HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1102nd character |
RADICAL | ⼈ (9.7) |
INDEX # | 1563 |
urge, press, hurry; close
促 cù |

促使 cù shǐ | to induce; to promote; to urge; to impel; to bring about; to provoke; to drive (sb to do sth); to catalyze; to actuate; to contribute to (some development) |
促进 cù jìn | to promote (an idea or cause); to advance; boost |
仓促 cāng cù | all of a sudden; hurriedly |
督促 dū cù | to supervise and urge completion of a task; to urge on |
短促 duǎn cù | short in time; fleeting; brief; gasping (breath); curt (tone of voice) |
促成 cù chéng | to facilitate; to effect |
促销 cù xiāo | to promote sales |
催促 cuī cù | to urge |
急促 jí cù | urgent; hurried and brief; rushing |
敦促 dūn cù | to press; to urge; to hasten |
局促 jú cù | cramped; ill at ease; narrow (surrounding); short (of time) |
局促不安 jú cù bù ān | ill at ease; uncomfortable |
促膝谈心 cù xī tán xīn | to sit side-by-side and have a heart-to-heart talk (idiom) |
促膝 cù xī | lit. knees pressed close; intimate; seated side by side; in close contact |
促请 cù qǐng | to urge |
力促 lì cù | to urge; to press (for action) |
中国国际贸易促进委员会 zhōng guó guó jì mào yì cù jìn wěi yuán huì | China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) |
中國國際貿易促進委員會 zhōng guó guó jì mào yì cù jìn wěi yuán huì | China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) |
中国民主促进会 zhōng guó mín zhǔ cù jìn huì | China Association for Promoting Democracy |
中國民主促進會 zhōng guó mín zhǔ cù jìn huì | China Association for Promoting Democracy |
乙种促效剂 yǐ zhǒng cù xiào jì | beta-2 agonist |
乙種促效劑 yǐ zhǒng cù xiào jì | beta-2 agonist |
侷促 jú cù | cramped; ill at ease; narrow (surrounding); short (of time) |
促动 cù dòng | to motivate |
促動 cù dòng | to motivate |