
circle; round, circular; complete


  • circle
  • round, circular
  • complete
  • circle
  • round
  • circular
  • spherical
  • (of the moon) full
  • unit of Chinese currency (yuan)
  • tactful
  • to make consistent and whole (the narrative of a dream or a lie)


弧 yuán hú arc of a circle; circular arc
形 yuán xíng round; circular
形劇場 yuán xíng jù chǎng amphitheater
形木材 yuán xíng mù cái log
形麵包 yuán xíng miàn bāo bun
心 yuán xīn center of circle
房 yuán fáng (of a child bride) to consummate marriage
括號 yuán kuò hào parentheses; round brackets ( )
拱 yuán gǒng a round vault
明園 yuán míng yuán Yuanmingyuan, the Old Summer Palace, destroyed by the British and French army in 1860
暈 yuán yùn concentric circles; circular ripples
月 yuán yuè full moon
柱 yuán zhù column; cylinder
柱形 yuán zhù xíng cylindrical
柱體 yuán zhù tǐ cylinder (geometry)
桌 yuán zhuō round table
桌會議 yuán zhuō huì yì round table conference
滑 yuán huá smooth and evasive; slick and sly
滑線 yuán huá xiàn slur (music)
滾滾 yuán gǔn gǔn plump
滿 yuán mǎn satisfactory; consummate; perfect
潤 yuán rùn mellow and full; suave; smooth and round; rich (in voice)
珠 yuán zhū ball; bead; ballpoint
珠形離子交換劑 yuán zhū xíng lí zǐ jiāo huàn jì bead-type ion exchanger
珠筆 yuán zhū bǐ ballpoint pen; CL:支[zhi1],枝[zhi1]