HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 244th character |
RADICAL | ⼵ (54.6) |
INDEX # | 1302 |
build, establish, erect, found
- build, establish, erect, found
- to establish
- to found
- to set up
- to build
- to construct

建议 jiàn yì | to propose; to suggest; to recommend; proposal; suggestion; recommendation; CL:個|个[ge4],點|点[dian3] |
建立 jiàn lì | to establish; to set up; to found |
建筑 jiàn zhù | to construct; building; CL:個|个[ge4] |
建设 jiàn shè | to build; to construct; construction; constructive |
修建 xiū jiàn | to build; to construct |
封建 fēng jiàn | system of enfeoffment; feudalism; feudal; feudalistic |
建造 jiàn zào | to construct; to build |
重建 chóng jiàn | to rebuild; to reestablish; reconstruction; rebuilding |
建筑师 jiàn zhù shī | architect |
建筑物 jiàn zhù wù | building; structure; edifice |
组建 zǔ jiàn | to organize; to set up; to establish |
创建 chuàng jiàn | to found; to establish |
建成 jiàn chéng | to establish; to build |
建设性 jiàn shè xìng | constructive; constructiveness |
构建 gòu jiàn | to construct (sth abstract) |
改建 gǎi jiàn | to rebuild; to transform (a building); to refurbish |
新建 xīn jiàn | Xinjian county in Nanchang 南昌, Jiangxi; new construction; newly built |
建筑学 jiàn zhù xué | architectural; architecture |
搭建 dā jiàn | to build (esp. with simple materials); to knock together (a temporary shed); to rig up |
建国 jiàn guó | to found a country; nation-building; the foundation of PRC by Mao Zedong in 1949 |
兴建 xīng jiàn | to build; to construct |
建材 jiàn cái | building materials |
扩建 kuò jiàn | to extend (a building, an airport runway etc) |
创建者 chuàng jiàn zhě | founder; creator |
筹建 chóu jiàn | to prepare to build sth |