HSK 4 Characters

447 characters ?

The official HSK standard specifies words, not characters. This is a list of all characters contained in HSK 4 words.

# Hanzi Pinyin Meaning Words
1 zhī marks preceding phrase as modifier of following phrase; it, him her, them; go to 百分
2 part, division, section ,
3 negative, no, not; KangXi radical 71 ,
4 and; with; to; for; give, grant
5 mín people, subjects, citizens
6 this, these; in this case, then
7 使 shǐ cause, send on a mission, order; envoy, messenger, ambassador 使, 使 , 使
8 xìng nature, character, sex ,
9 quán maintain, keep whole or intact , ,
10 jiāng will, going to, future; general
11 yóu cause, reason; from
12 bìng combine, annex; also, what's more
13 měi beautiful, pretty; pleasing
14 gains, advantage, profit, merit ,
15 combine, unite, join; gather , ,
16 nèi inside
17 dù, du degree, system; manner; to consider , ,
18 rèn trust to, rely on, appoint; to bear, duty, office; allow , ,
19 hǎi sea, ocean; maritime
20 tōng pass through, common, communicate , ,
21 yuán source, origin, beginning , ,
22 extend; reach; come up to; and , 来不 , 来得
23 lùn debate; discuss; discourse ,
24 chù, chǔ, chu place, locale; department ,
25 each, individually, every, all
26 enter, come in(to), join ,
27 huó live, exist, survive; lively , ,
28 ěr you; that, those; final particle
29 what, why, where, which, how
30 fǎn reverse, opposite, contrary, anti ,
31 shòu receive, accept, get; bear, stand 不了 , ,
32 liàng, liang, liáng measure, quantity, capacity , ,
33 jiàn build, establish, erect, found
34 jì, ji plan, plot; stratagem; scheme ,
35 guǎn pipe, tube, duct; woodwind music , ,
36 property; wealth; capital
37 mìng life; destiny, fate, luck; an order, instruction
38 jīn gold; metals in general; money ,
39 zhǐ finger, toe; point, indicate
40 gram; overcome; transliteration
41 allow, permit; promise; betroth , ,
42 area, district, region, ward ,
43 bǎo protect, safeguard, defend, care ,
44 zhì reach, arrive; extremely, very ,
45 duì team, group; army unit
46 shè god of the soil and altars to him; group of families; company, society
47 zhǎn open, unfold; stretch, extend
48 section, department, science
49 foundation, base
50 rule, law, regulation; grades
51 què still, but; decline; retreat
52 guāng light, brilliant, shine; only
53 promptly, quickly, immediately 使
54 xiàng elephant; ivory; figure, image
55 shì style, system, formula, rule
56 chéng journey, trip; schedule, agenda
57 die; dead; death
58 jiāo mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver ,
59 guī rules, regulations, customs, law
60 take, receive, obtain; select
61 pull, drag; seize, hold; lengthen
62 gé, ge pattern, standard, form; style , ,
63 shù art, skill, special feat; method, technique ,
64 què sure, certain; real, true , ,
65 chuán summon; propagate, transmit
66 guān see, observe, view; appearance ,
67 qiè, qiē cut, mince, slice, carve
68 dǎo direct, guide, lead, conduct
69 zhēng dispute, fight, contend, strive
70 gǎi change, alter; improve, remodel
71 shōu gather together, collect; harvest ,
72 yán words, speech; speak, say
73 lián connect, join; associate, ally ,
74 chí sustain, support; hold, grasp ,
75 help, aid, relieve; ferry, cross
76 qīn, qin relatives, parents; intimate the hazel nut or filbert tree a thorny tree , ,
77 lín forest, grove; surname
78 shì, shi scholar, gentleman; soldier , ,
79 zhèng prove, confirm, verify; proof , ,
80 shī lose; make mistake, neglect ,
81 zhuǎn, zhuàn shift, move, turn
82 cún exist, live, be; survive; remain
83 tái platform; unit; term of address
84 tool, implement; draw up, write
85 liú flow, circulate, drift; class , ,
86 lián join, connect; continuous; even
87 shēn deep; depth; far; very, extreme
88 zhì matter, material, substance
89 jià price, value
90 zhěng orderly, neat, tidy; whole
91 kuàng condition, situation; furthermore
92 Asia; second
93 skill, ability, talent, ingenuity
94 border, boundary, juncture ,
95 yuē treaty, agreement, covenant , ,
96 shì show, manifest; demonstrate
97 jiū examine, investigate ,
98 线 xiàn line, thread, wire; clue 线
99 duàn sever, cut off; interrupt
100 jīng essence; semen; spirit
101 zhī disperse, pay; support; branch
102 xiāo vanish, die out; melt away
103 zēng increase, add to, augment
104 yán grind, rub; study, research
105 gōng achievement, merit, good result ,
106 广 guǎng wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 广, 广
107 biāo mark, symbol, label, sign; stand the bole of a tree
108 tán talk; conversation; surname
109 yǐn to pull, draw out, attract; to stretch ,
110 shǒu head; first; leader, chief; a poem ,
111 bureau, office; circumstance
112 zhuān monopolize, take sole possession ,
113 fèi expenses, expenditures, fee ,
114 jǐn, jìn exhaust, use up; deplete
115 lìng another, separate, other
116 jǐn only, merely, solely, just
117 luò fall, drop; net income, surplus
118 suí follow, listen to, submit to 便 ,
119 liè a line; to arrange in order, classify
120 tuī push, expel; push forward
121 zhòng multitude, crowd; masses, public
122 àn table, bench; legal case
123 huà, huá to row or paddle boat; to scratch
124 statute, principle, regulation ,
125 tài manner, bearing, attitude
126 yàn test, examine, inspect; verify
127 one's responsibility, duty ,
128 gòu enough, adequate
129 zhāng composition; chapter, section
130 zhì purpose, will, determination; annals
131 bottom, underneath, underside
132 yán strict, rigorous, rigid; stern ,
133 precedent, example; regulation
134 a family clan, ethnic group, tribe
135 gōng supply, provide for; offer in worship
136 xiào result, effect; effectiveness
137 continue, carry on; succeed
138 jǐn tense, tight, taut; firm, secure
139 jué to cut, sever, break off, terminate
140 chá examine, investigate; notice
141 mother; female elders; female
142 comment, criticize; wholesale
143 àn put hand on, press down with hand ,
144 wéi surround, encircle, corral
145 jiāng large river; yangzi; surname
146 record, annal, historical account
147 raise, lift up; recommend ,
148 father; KangXi radical 88
149 dense, thick, close; intimate
150 low; to lower, hang, bend, bow
151 zhǐ stop, halt, desist; detain
152 fine, tiny; slender, thin ,
153 zhí price
154 réng yet, still, as ever; again; keep -ing, continuing
155 break, ruin, destroy; rout
156 dào, dǎo fall over; lie down; take turns
157 zhí duty, profession; office, post
158 quick, prompt, speedy , 公路
159 fǒu not, no, negative; final particle ,
160 máo, mao hair, fur, feathers; coarse ,
161 shén, shèn great extent; considerably
162 universal, general, widespread 通话 ,
163 dàn, tán pellet, bullet, shot, shell 钢琴
164 bitter; hardship, suffering
165 yìn print, seal, stamp, chop, mark , ,
166 prepare, arrange; in advance
167 wēi small, prefix micro-, trifling
168 continue, maintain, carry on
169 jīng frighten, surprise, startle
170 shāng wound, injury; fall ill from
171 shì go, reach; appropriate, suitable , ,
172 shěng province; save, economize
173 wèi guard, protect, defend 生间
174 xiǎn narrow pass, strategic point
175 pái row, rank, line , ,
176 happiness, good fortune, blessing
177 jǐng guard, watch; alert, alarm
178 huò obtain, get, receive; seize
179 fù, fu load, burden; carry, bear
180 yún say, speak; clouds
181 tíng stop, suspend, delay; suitable
182 doubt, question, suspect 怀
183 zhōu continent; island; islet
184 jìng finally, after all, at last ,
185 jī, ji arouse, excite, incite; quickly
186 yǎn perform, put on; exercise , ,
187 pàn judge; discriminate; conclude
188 already; de facto; since; then
189 accumulate, store up, amass ,
190 abundant, ample; rich, wealthy
191 zhàn divine; observe; versify 线
192 xiū study; repair; cultivate
193 jiàng, xiáng descend, fall, drop; lower, down ,
194 jiān hard, strong, firm; resolute
195 miǎn spare; excuse from; evade
196 press; oppress; crush; pressure
197 yǎng raise, rear, bring up; support
198 怀 huái bosom, breast; carry in bosom 怀
199 luàn confusion, state of chaos, revolt
200 háng sail; navigate; ship, boat
201 yōu superior, excellent; actor ,
202 zhe manifest; (Cant.) to wear
203 fèn, fen portion, part; duty
204 art; talent, ability; craft
205 gài generally, approximately
206 gǎn to dare, venture; bold, brave
207 hù, hu door; family
208 yáng ocean, sea; foreign; western
209 kuǎn item, article; clause; fund
210 píng appraise, criticize, evaluate
211 zuò seat; stand, base
212 shì interprete, elucidate; release
213 jǐng scenery, view; conditions
214 dēng rise, mount, board, climb 机牌
215 huò goods, commodities, products
216 mutually, reciprocally , 联网
217 fù, fu give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrust
218 wēi dangerous, precarious; high
219 tǎo to discuss; ask for, beg; demand; dun; marry ,
220 beautiful, magnificent, elegant
221 series, serial order, sequence
222 yǒng long, perpetual, eternal, forever
223 hū, hu breathe sigh, exhale; call, shout 打招
224 wèi taste, smell, odor; delicacy
225 shā sand, gravel, pebbles; granulated
226 diào turn, move; shake, wag; drop down
227 mixed, blended; mix, mingle ,
228 wù, wu err, make mistake; interfere ,
229 jiǎn decrease, subtract, diminish ,
230 kěn willing; consent to, permit
231 bài be defeated, decline, fail
232 mèng dream; visionary; wishful
233 sàn, sǎn scatter, disperse, break up
234 wēn lukewarm
235 kùn to surround, besiege; to be surrounded; difficult
236 fēng letter, envelope; feudal
237 quē be short of, lack; gap, deficit ,
238 kǒng fear; fearful, apprehensive
239 sōng pine tree; fir tree ,
240 be concerned, worry about
241 xìng luck(ily), favor, fortunately
242 gǎn pursue, follow; expel, drive away
243 theatrical plays, opera, drama
244 to harmonize, to rhyme; to unite; (borrowed for) leaf
245 inhale, suck in; absorb; attract
246 ya, yā particle used to express surprise or mild emphasis; (Cant.) slurred form of the number ten
247 shùn obey, submit to, go along with 便 , ,
248 shū transport, carry, haul
249 zhāo beckon, summon; recruit, levy ,
250 tuō take off
251 yóu oil, fat, grease, lard; paints
252 cái material, stuff; timber; talent
253 gamble, play games; wide, broad
254 yān smoke, soot; opium; tobacco, cigarettes
255 shòu give to, transmit; confer
256 jìn, jīn restrict, prohibit, forbid
257 sūn grandchild, descendent; surname
258 piān chapter, section, essay, article
259 biàn everywhere, all over, throughout
260 chǔ foundation stone, plinth
261 fān flip over, upset, capsize
262 sēn forest; luxuriant vegetation
263 silent; quiet, still; dark
264 shú well-cooked; ripe; familiar with
265 huǒ, huo companion, colleague; utensils
266 nòng do, play or fiddle with; alley
267 dāo knife; old coin; measure
268 chuāng window
269 xǐng wake up; sober up; startle
270 gòu buy, purchase; hire
271 hǔ, hu tiger; brave, fierce; surname ,
272 yáng scatter, spread; praise
273 end, finish, conclude; completed
274 yóu especially, particularly
275 jìng contend, vie, compete
276 reject, abandon, discard
277 má, ma hemp, jute, flax; sesame
278 shēn to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch
279 shòu sell 货员
280 zhēn needle; pin; tack; acupuncture
281 bào embrace, hold in arms, enfold
282 drum; beat, top, strike
283 zhí plant, trees, plants; grow
284 page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181
285 zhé, zhē break off, snap; bend
286 zūn respect, revere, venerate; honor
287 xiù ear of grain; flowering, luxuriant; refined, elegant, graceful
288 rǎn dye; be contagious; infect
289 bewitch, charm, infatuate
290 chéng sincere, honest; true, real
291 cǎi, cai hue, color; variegated colors
292 chōu draw out, pull out; sprout
293 làng wave; wasteful, reckless ,
294 fēng abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty
295 translate; decode; encode
296 distance; bird's spur
297 i.d. tag, tally, symbol, charm
298 yǒng brave, courageous, fierce
299 tīng hall, central room ,
300 bài do obeisance, bow, kowtow
301 qiǎo skillful, ingenious, clever 克力
302 dài wear on top; support
303 tóng child, boy, servant boy; virgin
304 chéng ride, ascend; avail oneself of; numerary adjunct for vehicles
305 guà hang, suspend; suspense
306 jiǎng prize, reward; give award to
307 hòu thick; substantial; greatly
308 jìng mirror; lens; glass; glasses ,
309 fán, fan bother, vex, trouble; troublesome ,
310 qiān sign, endorse; slip of paper
311 pái signboard, placard 登机
312 zán we, us
313 fèn strive, exert effort; arouse
314 sow, spread; broadcast; cast away, reject 广
315 qiáo bridge; beam, crosspiece
316 hán cold, wintry, chilly
317 assemble, meet together, collect
318 dài, dai pocket, bag, sack, pouch 塑料
319 zàn temporary
320 merchant; estimate, guess, presume
321 ward off with hand, defend
322 remember, reflect upon; memory
323 nào, nao quarrel; dispute hotly
324 whetstone; grind, sharpen; whet
325 qióng poor, destitute, impoverished
326 number, numerals; yard; symbol ,
327 ǒu accidentally, coincidently; an idol
328 shāo little, slightly; rather
329 kuàng mine; mineral, ore 泉水
330 tái lift, carry
331 bèi times, fold, multiple times
332 filthy, dirty, impure, polluted
333 nài endure, bear; resist; patient
334 rough, thick, course; rude
335 know, learn about, comprehend
336 xiáng detailed, complete, thorough
337 yǔn to grant, to allow, to consent
338 shèng leftovers, residue, remains
339 màn overflow of water; spreading
340 suān tart, sour; acid; stiff; spoiled
341 xīn bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem
342 cān eat, dine; meal; food
343 tǐng to stand upright, straighten; rigid
344 strive; encourage
345 jiàn door bolt, lock bolt; key
346 rǎo disturb, annoy, agitate
347 yuè examine, inspect, review, read
348 hàn perspiration, sweat
349 piàn swindle, cheat out of, defraud
350 líng age; years
351 pity, regret, rue, begrudge
352 small thing, child; young animal
353 liǎ two, pair
354 record, register, list; census
355 liáng cool, cold; disheartened
356 mào countenance, appearance
357 cāi guess, conjecture, suppose; feel
358 lián pity, sympathize
359 tǎng lie down, recline
360 gāng steel; hard, strong, tough
361 send, transmit, mail; rely on
362 tāng, tang hot water; soup, gravy, broth
363 féi fat, plump, obese; fertile
364 cháng taste; experience, experiment
365 yàn dislike, detest, reject; satiate
366 zàng, zāng internal organs, viscera; dirty
367 quiet, secluded, tranquil; dark
368 diū discard
369 quán spring, fountain; wealth, money
370 zhù pray for happiness or blessings
371 péi accompany, be with, keep company
372 congratulate; send present
373 qín Chinese lute or guitar 弹钢
374 nǎo angered, filled with hate
375 qiāo strike, beat, pound, hammer; rap
376 nuǎn warm, genial
377 táng sugar; candy; sweets
378 wipe, scrub, rub, scour; brush
379 skin; superficial, shallow
380 belly; abdomen; bowels
381 win; surplus, gain, profit
382 zhǐ site, location, land for house
383 huǐ repent, show remorse, regret
384 yāo invite, welcome; meet, intercept
385 feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 毛球
386 yán salt
387 fu tutor, teacher; assist; surname
388 shuài commander, commander-in-chief
389 rēng throw, hurl; throw away, cast
390 ào proud, haughty, overbearing
391 shi, shí pick up, collect, tidy up; accounting form of the numeral ten
392 tián fill in, fill up; make good
393 ban, bàn dress up; dress up as
394 pleasant, delightful; please
395 long for, desire; admire
396 miǎo beard of grain or corn; a second
397 model in clay, sculpt; plastics 料袋
398 disgrace, shame; ashamed; shy
399 small box or case; casket
400 numerary adjunct for trees
401 liàng excuse, forgive; guess, presume
402 grapes
403 chú kitchen; closet; cupboard
404 duck; Anas species (various)
405 friendship; appropriate, suitable
406 qiàn deficient, lacking, insufficient ,
407 zhuàn make money, earn; gain, profit
408 táo grapes
409 spleen, pancreas; disposition
410 lǎn lazy, languid, listless
411 jiāo spirited horse; haughty
412 engage, employ; betroth ,
413 jīn kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50
414 wall; stop, prevent; stop up
415 bàng stick, club, truncheon; hit
416 great, eminent; large, big
417 qi relative; be related to; sad
418 bèn foolish, stupid, dull; awkward
419 po, pō pour, splash, water, sprinkle
420 jiāo suburbs; waste land, open spaces
421 bǐng, bing rice-cakes, biscuits
422 hāi, ké cough
423 tǒng pail, bucket, tub; cask, keg 垃圾
424 peppery, pungent, hot; cruel
425 bo shoulders, upper arms
426 tàng time, occasion; take journey
427 shi spoon; surname
428 yào key; lock
429 armpit, arms
430 xián together; all, completely; united
431 zhī juice, liquor, fluid, sap, gravy, sauce
432 garbage, refuse, waste 圾桶
433 kǎo bake, roast, toast, cook
434 garbage, rubbish; shaking; danger
435 guàng ramble, stroll, roam, wander
436 gāo grease, fat; paste, ointment
437 xiàn envy, admire; praise; covet
438 shǔ hot
439 sou cough, gargle, clear throat
440 xiàng chestnut oak; rubber tree; rubber
441 mingle with; toilet, lavatory
442 socks, stockings
443 spoon, ladle; unit of volume
444 persimmon 西红
445 pīng used with “pong” (U+4E53 乓) for “ping pong” 乓球
446 pāng used with “ping” (U+4E52 乒) for “ping pong”
447 jiǎo stuffed dumplings