HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1001st character |
RADICAL | ⽟ (96.0) |
INDEX # | 190 |
jade, precious stone, gem
- jade, precious stone, gem
- jade

玉米 yù mǐ | corn; maize; CL:粒[li4] |
玉米饼 yù mǐ bǐng | corn cake; Mexican tortilla |
玉米粉 yù mǐ fěn | cornflour; corn starch |
玉米面 yù mǐ miàn | cornmeal; maize flour |
玉石 yù shí | precious stones; jade and stone |
宝玉 bǎo yù | precious jade; treasures |
金科玉律 jīn kē yù lǜ | golden rule; key principle |
亭亭玉立 tíng tíng yù lì | slender and elegant (of a woman) |
金玉良言 jīn yù liáng yán | gems of wisdom (idiom); priceless advice |
软玉 ruǎn yù | nephrite; Ca(Mg,Fe)3(SiO3)4 |
玉女 yù nǚ | beautiful woman; fairy maiden attending the Daoist immortals; (polite) sb else's daughter; Chinese dodder (Cuscuta chinensis), plant whose seeds are used for TCM |
金童玉女 jīn tóng yù nǚ | lit. golden boys and jade maidens (idiom); attendants of the Daoist immortals; fig. lovely young children; a golden couple; (of a couple who are in the public eye) a lovely young couple |
玉树 yù shù | Yushu Tibetan autonomous prefecture (Tibetan: yus hru'u bod rigs rang skyong khul) in Qinghai |
玉蜀黍 yù shǔ shǔ | corn |
金玉 jīn yù | gold and jade; precious |
抛砖引玉 pāo zhuān yǐn yù | lit. throw out a brick and get jade thrown back (idiom); fig. to attract others' interest or suggestions by putting forward one's own modest ideas to get the ball rolling |
玉兔 yù tù | the Jade Hare; the moon |
玉帝 yù dì | the Jade Emperor |
玉兰 yù lán | Yulan magnolia |
如花似玉 rú huā sì yù | delicate as a flower, refined as a precious jade (idiom); (of a woman) exquisite |
玉米花 yù mǐ huā | popcorn |
玉露 yù lù | gyokuro (shaded Japanese green tea); (old) early-morning autumn dew; fine liquor |
冰清玉洁 bīng qīng yù jié | clear as ice and clean as jade (idiom); spotless; irreproachable; incorruptible |
玉器 yù qì | jade artifact |
玉山 yù shān | Mount Yu, the highest mountain in Taiwan (3952 m); Yushan county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi |