lose; articles lost; omit


遺 yí
  • to lose
  • to leave behind
  • to omit
  • to bequeath
  • sth lost
  • involuntary discharge (of urine etc)


pài yí to send (sb) on a mission; to dispatch
滄海珠 cāng hǎi yí zhū undiscovered talent (idiom)
wú yí completely; fully; without omission
liú yí to leave behind; sb's legacy
破壞無 pò huài wú yí damaged beyond repair
纖悉無 xiān xī wú yí detailed and nothing left out (idiom); meticulous and comprehensive; not missing an iota
表觀傳學 biǎo guān yí chuán xué epigenetics
表露無 biǎo lù wú yí to show in full light; to be revealed in its entirety
補缺拾 bǔ quē shí yí see 拾遺補缺|拾遗补缺[shi2 yi2 bu3 que1]
bǔ yí addendum
詳盡無 xiáng jìn wú yí exhaustive; thorough
路不拾 lù bù shí yí lit. no one picks up lost articles in the street (idiom); fig. honesty prevails throughout society
軼事聞 yì shì yí wén anecdote (about historical person); lost or apocryphal story
逸事聞 yì shì yí wén variant of 軼事遺聞|轶事遗闻[yi4 shi4 yi2 wen2]
道不拾 dào bù shí yí lit. no one picks up lost articles in the street (idiom); fig. honesty prevails throughout society
作 yí zuò posthumous work
傳 yí chuán heredity; to inherit (a trait); to pass on (to one's offspring)
傳信息 yí chuán xìn xī genetic information
傳學 yí chuán xué genetics
傳工程 yí chuán gōng chéng genetic engineering
傳性 yí chuán xìng hereditary; inherited; genetic
傳性疾病 yí chuán xìng jí bìng genetic disorder
傳物質 yí chuán wù zhì genetic material
傳率 yí chuán lǜ heritability
像 yí xiàng portrait of the deceased