lose; articles lost; omit


遺 yí
  • to lose
  • to leave behind
  • to omit
  • to bequeath
  • sth lost
  • involuntary discharge (of urine etc)


一覽無 yī lǎn wú yí be plainly visible
餘力 bù yí yú lì to spare no pains or effort (idiom); to do one's utmost
且末址 qiě mò yí zhǐ ruins of Cherchen, Qarqan or Chiemo, archaeological site in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州, Xinjiang
世界文化產 shì jiè wén huà yí chǎn (UNESCO) World Cultural Heritage
世界文化產地 shì jiè wén huà yí chǎn dì World Heritage site
先帝詔 xiān dì yí zhào posthumous edict of former emperor; Liu Bei's 劉備|刘备 edict to posterity
傳學 guāng yí chuán xué optogenetics
分子傳學 fēn zǐ yí chuán xué molecular genetics
劉涓子鬼方 liú juān zǐ guǐ yí fāng Liu Juanzi's medical recipes bequeathed by the ghost Huang Fugui 黃父鬼|黄父鬼
千古恨 qiān gǔ yí hèn to have eternal regrets (idiom)
半坡址 bàn pō yí zhǐ Banpo neolithic Yangshao culture archaeological site east of Xi'an 西安
mèng yí wet dream; nocturnal emission (ejaculation)
姑息患 gū xī yí huàn to tolerate is to abet
jié yí survivors; remnants; relict (species etc)
生物 jié yí shēng wù living fossil
小學而大 xiǎo xué ér dà yí to concentrate on trivial points while neglecting the main problem (idiom)
症 hòu yí zhèng (medicine) sequelae; residual effects; (fig.) repercussions; aftermath
shí yí to pocket a lost article; (fig.) to correct others' errors; to remedy omissions (in a text etc)
補缺 shí yí bǔ quē to remedy omissions and correct errors (idiom)
pái yí feces; excrement; scat; droppings; to egest; to get (one's feelings) out; to rid oneself (of a thought)
文化產 wén huà yí chǎn cultural heritage
暴露無 bào lù wú yí to lay bare; to come to light
歷史產 lì shǐ yí chǎn heritage; historical legacy
歷史跡 lì shǐ yí jì historical remains; historic monuments
河姆渡址 hé mǔ dù yí zhǐ Hemudu neolithic archaeological site near Ningbo 長江|长江 in Zhejiang, going back to c. 5000 BC
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