed; not happy; (of sound) dull; muffled
1679 牲畜 shēng chù domesticated animals; livestock
1680 留恋 liú liàn reluctant to leave; to hate to have to go; to recall fondly
1681 课题 kè tí task; problem; issue
1682 半途而废 bàn tú ér fèi to give up halfway (idiom); leave sth unfinished
1683 巴不得 bā bu de (coll.) to be eager for; to long for; to look forward to
1684 档次 dàng cì grade; class; quality; level
1685 沉思 chén sī to contemplate; to ponder; contemplation; meditation
1686 物资 wù zī goods; supplies
1687 立体 lì tǐ three-dimensional; solid; stereoscopic
1688 衰退 shuāi tuì to decline; to fall; to drop; to falter; a decline; recession (in economics)
1689 调解 tiáo jiě to mediate; to bring parties to an agreement
1690 主流 zhǔ liú main stream (of a river); fig. the essential point; main viewpoint of a matter; mainstream (culture etc)
1691 争端 zhēng duān dispute; controversy; conflict
1692 剥削 bō xuē to exploit; exploitation
1693 变质 biàn zhì to degenerate; to deteriorate; (of food) to go bad; to go off; (geology) metamorphism
1694 对应 duì yìng to correspond; a correspondence; corresponding; homologous; matching with sth; counterpart
1695 zhū numerary adjunct for trees; root
1696 水龙头 shuǐ lóng tóu faucet; tap
1697 舆论 yú lùn public opinion
1698 航天 háng tiān space flight
1699 酝酿 yùn niàng (of alcohol) to ferment; (of a crisis) to be brewing; to mull over (an issue); to hold exploratory discussions
1700 咀嚼 jǔ jué to chew; to think over
1701 lèng be in a daze
1702 无理取闹 wú lǐ qǔ nào to make trouble without reason (idiom); to be deliberately provocative
1703 jiǎng oar, paddle
1704 编织 biān zhī to weave; to knit; to plait; to braid; (fig.) to create (sth abstract, e.g. a dream, a lie etc)
1705 诬陷 wū xiàn to entrap; to frame; to plant false evidence against sb
1706 跟前 gēn qian (of children, parents etc) at one's side; living with one
1707 天然气 tiān rán qì natural gas
1708 容纳 róng nà to hold; to contain; to accommodate; to tolerate (different opinions)
1709 容貌 róng mào one's appearance; one's aspect; looks; features
1710 广阔 guǎng kuò wide; vast
1711 弥漫 mí màn to pervade; to fill the air; diffuse; everywhere present; about to inundate (water); permeated by (smoke); filled with (dust); to saturate (the air with fog, smoke etc); variant of 彌漫|弥漫[mi2 man4]
1712 截止 jié zhǐ to close; to stop; to put a stop to sth; cut-off point; stopping point; deadline
1713 报销 bào xiāo to submit an expense account; to apply for reimbursement; to write off; to wipe out
1714 捆绑 kǔn bǎng to bind
1715 敷衍 fū yǎn to elaborate (on a theme); to expound (the classics); perfunctory; to skimp; to botch; to do sth half-heartedly or just for show; barely enough to get by
1716 考古 kǎo gǔ archaeology
1717 趣味 qù wèi fun; interest; delight; taste; liking; preference
1718 阻拦 zǔ lán to stop; to obstruct
1719 传授 chuán shòu to impart; to pass on; to teach
1720 名副其实 míng fù qí shí not just in name only, but also in reality (idiom)
1721 生机 shēng jī opportunity to live; to reprieve from death; life force; vitality
1722 破例 pò lì to make an exception
1723 租赁 zū lìn to rent; to lease; to hire
1724 上游 shàng yóu upper reaches (of a river); upper level; upper echelon; upstream
1725 候选 hòu xuǎn candidate (attributive)
1726 和睦 hé mù peaceful relations; harmonious
1727 响应 xiǎng yìng to respond to; answer; CL:個|个[ge4]
1728 宗旨 zōng zhǐ objective; aim; goal
1729 就业 jiù yè to get a job; employment
1730 局限 jú xiàn variant of 局限[ju2 xian4]; to limit; to confine; to restrict sth within set boundaries
1731 拘束 jū shù to restrict; to restrain; constrained; awkward; ill at ease; uncomfortable; reticent
1732 正宗 zhèng zōng orthodox school; fig. traditional; old school; authentic; genuine
1733 连同 lián tóng together with; along with
1734 闲话 xián huà casual conversation; chat; gossip; to talk about (whatever comes to mind)
1735 专程 zhuān chéng specifically; specially (for that purpose)
1736 停顿 tíng dùn to halt; to break off; pause (in speech)
1737 凝固 níng gù to freeze; to solidify; to congeal; fig. with rapt attention
1738 口腔 kǒu qiāng oral cavity
1739 干劲 gàn jìn enthusiasm for doing sth
1740 开朗 kāi lǎng spacious and well-lit; open and clear; (of character) optimistic; cheerful; carefree
1741 抱负 bào fù aspiration; ambition
1742 晴朗 qíng lǎng sunny and cloudless
1743 窍门 qiào mén a trick; an ingenious method; know-how; the knack (of doing sth)
1744 传记 zhuàn jì biography; CL:篇[pian1],部[bu4]
1745 日益 rì yì day by day; more and more; increasingly; more and more with each passing day
1746 更正 gēng zhèng to correct; to make a correction
1747 溶解 róng jiě to dissolve
1748 福气 fú qi good fortune; a blessing
1749 缠绕 chán rào twisting; to twine; to wind; to pester; to bother
1750 贪污 tān wū to be corrupt; corruption; to embezzle
1751 从容 cóng róng to go easy; unhurried; calm; Taiwan pr. [cong1 rong2]
1752 力所能及 lì suǒ néng jí as far as one's capabilities extend (idiom); to the best of one's ability; within one's powers
1753 叹气 tàn qì to sigh; to heave a sigh
1754 对称 duì chèn symmetry; symmetrical
1755 盈利 yíng lì profit; gain; to make profits
1756 bald
1757 缓和 huǎn hé to ease (tension); to alleviate; to moderate; to allay; to make more mild
1758 优越 yōu yuè superior; superiority
1759 开采 kāi cǎi to extract (ore or other resource from a mine); to exploit; to mine
1760 惋惜 wǎn xī to regret; to feel that it is a great pity; to feel sorry for sb
1761 暧昧 ài mèi vague; ambiguous; equivocal; dubious
1762 沉着 chén zhuó steady; calm and collected; not nervous
1763 独裁 dú cái dictatorship
1764 包庇 bāo bì to shield; to harbor; to cover up
1765 文雅 wén yǎ elegant; refined
1766 条理 tiáo lǐ arrangement; order; tidiness
1767 鲜明 xiān míng bright; clear-cut; distinct
1768 吝啬 lìn sè stingy; mean; miserly
1769 心甘情愿 xīn gān qíng yuàn delighted to (do sth, idiom); perfectly happy to do; most willing to do
1770 性能 xìng néng function; performance
1771 成效 chéng xiào effect; result
1772 昔日 xī rì formerly; in olden days
1773 滋润 zī rùn moist; humid; to moisten; to provide moisture; comfortably off
1774 狭窄 xiá zhǎi narrow
1775 直径 zhí jìng diameter
1776 一帆风顺 yī fān fēng shùn propitious wind throughout the journey (idiom); plain sailing; to go smoothly; have a nice trip!
1777 勇于 yǒng yú to dare to; to be brave enough to
1778 向来 xiàng lái always (previously)
1779 奔波 bēn bō to rush about; to be constantly on the move
1780 孕育 yùn yù to be pregnant; to produce offspring; to nurture (a development, school of thought, artwork etc); fig. replete with (culture etc)
1781 宏伟 hóng wěi grand; imposing; magnificent
1782 庄重 zhuāng zhòng grave; solemn; dignified
1783 拼搏 pīn bó to struggle; to wrestle
1784 无忧无虑 wú yōu wú lǜ carefree and without worries (idiom)
1785 要素 yào sù essential factor; key constituent
1786 事项 shì xiàng matter; item
1787 摧残 cuī cán to ravage; to ruin
1788 田野 tián yě field; open land; CL:片[pian4]
1789 细致 xì zhì delicate; fine; careful; meticulous; painstaking
1790 xiù embroider; embroidery; ornament
1791 茫茫 máng máng boundless; vast and obscure
1792 陈旧 chén jiù old-fashioned
1793 凝聚 níng jù to condense; to coagulate; coacervation (i.e. form tiny droplets); aggregation; coherent
1794 动员 dòng yuán to mobilize; to arouse; mobilization; CL:次[ci4],個|个[ge4]
1795 岳母 yuè mǔ wife's mother, mother-in-law
1796 攀登 pān dēng to climb; to pull oneself up; to clamber; to scale; fig. to forge ahead in the face of hardships and danger
1797 牢骚 láo sāo discontent; complaint; to complain
1798 运算 yùn suàn to perform calculations; (mathematical) operation
1799 体积 tǐ jī volume; bulk; CL:個|个[ge4]
1800 复兴 fù xīng Fuxing district of Handan city 邯鄲市|邯郸市[Han2 dan1 shi4], Hebei; Fuxing or Fuhsing township in Taoyuan county 桃園縣|桃园县[Tao2 yuan2 xian4], north Taiwan; to revive; to rejuvenate
1801 夕阳 xī yáng sunset; the setting sun
1802 尖端 jiān duān sharp pointed end; the tip; the cusp; tip-top; most advanced and sophisticated; highest peak; the best
1803 思索 sī suǒ to think deeply; to ponder
1804 急躁 jí zào irritable; irascible; impetuous
1805 批判 pī pàn to criticize; critique; CL:個|个[ge4]
1806 次序 cì xù sequence; order
1807 流通 liú tōng to circulate; to distribute; circulation; distribution
1808 节制 jié zhì to control; to restrict; to moderate; to temper; moderation; sobriety; to administer
1809 乐谱 yuè pǔ a musical score; sheet music
1810 发炎 fā yán to become inflamed; inflammation
1811 嫂子 sǎo zi (coll.) older brother's wife; sister-in-law; CL:個|个[ge4]
1812 屏障 píng zhàng barrier
1813 展望 zhǎn wàng outlook; prospect; to look ahead; to look forward to
1814 愚昧 yú mèi ignorant; uneducated; ignorance
1815 才干 cái gàn ability; competence
1816 无非 wú fēi only; nothing else
1817 率领 shuài lǐng to lead; to command; to head
1818 现成 xiàn chéng ready-made; readily available
1819 缺口 quē kǒu nick; jag; gap; shortfall
1820 谦逊 qiān xùn humble; modest; unpretentious; modesty
1821 压缩 yā suō to compress; compression
1822 惊动 jīng dòng to alarm; to startle; to disturb
1823 曲折 qū zhé winding; (fig.) complicated
1824 滔滔不绝 tāo tāo bù jué unceasing torrent (idiom); talking non-stop; gabbling forty to the dozen
1825 茫然 máng rán blankly; vacantly; at a loss
1826 迁徙 qiān xǐ to migrate; to move
1827 迟疑 chí yí to hesitate
1828 巩固 gǒng gù to consolidate; consolidation; to strengthen
1829 深沉 shēn chén deep; profound; (of a person) reserved; undemonstrative; (of a voice, sound etc) deep; low-pitched
1830 示意 shì yì to hint; to indicate (an idea to sb)
1831 索取 suǒ qǔ to ask; to demand
1832 觉醒 jué xǐng to awaken; to come to realize; awakened to the truth; the truth dawns upon one; scales fall from the eyes; to become aware
1833 严禁 yán jìn to strictly prohibit
1834 停滞 tíng zhì stagnation; at a standstill; bogged down
1835 培育 péi yù to train; to breed
1836 方言 fāng yán the first Chinese dialect dictionary, edited by Yang Xiong 揚雄|扬雄[Yang2 Xiong2] in 1st century, containing over 9000 characters; topolect; dialect
1837 泛滥 fàn làn to be in flood; to overflow (the banks); to inundate; to spread unchecked
1838 耗费 hào fèi to waste; to spend; to consume; to squander
1839 请帖 qǐng tiě invitation card; written invitation
1840 败坏 bài huài to ruin; to corrupt; to undermine
1841 过问 guò wèn to show an interest in; to get involved with
1842 适宜 shì yí suitable; appropriate
1843 阐述 chǎn shù to expound (a position); to elaborate (on a topic); to treat (a subject)
1844 划分 huà fēn to divide up; to partition; to differentiate
1845 响亮 xiǎng liàng loud and clear; resounding
1846 奥秘 ào mì secret; mystery
1847 应酬 yìng chou social niceties; social interaction; a dinner party
1848 打量 dǎ liang to size sb up; to look sb up and down; to take the measure of; to suppose; to reckon
1849 插座 chā zuò socket; outlet
1850 权衡 quán héng to consider; to weigh (a matter); to balance (pros and cons)
1851 炎热 yán rè blistering hot; sizzling hot (weather)
1852 焦急 jiāo jí anxiety; anxious
1853 牵制 qiān zhì to control; to curb; to restrict; to impede; to pin down (enemy troops)
1854 若干 ruò gān a certain number or amount; how many?; how much?
1855 表彰 biǎo zhāng to honor; to commend; to cite (in dispatches)
1856 转折 zhuǎn zhé shift in the trend of events; turnaround; plot shift in a book; turn in the conversation
1857 增添 zēng tiān to add; to increase
1858 对立 duì lì to oppose; to set sth against; to be antagonistic to; antithetical; relative opposite; opposing; diametrical
1859 当务之急 dāng wù zhī jí top priority job; matter of vital importance
1860 敬业 jìng yè to be dedicated to one's work; to respect one's work
1861 毅力 yì lì perseverance; willpower
1862 汹涌 xiōng yǒng to surge up violently (of ocean, river, lake etc); turbulent
1863 盛开 shèng kāi blooming; in full flower
1864 背诵 bèi sòng to recite; to repeat from memory
1865 自卑 zì bēi feeling inferior; self-abased
1866 附属 fù shǔ subsidiary; auxiliary; attached; affiliated; subordinate; subordinating
1867 后勤 hòu qín logistics
1868 启事 qǐ shì announcement (written, on billboard, letter, newspaper or website); to post information; a notice
1869 坚实 jiān shí firm and substantial; solid
1870 妥善 tuǒ shàn appropriate; proper
1871 庸俗 yōng sú vulgar; tacky; tawdry
1872 指标 zhǐ biāo (production) target; quota; index; indicator; sign; signpost; (computing) pointer
1873 腹泻 fù xiè diarrhea; to have the runs
1874 譬如 pì rú for example; for instance; such as
1875 隔阂 gé hé misunderstanding; estrangement; (language etc) barrier
1876 凶恶 xiōng è fierce; ferocious; fiendish; frightening; variant of 兇惡|凶恶, fierce
1877 周密 zhōu mì careful; thorough; meticulous; dense; impenetrable
1878 深奥 shēn ào profound; abstruse; recondite; profoundly
1879 相差 xiāng chà to differ; discrepancy between
1880 重叠 chóng dié to overlap; to superimpose; to telescope; to run together; to duplicate; one over another; superposition; an overlap; redundancy; reduplication (in Chinese grammar, e.g. 散散步[san4 san4 bu4] to have a stroll)
1881 雌雄 cí xióng male and female
1882 面貌 miàn mào appearance; face; features; CL:個|个[ge4]
1883 专题 zhuān tí specific topic (addressed by a book, lecture, TV program etc); article, report or program etc on a specific topic
1884 优异 yōu yì exceptional; outstandingly good
1885 出息 chū xi future prospects; profit; to mature; to grow up
1886 急剧 jí jù rapid; sudden
1887 投掷 tóu zhì to throw sth a long distance; to hurl; to throw at; to throw (dice etc); to flip (a coin)
1888 枯萎 kū wěi to wilt; to wither; wilted; withered; drained; enervated; exhausted
1889 铸造 zhù zào to cast (pour metal into a mold)
1890 伯母 bó mǔ wife of father's elder brother; aunt; (polite form of address for a woman who is about the age of one's mother); CL:個|个[ge4]
1891 固体 gù tǐ solid
1892 排放 pái fàng emission; discharge; exhaust (gas etc)
1893 摸索 mō suo to feel about; to grope about; to fumble; to do things slowly
1894 田径 tián jìng track and field (athletics)
1895 致辞 zhì cí to express in words or writing; to make a speech (esp. short introduction, vote of thanks, afterword, funeral homily etc); to address (an audience); same as 致詞|致词
1896 范畴 fàn chóu category
1897 转让 zhuǎn ràng to transfer (ownership, rights etc)
1898 雪上加霜 xuě shàng jiā shuāng to add hail to snow (idiom); one disaster on top of another; to make things worse in a bad situation
1899 鼓动 gǔ dòng to agitate; to arouse; to instigate; to encite
1900 作废 zuò fèi to become invalid; to cancel; to delete; to nullify
1901 利害 lì hai terrible; formidable; serious; devastating; tough; capable; sharp; severe; fierce
1902 勤劳 qín láo hardworking; industrious; diligent
1903 博览会 bó lǎn huì exposition; international fair
1904 布局 bù jú arrangement; composition; layout; opening (chess jargon)
1905 改良 gǎi liáng to improve (sth); to reform (a system)
1906 xīng raw meat; rank, strong-smelling
1907 zhōu boat, ship; KangXi radical 137
1908 解体 jiě tǐ to break up into components; to disintegrate; to collapse; to crumble
1909 轮船 lún chuán steamship; steamer; ocean liner; ship; CL:艘[sou1]
1910 迁就 qiān jiù to yield; to adapt to; to accommodate to (sth)
1911 饲养 sì yǎng to raise; to rear
1912 不像话 bù xiàng huà unreasonable; shocking; outrageous
1913 反思 fǎn sī to think back over sth; to review; to revisit; to rethink; reflection; reassessment
1914 唯独 wéi dú only; just (i.e. it is only that...); all except; unique
1915 提炼 tí liàn to extract (ore, minerals etc); to refine; to purify; to process
1916 果断 guǒ duàn firm; decisive
1917 简化 jiǎn huà to simplify
1918 简陋 jiǎn lòu simple and crude
1919 规格 guī gé standard; norm; specification
1920 阵容 zhèn róng troop arrangement; battle formation; lineup (of a sports team etc)
1921 凄凉 qī liáng mournful; miserable; desolate (place)
1922 分红 fēn hóng dividend; to award a bonus
1923 发呆 fā dāi to stare blankly; to be stunned; to be lost in thought
1924 号召 hào zhào to call; to appeal
1925 嘈杂 cáo zá noisy; clamorous
1926 团圆 tuán yuán to have a reunion
1927 地质 dì zhì geology
1928 干旱 gān hàn drought; arid; dry
1929 投机 tóu jī to speculate (on financial markets); opportunistic; congenial; agreeable
1930 方针 fāng zhēn policy; guidelines; CL:個|个[ge4]
1931 格式 gé shì form; specification; format
1932 清澈 qīng chè clear; limpid
1933 狼狈 láng bèi in a difficult situation; to cut a sorry figure; scoundrel! (derog.)
1934 空想 kōng xiǎng daydream; fantasy; to fantasize
1935 kuāng bamboo basket or chest
1936 致使 zhì shǐ to cause; to result in
1937 荒凉 huāng liáng desolate
1938 里程碑 lǐ chéng bēi milestone
1939 附件 fù jiàn enclosure; attachment (email); appendix
1940 丰收 fēng shōu bumper harvest
1941 切实 qiè shí feasible; realistic; practical; earnestly; conscientiously
1942 化石 huà shí fossil
1943 参照 cān zhào to consult a reference; to refer to (another document)
1944 无精打采 wú jīng dǎ cǎi dispirited and downcast (idiom); listless; in low spirits; washed out
1945 爽快 shuǎng kuai refreshed; rejuvenated; frank and straightforward
1946 颁布 bān bù to issue; to proclaim; to enact (laws, decrees etc)
1947 修养 xiū yǎng accomplishment; training; self-cultivation
1948 压榨 yā zhà to press; to squeeze; to extract juice, oil etc by squeezing
1949 威风 wēi fēng might; awe-inspiring authority; impressive
1950 幅度 fú dù width; extent; range; scope
1951 开明 kāi míng enlightened; open-minded; enlightenment
1952 总和 zǒng hé sum
1953 抹杀 mǒ shā to erase; to cover traces; to obliterate evidence; to expunge; to blot out; to suppress
1954 整顿 zhěng dùn to tidy up; to reorganize; to consolidate; to rectify
1955 chèng balance, scale, steelyard
1956 简要 jiǎn yào concise; brief
1957 英明 yīng míng wise; brilliant
1958 董事长 dǒng shì zhǎng chairman of the board; chairman
1959 迸发 bèng fā to burst forth
1960 逝世 shì shì to pass away; to die
1961 配套 pèi tào to form a complete set; compatible; matching; complementary
1962 功效 gōng xiào efficacy
1963 垄断 lǒng duàn to enjoy market dominance; to monopolize
1964 本钱 běn qián capital; (fig.) asset; advantage; the means (to do sth)
1965 狭隘 xiá ài narrow; tight; narrow minded; lacking in experience
1966 申报 shēn bào to report (to the authorities); to declare (to customs)
1967 真挚 zhēn zhì sincere; sincerity
1968 隐患 yǐn huàn a danger concealed within sth; hidden damage; misfortune not visible from the surface
1969 主办 zhǔ bàn to organize; to host (a conference or sports event)
1970 主权 zhǔ quán sovereignty
1971 亚军 yà jūn second place (in a sports contest); runner-up
1972 会晤 huì wù to meet; meeting; conference
1973 充沛 chōng pèi abundant; plentiful; vigorous
1974 动荡 dòng dàng variant of 動蕩|动荡[dong4 dang4]; unrest (social or political); turmoil; upheaval; commotion
1975 勾结 gōu jié to collude with; to collaborate with; to gang up with
1976 参谋 cān móu staff officer; to give advice
1977 吃力 chī lì to entail strenuous effort; to toil at a task; strenuous; laborious; strain
1978 媳妇 xí fù daughter-in-law; wife (of a younger man); young married woman; young woman
1979 diverge, branch off; fork in road
1980 惹祸 rě huò to stir up trouble; to invite disaster
1981 接连 jiē lián on end; in a row; in succession
1982 摄氏度 shè shì dù °C (degrees Celsius)
1983 新陈代谢 xīn chén dài xiè metabolism (biology); the new replaces the old (idiom)
1984 无偿 wú cháng free; no charge; at no cost
1985 柴油 chái yóu diesel fuel
1986 治理 zhì lǐ to govern; to administer; to manage; to control; governance
1987 滞留 zhì liú to detain; retention
1988 结算 jié suàn to settle a bill; to close an account
1989 虚荣 xū róng vanity
1990 唾弃 tuò qì to spurn; to disdain
1991 坚韧 jiān rèn tough and durable; tenacious
1992 堆积 duī jī to pile up; to heap; accumulation
1993 悬挂 xuán guà to suspend; to hang; (vehicle) suspension
1994 斯文 sī wén refined; educate; cultured; intellectual; polite; gentle
1995 海拔 hǎi bá height above sea level; elevation
1996 生疏 shēng shū unfamiliar; strange; out of practice; not accustomed
1997 畅通 chàng tōng unimpeded; free-flowing; straight path; unclogged; move without obstruction
1998 盛行 shèng xíng to be in vogue; to be prevalent
1999 be blinded
2000 为期 wéi qī (to be done) by (a certain date); lasting (a certain time)
2001 伤脑筋 shāng nǎo jīn to be a real headache; to find sth a real headache; to beat one's brains
2002 创业 chuàng yè to begin an undertaking; to start a major task; to initiate; to venture; venture; entrepreneurship
2003 别致 bié zhì unusual; unique; variant of 別緻|别致[bie2 zhi4]
2004 开拓 kāi tuò to break new ground (for agriculture); to open up (a new seam); to develop (border regions); fig. to open up (new horizons)
2005 意向 yì xiàng intention; purpose; intent; inclination; disposition
2006 攻克 gōng kè to capture; to take; to overcome; to solve
2007 派别 pài bié denomination; group; school; faction; school of thought
2008 狠心 hěn xīn callous; heartless
2009 空隙 kòng xì crack; gap between two objects; gap in time between two events
2010 自发 zì fā spontaneous
2011 觉悟 jué wù to come to understand; to realize; consciousness; awareness; Buddhist enlightenment (Sanskrit: cittotpāda)
2012 和气 hé qi friendly; polite; amiable
2013 处分 chǔ fèn to discipline sb; to punish; disciplinary action; to deal with (a matter); CL:個|个[ge4]
2014 媒介 méi jiè intermediary; vehicle; vector; medium; media
2015 对照 duì zhào to contrast; to compare; to place side by side for comparison (as parallel texts); to check
2016 崇敬 chóng jìng to revere; to venerate; high esteem
2017 执着 zhí zhuó to be strongly attached to; to be dedicated; to cling to
2018 文献 wén xiàn document
2019 港湾 gǎng wān natural harbor; bay serving as harbor
2020 端正 duān zhèng upright; regular; proper; correct
2021 通货膨胀 tōng huò péng zhàng inflation
2022 一丝不苟 yī sī bù gǒu not one thread loose (idiom); strictly according to the rules; meticulous; not one hair out of place
2023 冷落 lěng luò desolate; unfrequented; to treat sb coldly; to snub; to cold shoulder
2024 嘱咐 zhǔ fù to tell; to exhort; injunction
2025 暂且 zàn qiě for now; for the time being; temporarily
2026 杂交 zá jiāo to hybridize; to crossbreed; promiscuity
2027 歌颂 gē sòng to sing the praises of; to extol; to eulogize
2028 点缀 diǎn zhuì to decorate; to adorn; sprinkled; studded; only for show
2029 科目 kē mù academic subject; field of study
2030 sǒng urge on; rise up; stir, excite
2031 苦涩 kǔ sè bitter and astringent; pained; agonized
2032 赞叹 zàn tàn to exclaim in admiration
2033 霸道 bà dào the Way of the Hegemon; abbr. for 霸王之道; despotic rule; rule by might; evil as opposed to the Way of the King 王道; overbearing; tyranny; (of liquor, medicine etc) strong; potent
2034 一目了然 yī mù liǎo rán obvious at a glance (idiom)
2035 威信 wēi xìn Weixin county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1 tong1], Yunnan; prestige; reputation; trust; credit with the people
2036 慰问 wèi wèn to express sympathy, greetings, consolation etc
2037 有条不紊 yǒu tiáo bù wěn regular and thorough (idiom); methodically arranged
2038 栏目 lán mù regular column or segment (in a publication or broadcast program); program (TV or radio)
2039 浸泡 jìn pào to steep; to soak; to immerse
2040 眼色 yǎn sè signal made with one's eyes; meaningful glance
2041 迟缓 chí huǎn slow; sluggish
2042 世代 shì dài for many generations; generation; era; age
2043 俯视 fǔ shì to overlook; to look down at
2044 倔强 jué jiàng stubborn; obstinate; unbending
2045 停泊 tíng bó to anchor; anchorage; mooring (of a ship)
2046 兴高采烈 xìng gāo cǎi liè happy and excited (idiom); in high spirits; in great delight
2047 新颖 xīn yǐng lit. new bud; fig. new and original
2048 时事 shí shì current trends; the present situation; how things are going
2049 灯笼 dēng lóng lantern
2050 自力更生 zì lì gēng shēng regeneration through one's own effort (idiom); self-reliance
2051 cóng bush, shrub; thicket; collection
2052 周折 zhōu zhé twists and turns; vicissitude; complication; difficulty; effort; CL:番[fan1]
2053 家喻户晓 jiā yù hù xiǎo understood by everyone (idiom); well known; a household name
2054 开辟 kāi pì to open up; to set up; to establish
2055 朴素 pǔ sù plain and simple; unadorned; simple living; not frivolous
2056 杠杆 gàng gǎn lever; pry bar; crowbar; financial leverage
2057 淡水 dàn shuǐ Danshui or Tanshui town in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan; potable water (water with low salt content); fresh water
2058 物业 wù yè property; real estate; abbr. for 物業管理|物业管理[wu4 ye4 guan3 li3], property management
2059 立足 lì zú to stand; to have a footing; to be established; to base oneself on
2060 踏实 tā shi firmly-based; steady; steadfast; to have peace of mind; free from anxiety; Taiwan pr. [ta4 shi2]
2061 靠拢 kào lǒng to draw close to
2062 冰雹 bīng báo hail; hailstone; CL:場|场[chang2],粒[li4]
2063 平坦 píng tǎn level; even; smooth; flat
2064 框架 kuàng jià frame; framework; fig. pattern; outline; organizing plan
2065 狼吞虎咽 láng tūn hǔ yàn to wolf down one's food (idiom); to devour ravenously; to gorge oneself
2066 盛情 shèng qíng great kindness; magnificent hospitality
2067 确立 què lì to establish; to institute
2068 肆无忌惮 sì wú jì dàn absolutely unrestrained; unbridled; without the slightest scruple
2069 请示 qǐng shì to ask for instructions
2070 进而 jìn ér and then (what follows next)
2071 便于 biàn yú easy to; convenient for
2072 倘若 tǎng ruò provided that; supposing that; if
2073 偏差 piān chā bias; deviation
2074 品德 pǐn dé moral character
2075 埋没 mái mò to engulf; to bury; to overlook; to stifle; to neglect; to fall into oblivion
2076 工艺品 gōng yì pǐn handicraft article; handiwork; CL:個|个[ge4]
2077 散文 sǎn wén prose; essay
2078 时而 shí ér occasionally; from time to time
2079 疙瘩 gē da swelling or lump on skin; pimple; knot; preoccupation; problem
2080 精简 jīng jiǎn to simplify; to reduce
2081 草案 cǎo àn draft (legislation, proposal etc)
2082 赤字 chì zì (financial) deficit; red letter
2083 随即 suí jí immediately; presently; following which
2084 举足轻重 jǔ zú qīng zhòng to play a critical role (idiom); influential
2085 以至 yǐ zhì down to; up to; to such an extent as to ...; also written 以至於|以至于[yi3 zhi4 yu2]
2086 母语 mǔ yǔ native language; mother tongue; (linguistics) parent language
2087 繁华 fán huá flourishing; bustling
2088 考核 kǎo hé to examine; to check up on; to assess; to review; appraisal; review; evaluation
2089 衬托 chèn tuō to set off
2090 装卸 zhuāng xiè to load or unload; to transfer; to assemble and disassemble
2091 通俗 tōng sú common; everyday; average
2092 雄伟 xióng wěi grand; imposing; magnificent; majestic
2093 不相上下 bù xiāng shàng xià equally matched; about the same
2094 争气 zhēng qì to work hard for sth; to resolve on improvement; determined not to fall short
2095 反问 fǎn wèn to ask (a question) in reply; to answer a question with a question; rhetorical question
2096 发扬 fā yáng to develop; to make full use of
2097 变故 biàn gù an unforeseen event; accident; misfortune
2098 大体 dà tǐ in general; more or less; in rough terms; basically; on the whole; overall situation; the big picture; (Tw) remains (of a dead person)
2099 天文 tiān wén astronomy
2100 姑且 gū qiě for the time being; tentatively
2101 摘要 zhāi yào summary; abstract
2102 油腻 yóu nì grease; greasy food; oily; rich (of food); fatty; greasy and dirty; a slippery character
2103 注释 zhù shì marginal notes; annotation; to annotate; to add comments to text
2104 灌溉 guàn gài to irrigate
2105 论证 lùn zhèng to prove a point; to expound on; to demonstrate or prove (through argument); proof
2106 误差 wù chā difference; error; inaccuracy
2107 调和 tiáo hé harmonious; to mediate; to reconcile; to compromise; mediation; to mix; to blend; blended; to season; seasoning; to placate
2108 隐约 yǐn yuē vague; faint; indistinct
2109 上进 shàng jìn to make progress; to do better; fig. ambitious to improve oneself; to move forwards
2110 书法 shū fǎ calligraphy; handwriting; penmanship
2111 伶俐 líng lì clever; witty; intelligent
2112 加剧 jiā jù to intensify; to sharpen; to accelerate; to aggravate; to exacerbate; to embitter
2113 千方百计 qiān fāng bǎi jì lit. thousand ways, a hundred plans (idiom); by every possible means
2114 寒暄 hán xuān to exchange conventional greetings; to talk about the weather
2115 播种 bō zhǒng to sow seeds; sowing; seed
2116 波涛 bō tāo great waves; billows
2117 立方 lì fāng cube (math.); abbr. for 立方體|立方体[li4 fang1 ti3]; abbr. for 立方米[li4 fang1 mi3]
2118 萌芽 méng yá to sprout (lit. or fig.); to bud; to germinate; germ; seed; bud
2119 追悼 zhuī dào to mourn; to pay last respects; mourning; memorial (service etc)
2120 钻研 zuān yán to study meticulously; to delve into
2121 锦上添花 jǐn shàng tiān huā lit. on brocade, add flowers (idiom); to decorate sth already perfect; gilding the lily
2122 问世 wèn shì to be published; to come out
2123 不屑一顾 bù xiè yī gù to disdain as beneath contempt (idiom)
2124 力求 lì qiú to make every effort to; striving to do one's best
2125 巴结 bā jie to fawn on; to curry favor with; to make up to
2126 心疼 xīn téng to love dearly; to feel sorry for sb; to regret; to grudge; to be distressed
2127 zhǔ lean on; post; prod; ridicule
2128 无穷无尽 wú qióng wú jìn endless; boundless; infinite
2129 胸怀 xiōng huái one's bosom (the seat of emotions); breast; broad-minded and open; to think about; to cherish
2130 赤道 chì dào equator (of the earth or astronomical body)
2131 镶嵌 xiāng qiàn to inlay; to embed; to set (e.g. a jewel in a ring); tiling; tesselation
2132 陈列 chén liè to display; to exhibit
2133 刊物 kān wù publication
2134 心得 xīn dé what one has learned (through experience, reading etc); knowledge; insight; understanding; tips; CL:項|项[xiang4],個|个[ge4]
2135 操劳 cāo láo to work hard; to look after
2136 椭圆 tuǒ yuán oval; ellipse; elliptic
2137 湖泊 hú pō lake
2138 盖章 gài zhāng to affix a seal; to stamp (a document); to sign off on sth
2139 着重 zhuó zhòng to put emphasis on; to stress
2140 督促 dū cù to supervise and urge completion of a task; to urge on
2141 遏制 è zhì to check; to contain; to hold back; to keep within limits; to constrain; to restrain
2142 不言而喻 bù yán ér yù it goes without saying; it is self-evident
2143 倡导 chàng dǎo to advocate; to initiate; to propose; to be a proponent of (an idea or school of thought)
2144 名次 míng cì position in a ranking of names; place; rank
2145 吹捧 chuī pěng to flatter; to laud sb's accomplishments; adulation
2146 招收 zhāo shōu to hire; to recruit
2147 敌视 dí shì hostile; malevolence; antagonism; to view as enemy; to stand against
2148 昼夜 zhòu yè day and night; period of 24 hours; continuously, without stop
2149 栽培 zāi péi to grow; to cultivate; to train; to educate; to patronize
2150 神气 shén qì expression; manner; vigorous; impressive; lofty; pretentious
2151 章程 zhāng chéng rules; regulations; constitution; statute; articles of association (of company); articles of incorporation; charter (of a corporation); by-laws
2152 舒畅 shū chàng happy; entirely free from worry
2153 迎面 yíng miàn directly; head-on (collision); in one's face (of wind)
2154 颈椎 jǐng zhuī cervical vertebra; the seven cervical vertebrae in the neck of humans and most mammals
2155 亏待 kuī dài to treat sb unfairly
2156 佳肴 jiā yáo fine food; delicacies; delicious food
2157 公证 gōng zhèng notarization; notarized; acknowledgement
2158 列举 liè jǔ a list; to list; to enumerate
2159 制约 zhì yuē to restrict; condition
2160 变迁 biàn qiān changes; vicissitudes
2161 导向 dǎo xiàng to be oriented towards; orientation
2162 忌讳 jì huì taboo; to avoid as taboo; to abstain from
2163 成心 chéng xīn intentional; deliberate; on purpose
2164 托运 tuō yùn to consign (goods); to check through (baggage)
2165 渔民 yú mín fisherman; fisher folk
2166 诧异 chà yì flabbergasted; astonished
2167 吉祥 jí xiáng lucky; auspicious; propitious
2168 呼啸 hū xiào to whistle; to scream; to whiz
2169 固然 gù rán admittedly (it's true that...)
2170 朴实 pǔ shí plain; simple; guileless; down-to-earth; sincere and honest
2171 涌现 yǒng xiàn to emerge in large numbers; to spring up; to emerge prominently
2172 相声 xiàng sheng comic dialogue; sketch; crosstalk
2173 索性 suǒ xìng you might as well (do it); simply; just
2174 鞭策 biān cè to spur on; to urge on; to encourage sb (e.g. to make progress)
2175 顿时 dùn shí immediately; suddenly
2176 魄力 pò lì courage; daring; boldness; resolution; drive
2177 借鉴 jiè jiàn to draw on (others' experience); to learn from (how others do things); lesson to be learned (by observing others)
2178 兴旺 xīng wàng prosperous; thriving; to prosper; to flourish
2179 周转 zhōu zhuǎn to rotate; to circulate (cash, stock etc); turnover; circulation; cash flow
2180 壮丽 zhuàng lì magnificence; magnificent; majestic; glorious
2181 学说 xué shuō theory; doctrine
2182 家常 jiā cháng the daily life of a family
2183 慈祥 cí xiáng kindly; benevolent (often of older person)
2184 答辩 dá biàn to reply (to an accusation); to defend one's dissertation
2185 jīng stem, stalk
2186 蔚蓝 wèi lán azure; sky blue
2187 讥笑 jī xiào to sneer
2188 分寸 fēn cun propriety; appropriate behavior; proper speech or action; within the norms
2189 历来 lì lái always; throughout (a period of time); (of) all-time
2190 反之 fǎn zhī on the other hand...; conversely...
2191 壮烈 zhuàng liè brave; heroic
2192 夹杂 jiā zá to mix together (disparate substances); to mingle; a mix; to be tangled up with
2193 威望 wēi wàng prestige
2194 截至 jié zhì up to (a time); by (a time)
2195 文艺 wén yì literature and art
2196 旷课 kuàng kè to play truant; to cut classes
2197 纵横 zòng héng lit. warp and weft in weaving; vertically and horizontal; length and breadth; criss-crossed; able to move unhindered; abbr. for 合縱連橫|合纵连横[He2 zong4 Lian2 heng2], School of Diplomacy during the Warring States Period (475-221 BC)
2198 纺织 fǎng zhī spinning and weaving
2199 飘扬 piāo yáng to wave; to flutter; to fly
2200 俗话 sú huà common saying; proverb
2201 启蒙 qǐ méng variant of 啟蒙|启蒙[qi3 meng2]; to instruct the young; to initiate; to awake sb from ignorance; to free sb from prejudice or superstition; primer; enlightened; the Enlightenment; Western learning from the late Qing dynasty
2202 哺乳 bǔ rǔ breastfeeding; to suckle; to nurse
2203 喧哗 xuān huá hubbub; clamor; to make a racket
2204 多元化 duō yuán huà diversification; pluralism; to diversify
2205 寓言 yù yán fable; CL:則|则[ze2]
2206 归根到底 guī gēn dào dǐ after all; in the final analysis; ultimately
2207 恭敬 gōng jìng deferential; respectful
2208 悬殊 xuán shū widely different; large disparity
2209 拟定 nǐ dìng to draw up; to draft; to formulate
2210 chān give helping hand
2211 操练 cāo liàn drill; practice
2212 shāo pointed tip of something long like a branch; rudder
2213 棍棒 gùn bàng club; staff; stick
2214 污蔑 wū miè variant of 污衊|污蔑[wu1 mie4]; to slander; to smear; to tarnish
2215 沿海 yán hǎi coastal
2216 pàn boundary path dividing fields
2217 相等 xiāng děng equal; equally; equivalent
2218 蕴藏 yùn cáng to hold in store; to contain (untapped reserves etc)
2219 贯彻 guàn chè to implement; to put into practice; to carry out
2220 起哄 qǐ hòng to heckle; rowdy jeering; to create a disturbance
2221 严寒 yán hán bitter cold; severe winter
2222 亏损 kuī sǔn deficit; (financial) loss
2223 固有 gù yǒu intrinsic to sth; inherent; native
2224 扎实 zhá shi see 扎實|扎实[zha1 shi5]
2225 批发 pī fā wholesale; bulk trade; distribution
2226 承包 chéng bāo to contract; to undertake (a job)
2227 挑拨 tiǎo bō to incite disharmony; to instigate
2228 斟酌 zhēn zhuó to consider; to deliberate; to fill up a cup to the brim
2229 留念 liú niàn to keep as a souvenir; to recall fondly
2230 落成 luò chéng to complete a construction project
2231 贬义 biǎn yì derogatory sense; negative connotation
2232 逆行 nì xíng to go the wrong way; to go against one-way traffic regulation
2233 书记 shū ji secretary (chief official of a branch of a socialist or communist party); clerk; scribe
2234 力争 lì zhēng to work hard for; to do all one can; to contend strongly
2235 合算 hé suàn worthwhile; to be a good deal; to be a bargain; to reckon up; to calculate
2236 地势 dì shì terrain; topography relief
2237 次品 cì pǐn substandard products; defective; seconds
2238 法人 fǎ rén legal person; corporation; see also 自然人[zi4 ran2 ren2]
2239 涂抹 tú mǒ to paint; to smear; to apply (makeup etc); to doodle; to erase; to obliterate
2240 自满 zì mǎn complacent; self-satisfied
2241 谢绝 xiè jué to refuse politely
2242 陡峭 dǒu qiào precipitous
2243 饱和 bǎo hé saturation
2244 剪彩 jiǎn cǎi to cut the ribbon (at a launching or opening ceremony)
2245 及早 jí zǎo at the earliest possible time; as soon as possible
2246 哆嗦 duō suo to tremble; to shiver; uncontrolled shaking of the body
2247 根深蒂固 gēn shēn dì gù deep-rooted (problem etc)
2248 格局 gé jú structure; pattern; layout
2249 洽谈 qià tán to discuss
2250 浓厚 nóng hòu dense; thick (fog, clouds etc); to have a strong interest in; deep; fully saturated (color)
2251 职能 zhí néng function; role
2252 舰艇 jiàn tǐng warship; naval vessel
2253 花蕾 huā lěi bud; flower bud
2254 meat diet; strong smelling
2255 衣裳 yī shang clothes
2256 遮挡 zhē dǎng to shelter; to shelter from
2257 兴隆 xīng lóng Xinglong county in Chengde 承德[Cheng2 de2], Hebei; prosperous; thriving; flourishing
2258 再接再厉 zài jiē zài lì to continue the struggle (idiom); to persist; unremitting efforts
2259 势必 shì bì to be bound to; undoubtedly will
2260 实惠 shí huì tangible benefit; material advantages; cheap; economical; advantageous (deal); substantial (discount)
2261 并列 bìng liè to stand side by side; to be juxtaposed
2262 kuà carry
2263 无微不至 wú wēi bù zhì in every possible way (idiom); meticulous
2264 检讨 jiǎn tǎo to examine or inspect; self-criticism; review
2265 空前绝后 kōng qián jué hòu unprecedented and never to be duplicated; the first and the last; unmatched; unique
2266 肥沃 féi wò fertile
2267 茂盛 mào shèng lush
2268 辽阔 liáo kuò vast; extensive
2269 与日俱增 yǔ rì jù zēng to increase steadily; to grow with each passing day
2270 兢兢业业 jīng jīng yè yè cautious and conscientious
2271 吞吞吐吐 tūn tūn tǔ tǔ to hum and haw (idiom); to mumble as if hiding sth; to speak and break off, then start again; to hold sth back
2272 弊端 bì duān malpractice; abuse; corrupt practice
2273 志气 zhì qì ambition; resolve; backbone; drive; spirit
2274 怠慢 dài màn to slight; to neglect
2275 热泪盈眶 rè lèi yíng kuàng eyes brimming with tears of excitement (idiom); extremely moved
2276 爱不释手 ài bù shì shǒu to love sth too much to part with it (idiom); to fondle admiringly
2277 美观 měi guān pleasing to the eye; beautiful; artistic
2278 耐用 nài yòng durable
2279 衔接 xián jiē to join together; to combine
2280 雄厚 xióng hòu robust; strong and solid
2281 零星 líng xīng fragmentary; random; bits and pieces; sporadic
2282 风气 fēng qì general mood; atmosphere; common practice
2283 取缔 qǔ dì to suppress; to crack down on; to prohibit
2284 声势 shēng shì fame and power; prestige; influence; impetus; momentum
2285 屡次 lǚ cì repeatedly; time and again
2286 应邀 yìng yāo at sb's invitation; on invitation
2287 扩充 kuò chōng to expand
2288 气魄 qì pò spirit; boldness; positive outlook; imposing attitude
2289 盛产 shèng chǎn to produce in abundance; to be rich in
2290 短促 duǎn cù short in time; fleeting; brief; gasping (breath); curt (tone of voice)
2291 磨合 mó hé to break in; to wear in
2292 神态 shén tài appearance; manner; bearing; deportment; look; expression; mien
2293 称心如意 chèn xīn rú yì after one's heart (idiom); gratifying and satisfactory; everything one could wish
2294 见义勇为 jiàn yì yǒng wéi to see what is right and act courageously (idiom, from Analects); to stand up bravely for the truth; acting heroically in a just cause
2295 调剂 tiáo jì to adjust; to balance; to make up a medical prescription
2296 附和 fù hè to agree; to go along with; to echo (what sb says)
2297 勘探 kān tàn to explore; to survey; to prospect (for oil etc); prospecting
2298 化肥 huà féi fertilizer
2299 征收 zhēng shōu to levy (a fine); to impose (a tariff)
2300 效益 xiào yì benefit; effectiveness; efficiency
2301 杜绝 dù jué to put an end to
2302 落实 luò shí practical; workable; to implement; to carry out; to decide
2303 谋求 móu qiú to seek; to strive for
2304 防治 fáng zhì to prevent and cure; prevention and cure
2305 chán gluttonous, greedy; lewd, lecherous
2306 东张西望 dōng zhāng xī wàng to look in all directions (idiom); to glance around
2307 争先恐后 zhēng xiān kǒng hòu striving to be first and fearing to be last (idiom); outdoing one another
2308 作息 zuò xī to work and rest
2309 倡议 chàng yì to suggest; to initiate; proposal; initiative
2310 吃苦 chī kǔ to bear hardships
2311 天伦之乐 tiān lún zhī lè family love and joy; domestic bliss
2312 宁肯 nìng kěn would rather...; it would be better...; would prefer
2313 完备 wán bèi faultless; complete; perfect; to leave nothing to be desired
2314 实事求是 shí shì qiú shì to seek truth from facts (idiom); to be practical and realistic
2315 就近 jiù jìn nearby; in a close neighborhood
2316 层出不穷 céng chū bù qióng more and more emerge; innumerable succession; breeding like flies (idiom)
2317 循序渐进 xún xù jiàn jìn in sequence, step by step (idiom); to make steady progress incrementally
2318 急功近利 jí gōng jìn lì seeking instant benefit (idiom); shortsighted vision, looking only for fast return
2319 普及 pǔ jí to spread extensively; to generalize; widespread; popular; universal; ubiquitous; pervasive
2320 水利 shuǐ lì water conservancy; irrigation works
2321 熏陶 xūn táo to seep in; to influence; to nurture; influence; training
2322 珍稀 zhēn xī rare; precious and uncommon
2323 磋商 cuō shāng to consult; to discuss seriously; to negotiate; to confer; negotiations; consultations
2324 立交桥 lì jiāo qiáo overpass; flyover
2325 缴纳 jiǎo nà to pay (taxes etc)
2326 聋哑 lóng yǎ deaf and dumb
2327 验收 yàn shōu to inspect and accept; acceptance
2328 一举两得 yī jǔ liǎng dé one move, two gains (idiom); two birds with one stone
2329 丘陵 qiū líng hills
2330 亭子 tíng zi pavilion
2331 叮嘱 dīng zhǔ to warn repeatedly; to urge; to exhort again and again
2332 奠定 diàn dìng to establish; to fix; to settle
2333 审美 shěn měi esthetics; appreciating the arts; taste
2334 恍然大悟 huǎng rán dà wù to suddenly realize; to suddenly see the light
2335 支流 zhī liú tributary (river)
2336 服气 fú qì to be convinced; to accept
2337 物美价廉 wù měi jià lián good quality and cheap; a bargain
2338 盆地 pén dì (geography) basin; depression
2339 瞻仰 zhān yǎng to revere; to admire
2340 矿产 kuàng chǎn minerals
2341 耕地 gēng dì arable land; to plow land
2342 贫乏 pín fá impoverished; lacking; deficient; limited; meager; impoverishment; lack; deficiency
2343 闭塞 bì sè to stop up; to close up; hard to get to; out of the way; inaccessible; unenlightened; blocking
2344 骨干 gǔ gàn diaphysis (long segment of a bone); fig. backbone
2345 不敢当 bù gǎn dāng lit. I dare not (accept the honor); fig. I don't deserve your praise; you flatter me
2346 不由得 bù yóu de can't help; cannot but
2347 共计 gòng jì to sum up to; to total
2348 兴致勃勃 xìng zhì bó bó to become exhilarated (idiom); in high spirits; full of zest
2349 刹那 chà nà an instant (Sanskrit: ksana); split second; the twinkling of an eye
2350 后顾之忧 hòu gù zhī yōu fears of trouble in the rear (idiom); family worries (obstructing freedom of action); worries about the future consequences; often in negative expressions, meaning "no worries about anything"
2351 园林 yuán lín gardens; park; landscape garden
2352 娇气 jiāo qì delicate; squeamish; finicky
2353 招标 zhāo biāo to invite bids
2354 沉淀 chén diàn to settle; to precipitate (solid sediment out of a solution)
2355 画蛇添足 huà shé tiān zú lit. draw legs on a snake (idiom); fig. to ruin the effect by adding sth superfluous; to overdo it
2356 稿件 gǎo jiàn piece of writing submitted for publication; manuscript; article
2357 见多识广 jiàn duō shí guǎng experienced and knowledgeable (idiom)
2358 依托 yī tuō to rely on; to depend on; support
2359 封建 fēng jiàn system of enfeoffment; feudalism; feudal; feudalistic
2360 感慨 gǎn kǎi to sigh with sorrow, regret etc; rueful; deeply moved
2361 挺拔 tǐng bá tall and straight
2362 据悉 jù xī according to reports; it is reported (that)
2363 砍伐 kǎn fá to hew; to cut down
2364 稠密 chóu mì dense
2365 xiá rosy clouds
2366 供不应求 gōng bù yìng qiú supply does not meet demand
2367 刻不容缓 kè bù róng huǎn to brook no delay; to demand immediate action
2368 布告 bù gào posting on a bulletin board; notice; bulletin; to announce
2369 得不偿失 dé bù cháng shī the gains do not make up for the losses (idiom)
2370 把关 bǎ guān to guard a pass; to check on sth
2371 日新月异 rì xīn yuè yì daily renewal, monthly change (idiom); every day sees new developments; rapid progress
2372 昌盛 chāng shèng prosperous
2373 欣欣向荣 xīn xīn xiàng róng (idiom) flourishing; thriving
2374 精打细算 jīng dǎ xì suàn meticulous planning and careful accounting (idiom)
2375 聚精会神 jù jīng huì shén to concentrate one's attention (idiom)
2376 贤惠 xián huì variant of 賢慧|贤慧[xian2 hui4]
2377 逐年 zhú nián year after year; with each passing year; over the years
2378 优胜劣汰 yōu shèng liè tài survival of the fittest (idiom)
2379 出神 chū shén spellbound; entranced; lost in thought
2380 比重 bǐ zhòng proportion; specific gravity
2381 炉灶 lú zào stove
2382 不免 bù miǎn inevitably
2383 乡镇 xiāng zhèn village; township
2384 凹凸 āo tū concave or convex; bumps and holes; uneven (surface); rugged
2385 堤坝 dī bà dam; dike
2386 废寝忘食 fèi qǐn wàng shí to neglect sleep and forget about food (idiom); to skip one's sleep and meals; to be completely wrapped up in one's work
2387 振兴 zhèn xīng Zhengxing district of Dandong city 丹東市|丹东市[Dan1 dong1 shi4], Liaoning; to revive; to revitalize; to invigorate; to re-energize
2388 正月 zhēng yuè first month of the lunar year
2389 纲领 gāng lǐng program (i.e. plan of action); guiding principle
2390 边疆 biān jiāng border area; borderland; frontier; frontier region
2391 须知 xū zhī key information; instructions; it must be borne in mind
2392 历代 lì dài successive generations; successive dynasties; past dynasties
2393 宏观 hóng guān macro-; macroscopic; holistic
2394 序言 xù yán preface; introductory remarks; preamble; prelude
2395 廉洁 lián jié honest; not coercive; honesty; integrity; incorruptible
2396 微观 wēi guān micro-; subatomic
2397 斩钉截铁 zhǎn dīng jié tiě lit. to chop the nail and slice the iron (idiom); fig. resolute and decisive; unhesitating; categorical
2398 朝代 cháo dài dynasty; reign (of a king)
2399 正气 zhèng qì healthy environment; healthy atmosphere; righteousness; vital energy (in Chinese medicine)
2400 毅然 yì rán firmly; resolutely; without hesitation
2401 气功 qì gōng qigong, a system of deep breathing exercises
2402 淡季 dàn jì off season; slow business season; see also 旺季[wang4 ji4]
2403 清真 qīng zhēn Islamic; Muslim; halal (of food); clean; pure
2404 潜移默化 qián yí mò huà imperceptible influence; to influence secretly
2405 辩证 biàn zhèng to investigate; dialectical
2406 锲而不舍 qiè ér bù shě to chip away at a task and not abandon it (idiom); to chisel away at sth; to persevere; unflagging efforts
2407 难能可贵 nán néng kě guì rare and precious; valuable; remarkable
2408 不料 bù liào unexpectedly; to one's surprise
2409 任重道远 rèn zhòng dào yuǎn a heavy load and a long road; fig. to bear heavy responsibilities through a long struggle (cf Confucian Analects, 8.7)
2410 体裁 tǐ cái genre; style; form of writing
2411 外向 wài xiàng extroverted (personality); (economics etc) export-oriented
2412 尚且 shàng qiě (not) even; yet; still
2413 弊病 bì bìng malady; evil; malpractice; drawback; disadvantage
2414 朝气蓬勃 zhāo qì péng bó full of youthful energy (idiom); vigorous; energetic; a bright spark
2415 查获 chá huò to track down and seize (a criminal suspect, contraband etc)
2416 省会 shěng huì provincial capital
2417 礼尚往来 lǐ shàng wǎng lái lit. proper behavior is based on reciprocity (idiom); fig. to return politeness for politeness
2418 船舶 chuán bó shipping; boats
2419 见闻 jiàn wén what one has seen and heard; knowledge; one's experience
2420 豪迈 háo mài bold; open-minded; heroic
2421 风土人情 fēng tǔ rén qíng local conditions and customs (idiom)
2422 举世瞩目 jǔ shì zhǔ mù to receive worldwide attention
2423 压岁钱 yā suì qián money given to children as new year present
2424 川流不息 chuān liú bù xī the stream flows without stopping (idiom); unending flow
2425 悬崖峭壁 xuán yá qiào bì sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces (idiom)
2426 混浊 hùn zhuó turbid; muddy; dirty
2427 稻谷 dào gǔ rice crops
2428 籍贯 jí guàn one's native place; place of ancestry; registered birthplace
2429 精益求精 jīng yì qiú jīng to perfect sth that is already outstanding (idiom); constantly improving
2430 苦尽甘来 kǔ jìn gān lái bitterness finishes, sweetness begins (idiom); the hard times are over, the good times just beginning
2431 过奖 guò jiǎng to overpraise; to flatter
2432 鸦雀无声 yā què wú shēng lit. crow and peacock make no sound; absolute silence (idiom); not a single voice can be heard; absolute silence
2433 乌黑 wū hēi jet-black; dark
2434 公安局 gōng ān jú public security bureau (government office similar in function to a police station)
2435 南辕北辙 nán yuán běi zhé to act in a way that defeats one's purpose (idiom)
2436 季军 jì jūn third in a race; bronze medalist
2437 急于求成 jí yú qiú chéng anxious for quick results (idiom); to demand instant success; impatient for result; impetuous
2438 拜年 bài nián to pay a New Year call; to wish sb a Happy New Year
2439 津津有味 jīn jīn yǒu wèi with keen interest (idiom); with great pleasure; with gusto; eagerly
2440 知足常乐 zhī zú cháng lè satisfied with what one has (idiom)
2441 络绎不绝 luò yì bù jué continuously; in an endless stream (idiom)
2442 诞辰 dàn chén birthday
2443 连年 lián nián successive years; over many years
2444 侃侃而谈 kǎn kǎn ér tán to speak frankly with assurance
2445 勉励 miǎn lì to encourage
2446 各抒己见 gè shū jǐ jiàn everyone gives their own view
2447 旗袍 qí páo Chinese-style dress; cheongsam
2448 正负 zhèng fù positive and negative
2449 沾光 zhān guāng to bask in the light; fig. to benefit from association with sb or sth; reflected glory
2450 泰斗 tài dǒu leading scholar of his time; magnate
2451 理直气壮 lǐ zhí qì zhuàng in the right and self-confident (idiom); bold and confident with justice on one's side; to have the courage of one's convictions; just and forceful
2452 生肖 shēng xiào one of the twelve animals symbolic of the earthly branches 地支[di4 zhi1]; animal from the Chinese zodiac
2453 畜牧 xù mù to raise animals
2454 相辅相成 xiāng fǔ xiāng chéng to complement one another (idiom)
2455 联欢 lián huān to have a get-together; celebration; party
2456 馅儿 xiàn r erhua variant of 餡|馅[xian4]
2457 东道主 dōng dào zhǔ host; official host (e.g. venue for games or a conference)
2458 农历 nóng lì the traditional Chinese calendar; the lunar calendar
2459 勤俭 qín jiǎn hardworking and frugal
2460 博大精深 bó dà jīng shēn wide-ranging and profound; broad and deep
2461 喜闻乐见 xǐ wén lè jiàn to love to hear and see (idiom); well received; to one's liking
2462 得天独厚 dé tiān dú hòu blessed by heaven (idiom); enjoying exceptional advantages; favored by nature
2463 恳切 kěn qiè earnest; sincere
2464 温带 wēn dài temperate zone
2465 炊烟 chuī yān smoke from kitchen chimneys
2466 纪要 jì yào minutes; written summary of a meeting
2467 经纬 jīng wěi warp and woof; longitude and latitude; main points
2468 羽绒服 yǔ róng fú down-filled garment
2469 踊跃 yǒng yuè to leap; to jump; eager; enthusiastically
2470 递增 dì zēng to increase by degrees; in increasing order; incremental; progressive
2471 华侨 huá qiáo overseas Chinese; (in a restricted sense) Chinese emigrant who still retains Chinese nationality; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2]
2472 对联 duì lián rhyming couplet; pair of lines of verse written vertically down the sides of a doorway; CL:副[fu4],幅[fu2]
2473 将就 jiāng jiu to accept (a bit reluctantly); to put up with
2474 武侠 wǔ xiá martial arts chivalry (Chinese literary, theatrical and cinema genre); knight-errant
2475 深情厚谊 shēn qíng hòu yì deep friendship
2476 端午节 duān wǔ jié Dragon Boat Festival (5th day of the 5th lunar month)
2477 飞禽走兽 fēi qín zǒu shòu birds and animals; the beasts of the field and the birds of the air
2478 饱经沧桑 bǎo jīng cāng sāng having lived through many changes
2479 丢三落四 diū sān là sì forgetful; empty-headed
2480 儒家 rú jiā Confucian school, founded by Confucius 孔子[Kong3 zi3] (551-479 BC) and Mencius 孟子[Meng4 zi3] (c. 372-c. 289 BC)
2481 元宵节 yuán xiāo jié Lantern Festival, the final event of the Spring Festival 春節|春节, on 15th of first month of the lunar calendar
2482 压制 yā zhì to suppress; to inhibit; to stifle
2483 啰唆 luō suo variant of 囉嗦|啰嗦[luo1 suo5]
2484 墨水儿 mò shuǐ r erhua variant of 墨水[mo4 shui3]
2485 岂有此理 qǐ yǒu cǐ lǐ how can this be so? (idiom); preposterous; ridiculous; absurd
2486 师范 shī fàn teacher-training; pedagogical; normal (school, e.g. Beijing Normal University)
2487 心眼儿 xīn yǎn r one's thoughts; mind; intention; willingness to accept new ideas; baseless suspicions
2488 拔苗助长 bá miáo zhù zhǎng to spoil things through excessive enthusiasm (idiom)
2489 捍卫 hàn wèi to defend; to uphold; to safeguard
2490 显著 xiǎn zhù outstanding; notable; remarkable; statistically significant
2491 涮火锅 shuàn huǒ guō see 涮鍋子|涮锅子[shuan4 guo1 zi5]
2492 烟花爆竹 yān huā bào zhú fireworks
2493 玩意儿 wán yì r erhua variant of 玩意[wan2 yi4]
2494 简体字 jiǎn tǐ zì simplified Chinese character, as opposed to traditional Chinese character 繁體字|繁体字[fan2 ti3 zi4]
2495 繁体字 fán tǐ zì traditional Chinese character
2496 纳闷儿 nà mèn r erhua variant of 納悶|纳闷[na4 men4]
2497 纽扣儿 niǔ kòu r button
2498 统筹兼顾 tǒng chóu jiān gù an overall plan taking into account all factors
2499 著作 zhù zuò to write; literary work; book; article; writings; CL:部[bu4]