HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2785th character |
RADICAL | ⽊ (75.7) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2225 |
pointed tip of something long like a branch; rudder
梢 shāo |

盯梢 dīng shāo | to follow sb; to tail; to shadow |
末梢 mò shāo | tip; end; last few days |
树梢 shù shāo | the tip of a tree; treetop |
发梢 fà shāo | hair ends |
眉梢 méi shāo | tip of brow |
末梢神经 mò shāo shén jīng | peripheral nerve |
尾梢 wěi shāo | the tip; the end; the very end |
后梢 hòu shāo | stern (of a boat) |
後梢 hòu shāo | stern (of a boat) |
末梢神經 mò shāo shén jīng | peripheral nerve |
梢公 shāo gōng | variant of 艄公[shao1 gong1] |
樹梢 shù shāo | the tip of a tree; treetop |
白尾梢虹雉 bái wěi shāo hóng zhì | (bird species of China) Sclater's monal (Lophophorus sclateri) |
眼梢 yǎn shāo | corner of eye near temple |
钉梢 dīng shāo | to follow sb; to tail; to shadow; also written 盯梢[ding1 shao1] |
釘梢 dīng shāo | to follow sb; to tail; to shadow; also written 盯梢[ding1 shao1] |
髮梢 fà shāo | hair ends |
神经末梢 shén jīng mò shāo | nerve ending; the terminal ends of nerve cells where signals are transmitted to or from the nervous system |
睫梢细 jié shāo xì | fine eyelashes; describes the delicate or subtle trembling of the eyelashes, usually due to emotion or nervousness |