lose; articles lost; omit


遺 yí
  • to lose
  • to leave behind
  • to omit
  • to bequeath
  • sth lost
  • involuntary discharge (of urine etc)


囑 yí zhǔ testament; will
址 yí zhǐ ruins; historic relics
墨 yí mò posthumous (painting, calligraphy, prose etc)
失 yí shī to lose; lost
妻 yí qī widow; the deceased's widow
妻棄子 yí qī qì zǐ to abandon wife and children
孀 yí shuāng widow
孤 yí gū orphan
害無窮 yí hài wú qióng to have disastrous consequences; also written 貽害無窮|贻害无穷[yi2 hai4 wu2 qiong2]
容 yí róng body of the deceased (esp. in the context of paying one's respects); picture of the deceased
尿 yí niào bed-wetting
志 yí zhì the mission in life of a deceased person, left to others to carry on
忘 yí wàng to become forgotten; to forget
忘症 yí wàng zhèng amnesia
恨 yí hèn eternal regret
憾 yí hàn regret; to regret; to be sorry that
教 yí jiào work or plans left as a legacy; the views of the departed; posthumous orders or teachings
族 yí zú the bereaved; family of the deceased
書 yí shū posthumous writing; testament; suicide note; ancient literature
案 yí àn unsolved case (law)
棄 yí qì to leave; to abandon
民 yí mín (lit.) leftover men; (fig.) loyalist adherents of a former dynasty; surviving members of an ethnic group
漏 yí lòu to overlook; to miss; to omit
照 yí zhào picture of the deceased
物 yí wù remnant