HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 892nd character |
RADICAL | ⾡ (162.9) |
STROKES | 12 |
INDEX # | 2633 |
lose; articles lost; omit
- lose
- articles lost
- omit
- to lose
- to leave behind
- to omit
- to bequeath
- sth lost
- involuntary discharge (of urine etc)

遗憾 yí hàn | regret; to regret; to be sorry that |
遗传 yí chuán | heredity; to inherit (a trait); to pass on (to one's offspring) |
遗产 yí chǎn | heritage; legacy; inheritance; bequest; CL:筆|笔[bi3] |
遗失 yí shī | to lose; lost |
遗留 yí liú | to leave behind; to hand down |
遗嘱 yí zhǔ | testament; will |
遗忘 yí wàng | to become forgotten; to forget |
遗弃 yí qì | to leave; to abandon |
遗体 yí tǐ | remains (of a dead person) |
遗言 yí yán | words of the deceased; last words of the dying; wisdom of past sages |
遗漏 yí lòu | to overlook; to miss; to omit |
遗书 yí shū | posthumous writing; testament; suicide note; ancient literature |
遗物 yí wù | remnant |
遗孀 yí shuāng | widow |
遗愿 yí yuàn | final wishes of the departed |
遗迹 yí jì | trace; vestige; historical remains; remnant |
后遗症 hòu yí zhèng | (medicine) sequelae; residual effects; (fig.) repercussions; aftermath |
遗骸 yí hái | (dead) human remains |
遗传学 yí chuán xué | genetics |
不遗余力 bù yí yú lì | to spare no pains or effort (idiom); to do one's utmost |
遗址 yí zhǐ | ruins; historic relics |
遗骨 yí gǔ | (dead) human remains |
暴露无遗 bào lù wú yí | to lay bare; to come to light |
遗传性 yí chuán xìng | hereditary; inherited; genetic |
遗志 yí zhì | the mission in life of a deceased person, left to others to carry on |