
circle; round, circular; complete


  • circle
  • round, circular
  • complete
  • circle
  • round
  • circular
  • spherical
  • (of the moon) full
  • unit of Chinese currency (yuan)
  • tactful
  • to make consistent and whole (the narrative of a dream or a lie)


不以規矩,不能成方 bù yǐ guī ju , bù néng chéng fāng yuán without rules, nothing can be done (idiom, from Mencius); one must follow some rules
通 bù yuán tōng inflexible; unaccommodating
內六角柱頭螺釘 nèi liù jiǎo yuán zhù tóu luó dīng hexagon socket head cap screw
防守 huà yuán fáng shǒu to counter (a stroke in fencing)
功德滿 gōng dé yuán mǎn virtuous achievements come to their successful conclusion (idiom)
兒 bāo yuán r to buy the whole lot; to take everything remaining
bàn yuán semicircle
儀 bàn yuán yí protractor
形 bàn yuán xíng semicircular
luǎn yuán oval; ellipse
形 luǎn yuán xíng oval; ellipsoidal
窗 luǎn yuán chuāng oval window between middle and inner ear
同軸弧 tóng zhóu yuán hú coaxial circular arc; concentric arc (in spherical geometry)
光 yuán guāng radiance emanating from the head; halo
函數 yuán hán shù the trigonometric functions
口綱脊椎動物 yuán kǒu gāng jǐ zhuī dòng wù cyclostome (marine biology)
周 yuán zhōu circumference
周率 yuán zhōu lǜ (math.) the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter (π)
圈 yuán quān circle
場 yuán chǎng to mediate; to broker a compromise
夢 yuán mèng to fulfill one's dream; (divination) to predict the future by interpreting a dream; oneiromancy
子 yuán zi kind of dumpling; sticky rice ball
孔 yuán kǒng round hole
寂 yuán jì death; to pass away (of Buddhist monks, nuns etc)
屋頂 yuán wū dǐng dome
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