HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1145th character |
RADICAL | ⼞ (31.7) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 1922 |
circle; round, circular; complete
- circle
- round, circular
- complete
- circle
- round
- circular
- spherical
- (of the moon) full
- unit of Chinese currency (yuan)
- tactful
- to make consistent and whole (the narrative of a dream or a lie)

圆满 yuán mǎn | satisfactory; consummate; perfect |
方圆 fāng yuán | perimeter; range; (within) a radius of ... |
团圆 tuán yuán | to have a reunion |
椭圆 tuǒ yuán | oval; ellipse; elliptic |
圆形 yuán xíng | round; circular |
圆圈 yuán quān | circle |
圆滑 yuán huá | smooth and evasive; slick and sly |
圆盘 yuán pán | disk |
圆桌 yuán zhuō | round table |
破镜重圆 pò jìng chóng yuán | a shattered mirror put back together (idiom); (of marriage) to pick up the pieces and start anew; for a separated couple to reconcile and reunite |
圆顶 yuán dǐng | dome |
圆珠笔 yuán zhū bǐ | ballpoint pen; CL:支[zhi1],枝[zhi1] |
圆点 yuán diǎn | dot |
圆球 yuán qiú | ball; sphere; globe |
自圆其说 zì yuán qí shuō | to make a story or theory consistent; to give a plausible explanation; to plug the holes in one's story |
圆筒 yuán tǒng | circular cylinder; drum |
圆柱 yuán zhù | column; cylinder |
椭圆形 tuǒ yuán xíng | oval |
圆周率 yuán zhōu lǜ | (math.) the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter (π) |
圆场 yuán chǎng | to mediate; to broker a compromise |
半圆 bàn yuán | semicircle |
圆周 yuán zhōu | circumference |
圆领 yuán lǐng | crew neck; round neck (of pull-over garment, e.g. T-shirt) |
圆梦 yuán mèng | to fulfill one's dream; (divination) to predict the future by interpreting a dream; oneiromancy |
圆润 yuán rùn | mellow and full; suave; smooth and round; rich (in voice) |