HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1209th character |
RADICAL | ⽁ (66.9) |
STROKES | 12 |
INDEX # | 2553 |
respect, honor; respectfully
- respect, honor
- respectfully
- to respect
- to venerate
- to salute
- to offer

尊敬 zūn jìng | to respect; to revere |
敬礼 jìng lǐ | to salute; salute |
敬业 jìng yè | to be dedicated to one's work; to respect one's work |
崇敬 chóng jìng | to revere; to venerate; high esteem |
恭敬 gōng jìng | deferential; respectful |
致敬 zhì jìng | to greet; to pay respects to |
敬意 jìng yì | respect; tribute |
敬畏 jìng wèi | to revere |
敬佩 jìng pèi | to esteem; to admire |
敬重 jìng zhòng | to respect deeply; to revere; to esteem |
敬爱 jìng ài | respect and love |
敬请 jìng qǐng | please (do sth) (deferential form) |
敬仰 jìng yǎng | to revere; highly esteemed |
可敬 kě jìng | venerable |
回敬 huí jìng | to return a compliment; to give sth in return |
敬酒 jìng jiǔ | to toast; to propose a toast |
孝敬 xiào jìng | to show filial respect; to give presents (to one's elders or superiors); to support one's aged parents |
敬而远之 jìng ér yuǎn zhī | to show respect from a distance (idiom); to remain at a respectful distance |
毕恭毕敬 bì gōng bì jìng | reverent and respectful; extremely deferential |
肃然起敬 sù rán qǐ jìng | to feel deep veneration for sb (idiom) |
敬启 jìng qǐ | respectful closing to a letter |
敬老院 jìng lǎo yuàn | home of respect for aged; nursing home |
敬语 jìng yǔ | honorific (e.g. in grammar of oriental languages) |
虔敬 qián jìng | reverent |
敬老 jìng lǎo | respect for the aged |