HSK 5 Characters

621 characters ?

The official HSK standard specifies words, not characters. This is a list of all characters contained in HSK 5 words.

# Hanzi Pinyin Meaning Words
1 jūn army, military; soldiers, troops ,
2 zhàn war, fighting, battle ,
3 zhèng government, political affairs ,
4 chǎn give birth, bring forth, produce , ,
5 zhì system; establish; overpower , ,
6 dài replace, replacement (of person or generation); era, generation , ,
7 stand; let stand; establish, set , ,
8 right conduct, righteousness ,
9 shén spirit, god, supernatural being , ,
10 ethics, morality, virtue
11 tǒng govern, command, control; unite , ,
12 xíng, xing form, shape, appearance , ,
13 zhì govern, regulate, administer ,
14 arrive at, reach; intelligent; smooth, slippery , ,
15 qiáng, qiǎng strong, powerful, energetic , ,
16 quán power, right, authority ,
17 wáng king, ruler; royal; surname ,
18 shè build; establish; display , ,
19 pǐn article, product, commodity , ,
20 lèi class, group, kind, category , ,
21 lǐng neck; collar; lead, guide , ,
22 zào construct, build, make, begin; prepare , ,
23 class; section, department , ,
24 yīng petal, flower, leaf; brave, a hero; England, English ,
25 lìng command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause ,
26 cotton cloth, textiles, linen , ,
27 wèi not yet; 8th terrestrial branch ,
28 strike, hit, beat; attack, fight
29 bīng soldier, troops
30 tuán sphere, ball, circle; mass, lump
31 assemble, collect together , ,
32 huá flowery; illustrious; Chinese ,
33 shí stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112
34 prefecture; prefect; government
35 shì, sì resemble, similar to; as if, seem , ,
36 guān official, public servant
37 receptacle, vessel; instrument , 充电 ,
38 chēng, chèn call; name, brand; address; say ,
39 plan a project; stand on tiptoe
40 wěi appoint, send, commission
41 céng already; sign of past
42 nóng agriculture, farming; farmer , ,
43 zhuāng dress, clothes, attire; fill , ,
44 xiǎn manifest, display; evident, clear , ,
45 niàn think of, recall, study 怀 , ,
46 qīng blue, green, black; young 少年 ,
47 military; martial, warlike
48 shì power, force; tendency , 姿 ,
49 old, classic, ancient , , 名胜
50 gòu frame, building, structure ,
51 soil, earth; items made of earth ,
52 tóu throw, cast, fling, pitch; jump ,
53 mǒu certain thing or person
54 wéi maintain, preserve, safeguard
55 leather, animal hides; rad. 177
56 enemy, foe, rival; resist
57 zhì send, deliver, present; cause ,
58 pài school of thought, sect, branch
59 yíng encampment, barracks; manage 夏令 , ,
60 ba, bā greatly desire, anxiously hope
61 fáng defend; prevent; embankment
62 shī grant, bestow; give; act; name ,
63 xíng pattern, model, type; law; mold ,
64 rely on, be set in; consent, obey a wish
65 qún (same as U+7FA3 羣) group, crowd, multitude, mob
66 xiàng neck, nape of neck; sum; funds ,
67 zhī weave, knit; organize, unite
68 dòu Chinese peck; liquid measure
69 cǎi collect, gather; pick, pluck , 访
70 shā kill, slaughter, murder; hurt
71 cháo dynasty; morning
72 shǔ class, category, type; belong to ,
73 xiàn boundary, limit, line
74 wēi pomp, power; powerful; dominate
75 zhuàng form; appearance; shape; official , ,
76 lǜ, shuài to lead; ratio; rate; limit , ,
77 alone, single, solitary, only , ,
78 chuàng establish, create; knife cut
79 chéng inherit, receive; succeed , ,
80 gǔ, gu thighs, haunches, rump; share
81 profit, benefit; advantage
82 xuè, xiě blood; radical number 143
83 white (silk); plain; vegetarian; formerly; normally
84 night, dark; in night; by night
85 chū beginning, initial, primary ,
86 yuán spring; source, head; surname ,
87 shí, shi eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 , ,
88 dài treat, entertain, receive; wait , ,
89 shù narrate, state, express
90 land, continental; army ,
91 zhì, zhi place, lay out; set aside
92 láo labor, toil, do manual work , ,
93 cái wealth, valuables, riches
94 admit, take, receive, accept
95 léi thunder
96 mó, mú model, standard, pattern; copy 仿 , ,
97 chōng fill, be full, supply , , 电器
98 tree; wood, lumber; wooden
99 lóng dragon; symbolic of emperor
100 chōng, chòng soar; pour boiling water over
101 shè shoot, eject, issue forth, emit
102 lüè approximately, roughly; outline
103 fàn surname; bee-like insect
104 cūn village, hamlet; uncouth, vulgar
105 sound of laughter
106 退 tuì step back, retreat, withdraw 退, 退
107 I, my, me; surname; surplus , ,
108 tòng pain, ache; sorry, sad; bitter ,
109 líng, ling spirit, soul; spiritual world
110 pèi match, pair; equal; blend ,
111 zhēng invade, attack, conquer , ,
112 huī direct; wipe away; squander ,
113 shèng victory; excel, be better than 古迹 ,
114 jiē stairs, steps; rank, degree ,
115 chén, chēn sink, submerge; addicted to
116 shàn good, virtuous, charitable, kind , ,
117 zhí hold in hand; keep; carry out
118 zhuī pursue, chase after; expel
119 xuān declare, announce, proclaim ,
120 Buddha; of Buddhism; merciful person; Buddhist image; the dead (Jap.) 仿
121 kòng accuse, charge; control
122 shuì taxes
123 bèi, bēi back; back side; behind; betray ,
124 zhèn column, row or file of troops
125 è, wù evil, wicked, bad, foul
126 dùn pause, stop; bow, kowtow; arrange
127 shǒu defend, protect, guard, conserve
128 dǎo island 屿
129 tuō to hold up with palm; to support, rely on
130 liè fiery, violent, vehement, ardent , ,
131 suǒ, suo large rope, cable; rules, laws; to demand, to exact; to search, inquire; isolated
132 recklessly, foolishly; wildly ,
133 kào lean on, trust, depend on; near
134 bǎn printing blocks; edition
135 bǎo treasure, jewel; precious, rare ,
136 ōu translit.: Europe; ohm; surname
137 seed, kernel, core, nut; atom
138 àn dark; obscure; in secret, covert
139 liáng good, virtuous, respectable ,
140 shēng arise, go up; hoist; advance
141 lín draw near, approach; descend , ,
142 jià rack, stand, prop; prop up ,
143 district, region, boundary; land
144 kuò include, embrace, enclose ,
145 biān knit, weave; arrange; compile
146 measure, estimate, conjecture
147 house; room; building, shelter
148 jiàn gradually
149 jiù save, rescue, relieve; help, aid 护车
150 qiāng spear, lance; gun, rifle
151 xiàn county, district, subdivision
152 shàng, shang still, yet; even; fairly, rather
153 háo fine hair; measure of length
154 change place, shift; move about ,
155 niang, niáng mother; young girl; woman; wife
156 zhì wisdom, knowledge, intelligence
157 zhǎng palm of hand, sole of foot, paw ,
158 lose; articles lost; omit
159 to become solid, solidify; strength
160 seat; mat; take seat; banquet ,
161 secret, mysterious, abstruse , ,
162 jūn equal, even, fair; all, also ,
163 xiāo melt, fuse; market, sell
164 shī poetry; poem, verse, ode
165 cáng hide, conceal; hoard, store up
166 sǔn diminish; impair; injure
167 suddenly, abruptly; neglect ,
168 large, great, enormous; chief ,
169 pào large gun, cannon; artillery
170 copy, write down, record , ,
171 xiāng country; rural; village
172 tíng courtyard; spacious hall or yard
173 fù, fu married women; woman; wife
174 guī return; return to, revert to
175 hán hold in mouth; cherish; contain
176 yáo wag, swing, wave; shake; scull
177 mend, patch, fix, repair, restore
178 wèi say, tell; call, name; be called 无所
179 poison, venom; poisonous
180 liáo be healed, cured, recover
181 zhú chase, expel; one by one ,
182 xún, xín seek, search, look for; ancient
183 chǎng factory, workshop; radical 27
184 àn bank, shore; beach, coast
185 zhà to fry in oil; to scald; to explode
186 zài, zǎi load; carry; transport, convey
187 avoid; turn aside; escape; hide ,
188 zhuā scratch; clutch, seize, grab
189 róng glory, honor; flourish, prosper
190 gū, gu father's sister; husband's mother ,
191 táo escape, flee; abscond, dodge
192 dǐng top, summit, peak; to carry on the head
193 jade, precious stone, gem
194 coerce, force, compel; urgent
195 dòng cave, grotto; ravine; hole
196 juǎn, juàn scroll; curl; make a comeback
197 tǎn flat, smooth; self-possessed
198 níng, nìng calm, peaceful, serene; healthy
199 xun, xùn teach, instruct; exegesis , ,
200 private, personal; secret ,
201 silk; fine thread; wire; strings ,
202 grasp, hold fast, take by hand , ,
203 gǔ, gú bone; skeleton; frame, framework
204 访 fǎng visit; ask, inquire 访
205 ruò weak; fragile, delicate
206 guǐ ghost; spirit of dead; devil 胆小
207 ruǎn soft, flexible, pliable; weak
208 kuò expand, enlarge, stretch
209 gài cover, hide, protect
210 xióng male of species; hero; manly
211 wěn stable, firm, solid, steady
212 亿 hundred million; many
213 stab; prick, irritate; prod ,
214 yōng embrace, hug, squeeze; crowd ,
215 even, uniform, of equal length
216 false ,
217 split wood; break apart; divide
218 tòu penetrate, pass through
219 change, replace, substitute for
220 way, road, path, journey; course , ,
221 xiōng, xiong elder brother
222 xùn quick, hasty, rapid, sudden
223 tào case, cover, wrapper, envelope
224 mào trade, barter; mixed; rashly
225 wéi only; yes
226 lún wheel; revolve, turn; recur
227 armory, treasury, storehouse
228 traces, impressions, footprints 名胜古 ,
229 urge, press, hurry; close 使 ,
230 yán delay, postpone, defer
231 zhèn shake, quake, tremor; excite
232 jiǎ, jia armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem
233 wěi great, robust; extraordinary
234 huǎn slow, leisurely; to postpone, delay
235 shǎn flash; avoid, dodge, evade
236 zhé wise, sagacious; wise man, sage
237 luò enmesh, wrap around; web, net
238 chún pure, clean, simple
239 rěn endure, bear, suffer; forbear 不住
240 zhù ancient lute; build
241 bèi sea shell; money, currency
242 zhèn raise, excite, arouse action
243 yuán circle; round, circular; complete
244 gǎo to clear, clarify
245 kuáng insane, mad; violent; wild
246 cuò place; collect, arrange; employ
247 péi bank up with dirt; cultivate ,
248 kuān broad, wide; spacious, vast
249 bǎi put, place; display; swing, sway
250 shēn extend, stretch out, open up; trust
251 rub, scour, grind; friction 托车
252 bēi sorrow, grief; sorry, sad
253 pāi clap, tap, beat; beat or rhythm
254 yìng hard, firm, strong; obstinate
255 mài wheat, barley, oats; simplified form of KangXi radical number 199 , 克风
256 cāo conduct, run, control, manage ,
257 impede, hinder, obstruct; oppose
258 dìng draw up agreement; arrange
259 zàn help, support, assist, aid , ,
260 fēn in disorder, scattered, tangled
261 hǎn shout, call out, yell; howl; cry
262 wéi disobey, violate, defy; be apart from
263 huì concourse; flow together, gather ,
264 currency, coins, legal tender 人民
265 shū different, special, unusual
266 xiàn offer, present; show, display
267 cái cut out; decrease
268 chù butt, ram, gore; touch
269 jìng respect, honor; respectfully
270 qiáng wall
271 zhào imperial decree; summon
272 penalty, fine; punish, penalize
273 xiǎng enjoy
274 yóu like, similar to, just like, as
275 chè penetrate, pervade; penetrating
276 miáo copy, trace, sketch; depict
277 miào mysterious, subtle; exquisite
278 that, there, those
279 仿 fǎng imitate, copy; as if 仿, 仿
280 shut, close; obstruct, block up
281 qìng congratulate, celebrate ,
282 lèi tears; weep, cry
283 lǎng clear, bright; distinct
284 wěi tail, extremity; end, stern
285 tōu to steal, burglar, thief
286 chóng insects, worms; KangXi radical 142
287 dàn weak, watery; insipid, tasteless ,
288 hèn hatred, dislike; resent, hate
289 fán complicated, complex, difficult
290 bàn companion, comrade, partner; accompany
291 dàn dawn; morning; day ,
292 cháo tide; moist, wet, damp; flow 湿
293 liáng food, grain, provisions
294 suō contract, draw in, reduce
295 tiāo, tiǎo a load carried on the shoulders; to carry
296 huī ashes; dust; lime, mortar ,
297 zhēn precious, valuable, rare
298 curtain, screen, tent ,
299 yìng project; reflect light
300 separate, partition
301 open; begin, commence; explain
302 fàn to drift, float; careless, reckless 广
303 cháng repay, recompense; restitution
304 dāi dull; dull-minded, simple, stupid
305 héng measure, weigh, judge, consider
306 shě, shè house, dwelling; dwell, reside 宿 , 不得
307 pó, po old woman; grandmother
308 zāi calamity, disaster, catastrophe
309 dǎn gall bladder; bravery, courage 小鬼
310 social customs; vulgar, unrefined
311 biàn dispute, argue, debate, discuss
312 xiōng breast, bosom, chest; thorax
313 jìn strong, unyielding, tough, power 使
314 ji, jí gather up, collect; edit, compile ,
315 huī restore; big, great, immense, vast
316 quān, juàn to circle; a circle; corral
317 mō, mo gently touch with hand; caress
318 rùn soft, moist; sleek; freshen , 湿
319 duī heap, pile, crowd; pile up
320 pèng collide, bump into
321 fèi abrogate, terminate, discard
322 partition wall; walls of a house
323 chuī blow; puff; brag, boast
324 hu, hú paste, stick on with paste ,
325 dùn shield, shield-shaped object; currency sign for Dutch guilder
326 lack; poor
327 zhěn examine patient, diagnose ,
328 shè take in, absorb; act as deputy
329 píng lean on, depend on, rely on
330 qiǎng plunder, rob, take by force
331 end of thread; thread, clue
332 jiān shoulders; to shoulder; bear
333 huàn illusion, fantasy, mirage
334 suì break, smash; broken, busted
335 zōng arrange threads for weaving
336 fǎn return, revert to, restore
337 báo, bó thin, slight, weak; poor, stingy
338 qiāo silent, quiet, still; anxious
339 mǐn fast, quick, clever, smart ,
340 ài obstruct, hinder, block, deter
341 máo spear, lance; KangXi radical 110
342 piece, strip, breadth of, hem
343 grain, kernel
344 accuse, blame, curse, scold
345 shǎng reward, grant, bestow; appreciate
346 tiē paste to, stick on; attached to ,
347 yāo waist; kidney
348 méi eyebrows; upper margin of book
349 liàn love; long for, yearn for; love
350 xià scare, frighten; intimidate
351 words, speech, expression, phrase ,
352 chǐ Chinese measure approx. 'foot'
353 bèi generation, lifetime; class ,
354 huá, hua slip, slide; slippery, polished
355 rào, rǎo entwine; wind around; surround
356 hasten, hurry; be attracted to
357 xié ribs, armpits; flank; threaten
358 chā insert, stick into; plant
359 huì bright, intelligent; intelligence
360 go-between, matchmaker; medium
361 pèi belt ornament, pendant; wear at waist, tie to the belt; respect
362 háo brave, heroic, chivalrous ,
363 jiān unite, combine; connect; and
364 yuè skip, jump, frolic
365 pay respects; reverently
366 shǐ sail, drive, pilot; fast, quick
367 jiè numerary adjunct for time, term
368 xīn happy, joyous, delighted
369 favor, benefit, confer kindness
370 book, volume, register, list
371 piāo whirlwind, cyclone; floating
372 xián fence, guard; defend; idle time ,
373 pín frequently, again and again
374 hand over, deliver; substitute
375 zhuàng knock against, bump into, collide
376 gǔn turn
377 gòng offer tribute; tribute, gifts
378 fēng crazy, insane, mentally ill
379 qiáo glance at, look at, see
380 rán burn; light fire, ignite
381 suǒ lock, padlock; shackles, chains
382 quàn recommend, advise, urge
383 sōu search, seek; investigate
384 qín industrious, diligent, attentive
385 jiè warn, caution, admonish
386 jià to drive, sail, fly; a cart, carriage ,
387 róu soft; gentle, pliant
388 fǔ, fu rot, decay, spoil; rotten
389 yòu infant, young child; immature 儿园
390 jiàn trample, tread upon, walk on
391 nóng thick, strong, concentrated
392 zhú bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118
393 luó patrol; inspect; watch; patrol
394 zūn obey, comply with, follow; honor
395 shì decorate, ornament, adorn
396 lend; borrow; pardon
397 express, state, relate, narrate
398 gōu ditch, drain, narrow waterway
399 support, help; protect; hold on
400 寿 shòu old age, long life; lifespan 寿
401 xún inquire into, ask about; consult ,
402 cōng hastily, in haste, hurriedly
403 nài but, how; bear, stand, endure
404 wèi comfort, console, calm
405 yuàn, yuan hatred, enmity, resentment
406 duǒ hide, secrete; avoid, escape
407 purple, violet; amethyst; surname
408 jiān difficult, hard; distressing ,
409 huāng, huang nervous, panicky, frantic
410 tǔ, tù vomit, spew out, cough up
411 yǎo bite, gnaw
412 crowd, squeeze, push against
413 wān bend, curve
414 fog, mist, vapor, fine spray
415 qū, qu bend, flex; bent, crooked; crouch
416 shé snake
417 shǔ rat, mouse; KangXi radical 208 ,
418 dūn metric ton; (Cant.) to babble, gibberish
419 chí pool, pond; moat; cistern ,
420 cap, crown, headgear
421 chén dust, dirt, ashes, cinders
422 qiǎn shallow, not deep; superficial
423 pēn spurt, blow out, puff out
424 pure; virtuous; insult; maltreat 冰激
425 péi indemnify, suffer loss
426 tu, tú surname; name of certain rivers
427 kuī lose, fail; damage; deficient , ,
428 still, silent, quiet, desolate
429 méi coal, coke, charcoal, carbon
430 respectful, polite, reverent
431 湿 shī wet, moist, humid, damp; illness 湿, 湿
432 zhì order; orderly; salary; decade
433 宿 sù, xiǔ stop, rest, lodge, stay overnight; constellation 宿
434 làn rotten, spoiled, decayed
435 dǒu tremble, shake, rouse; give shake
436 jiā, jiá be wedged or inserted between
437 kūn elder brother; descendants
438 zhū pig, hog, wild boar
439 shèn act with care, be cautious
440 glass
441 齿 chǐ teeth; gears, cogs; age; simplified form of the KangXi radical number 211 齿
442 mortgage, pledge; deposit; to pawn; to arrest, detain, guard
443 desert; aloof, indifferent, cool
444 feel tired, be exhausted; weak
445 zuì intoxicated, drunk; addicted to
446 quán fist; various forms of boxing 太极
447 xié slanting, sloping, inclined
448 dàng shelf; frame, crosspiece
449 dòu beans, peas; bean-shaped ,
450 zhǎng, zhàng rise in price
451 pīn join together, link, incorporate
452 xiē rest, stop, lodge
453 táo peach; marriage; surname
454 excellent; joyful; auspicious
455 talented, capable; handsome
456 second; 2nd heavenly stem
457 fáng, fāng interfere with, impede, obstruct
458 zhēng, zhèng strive, endeavor, struggle
459 lǎn look at, inspect; perceive , ,
460 glass
461 drip; drop of water
462 姿 one's manner, carriage, bearing 姿
463 chǒu clown, comedian; 2nd terrestrial branch
464 liè bad, inferior; slightly
465 bolt of cloth; counter for horses
466 all, together; accompany 乐部
467 fēng bee, wasp, hornet
468 jǐn prudent, cautious; attentive
469 zāo sediment, dregs; pickle
470 miáo sprouts; Miao nationality
471 cháng intestines; emotions; sausage
472 dǎng obstruct, impede; stop; resist
473 gāng heavy rope, hawser; main points
474 muscle tissue; meat on bones
475 bǎng upper arm; shoulder; wing ,
476 lie down; crouch
477 qiàn, qian owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76
478 kuā extravagant, luxurious; handsome
479 relaxed, comfortable, at ease
480 wèi stomach; gizzard of fowl
481 zhēng open eyes; stare
482 líng bell
483 wěn kiss; the lips; coinciding
484 cuì crisp; fragile, frail; brittle
485 chái firewood, faggots, fuel
486 shéng, sheng rope, string, cord; control
487 mián close eyes, sleep; hibernate
488 shǎ foolish, silly, stupid; an imbecile
489 shàn, shān fan; door panel
490 guì cabinet, cupboard; shop counter
491 lán obstruct, impede, bar, hinder
492 evening, night, dusk; slanted
493 yīn relatives by marriage
494 fēn gas, vapor, air
495 honey; sweet; nectar
496 zhāi pluck, pick; select; specify
497 wear; split; crack
498 cheek bone; protective; assist
499 pén basin, tub, pot, bowl
500 chǎo argue, dispute; disturb, annoy
501 ň, ǹ, ňg, ń, ńg, ǹg final particle
502 zhòu procedure; gallop; sudden(ly)
503 lòu leak, drip; funnel; hour glass
504 yōu long, far, remote, distant; leisurely
505 tān bank, a sandbar, shoal; rapids
506 jià to marry, give a daughter in marriage
507 cuī press, urge
508 chì wings; fin
509 guō cooking-pot, saucepan
510 chāi to break up, split apart, rip open; to destroy
511 chess; any game similar to chess
512 alas, exclamation of surprise or pain
513 be pregnant, pregnancy 怀
514 liàn chain, wire, cable; chain, shack
515 yàn beautiful, sexy, voluptuous
516 chòu smell, stink, emit foul odor
517 chèn take advantage of, avail oneself
518 chóu anxiety; to worry about, be anxious
519 filial piety, obedience; mourning
520 dòng freeze; cold, congeal; jelly
521 chuǎng rush in, burst in, charge in
522 yàn to entertain, feast; a feast, banquet
523 ju carpenter's square, ruler, rule
524 jiāo glue, gum, resin, rubber; sound; shin bone
525 pàn look, gaze; expect, hope for
526 neck
527 rainbow
528 accounts; bill, debt; credit ,
529 chàng guide, leader; lead, introduce
530 hóu monkey, ape; monkey-like
531 residence; lodge; dwell
532 shī lion
533 chāo copy, confiscate, seize
534 yūn halo in sky; fog; dizzy, faint
535 kǎn hack, chop, cut, fell
536 jiǎn scissors; cut, divide, separate
537 crotch; fork, prong
538 guǎi kidnap, abduct; turn
539 juān contribute; give up, renounce
540 wāi slant; inclined; askewd, awry
541 zhān viscous, mucous; glutinous
542 foot path between rice fields
543 zhǎi narrow, tight; narrow-minded
544 biān whip; whip; string of firecrackers
545 manage, control; thousandth part of tael
546 shà big building, mansion
547 kěn sincere, earnest, cordial
548 hàn to regret, remorse; dissatisfied
549 shuāi fall ground, stumble, trip
550 kuì ashamed, conscience-stricken
551 sprinkle; scatter; pour; to wipe away; to shiver
552 āi interjection of surprise
553 diào fish; fishhook; tempt, lure
554 dié butterfly
555 fěng recite, incant; satirize
556 xún ten-day period; period of time
557 rip, tear; buy cloth
558 qiān humble, modest
559 rabbit, hare
560 jiàn repeat, reoccur; recommend
561 tàn charcoal; coal; carbon
562 jiù, jiu mother's brother, uncle
563 guǒ wrap, bind; encircle, confine
564 xiā blind, reckless; rash
565 inquire, consult, discuss; plan
566 favorite, concubine; favor
567 cash; exchange
568 méi mildew, mold; moldy, mildewed
569 táng pond; tank; dike, embankment
570 lián flag-sign of a tavern
571 xiāng side-room, wing; theatre box
572 guāi rebel; crafty, shrewd
573 pleasure, enjoyment, amusement
574 marry, take wife
575 sǎng voice; throat
576 dūn squat, crouch; idle about
577 táo wash in sieve; weed out
578 nèn soft, tender, delicate; young
579 jar, pot, jug, vase; surname
580 bàng by side of, beside, near, close
581 must not, do not; without, never
582 cǎi step on
583 zhǔ cook
584 dòu tempt, allure, arouse, stir
585 chǎo fry, saute, roast, boil, cook
586 silent, still, lonely, solitary
587 shuǎi throw away, discard
588 zào dry, parched, arid; quick-tempered
589 shài dry in sun, expose to sun
590 chóu silk cloth, satin damask
591 屿 island 屿
592 yǎng itch
593 dān indulge in; be negligent
594 kind of forest demon, elf
595 jiǎo cunning, deceitful, treacherous
596 yún equal
597 áo cook down, to boil; endure
598 tǎn rug, carpet, blanket
599 shū comb; brush
600 shū vegetables, greens
601 jiǎn to pick up
602 to cut; delete
603 clear; bright; whistling
604 progeny, descendants, posterity
605 jiāo spray, water, sprinkle
606 maternal grandmother; midwife
607 tàng scald, heat; wash; iron clothes
608 cán ashamed, humiliated; shameful
609 butterfly
610 pear; opera; cut, slash
611 vinegar; jealousy, envy
612 huá crafty, cunning, shrewd; deceitful
613 zào soap; black; menial servant
614 jiàng any jam-like or paste-like food
615 cāo coarse, harsh, rough, unpolished rice
616 ti drawer; tray; pad; screen
617 máo flowing hair of young child
618 jiāo pepper, spices
619 Chinese bellflower; well-swept; the inner fibers of corn-stalks
620 mán steamed bread; steamed dumplings
621 sneeze 打喷