HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1542nd character |
RADICAL | ⽔ (85.11) |
STROKES | 13 |
INDEX # | 3015 |
- turn
- to boil
- to roll
- to take a hike
- Get lost!

摇滚 yáo gǔn | rock 'n' roll (music); to rock; to fall off |
滚开 gǔn kāi | to boil (of liquid); boiling hot; Get out!; Go away!; fuck off (rude) |
滚蛋 gǔn dàn | get out of here!; beat it! |
摇滚乐 yáo gǔn yuè | rock music; rock 'n roll |
翻滚 fān gǔn | to roll; to boil |
打滚 dǎ gǔn | to roll about |
滚动 gǔn dòng | to roll; (to do sth) in a loop; to scroll (computing); to progressively expand (economics); to rumble (of thunder) |
滚滚 gǔn gǔn | nickname for a panda; to surge on; to roll on |
滚烫 gǔn tàng | boiling; scalding |
地滚球 dì gǔn qiú | ten-pin bowling; bowling ball; (baseball etc) ground ball |
滚筒 gǔn tǒng | roller; cylinder (machine part); drum |
滚边 gǔn biān | (of a dress etc) border, edging |
滚珠 gǔn zhū | bearing ball |
摸爬滚打 mō pá gǔn dǎ | to go through challenging experiences; to become seasoned (in one's profession etc) |
滚圆 gǔn yuán | as round as a ball |
滚水 gǔn shuǐ | boiling water |
圆滚滚 yuán gǔn gǔn | plump |
屁滚尿流 pì gǔn niào liú | to piss in one's pants in terror (idiom); scared witless |
后摇滚 hòu yáo gǔn | post-rock (music genre) |
滚刀块 gǔn dāo kuài | chunks obtained by repeatedly cutting a vegetable diagonally and rotating the vegetable after each cut |
滚刀肉 gǔn dāo ròu | annoying person; troublemaker; pain in the neck |
滚动条 gǔn dòng tiáo | scrollbar (computing) |
滚奏 gǔn zòu | drum roll |
滚子 gǔn zi | roller |
滚子轴承 gǔn zi zhóu chéng | roller bearing |