lose; articles lost; omit


遺 yí
  • to lose
  • to leave behind
  • to omit
  • to bequeath
  • sth lost
  • involuntary discharge (of urine etc)


珠 yí zhū unrecognized talent
產 yí chǎn heritage; legacy; inheritance; bequest; CL:筆|笔[bi3]
產稅 yí chǎn shuì inheritance tax; estate tax
男 yí nán orphan; posthumous son
留 yí liú to leave behind; to hand down
稿 yí gǎo surviving manuscript; bequeathed draft (of book)
精 yí jīng nocturnal emission; wet dream
缺 yí quē vacancy
老 yí lǎo old fogy; adherent of previous dynasty
腹子 yí fù zǐ posthumous child
臭萬年 yí chòu wàn nián to have one's name go down in history as a byword for infamy (idiom)
落 yí luò to leave behind (inadvertently); to forget; to omit; to leave out
著 yí zhù posthumous work (of a writer)
蛻 yí tuì to shed skin; to leave one's mortal envelope; remains (of a priest)
言 yí yán words of the deceased; last words of the dying; wisdom of past sages
訓 yí xùn wishes of the deceased
詔 yí zhào posthumous edict (of former emperor)
贈 yí zèng to bequeath
跡 yí jì trace; vestige; historical remains; remnant
願 yí yuàn final wishes of the departed
風 yí fēng tradition or style from the past; old ways; surviving tradition; relic
骨 yí gǔ (dead) human remains
骸 yí hái (dead) human remains
體 yí tǐ remains (of a dead person)
體告別式 yí tǐ gào bié shì funeral