HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 944th character |
RADICAL | ⾐ (145.2) |
INDEX # | 888 |
mend, patch, fix, repair, restore
补 bǔ |

补充 bǔ chōng | to replenish; to supplement; to complement; additional; supplementary; CL:個|个[ge4] |
补偿 bǔ cháng | to compensate; to make up |
弥补 mí bǔ | to complement; to make up for a deficiency |
补救 bǔ jiù | to remedy |
补贴 bǔ tiē | to subsidize; subsidy; allowance; to supplement (one's salary etc); benefit |
补给 bǔ jǐ | supply; replenishment; to replenish |
修补 xiū bǔ | to mend |
填补 tián bǔ | to fill a gap; to fill in a blank (on a form); to overcome a deficiency |
替补 tì bǔ | to replace (a damaged component with a new one, an injured player with a substitute player, full-time workers with casual workers etc); a substitute; a replacement |
候补 hòu bǔ | to wait to fill a vacancy; reserve (candidate); alternate; substitute |
于事无补 yú shì wú bǔ | unhelpful; useless |
补助 bǔ zhù | to subsidize; subsidy; allowance |
补习 bǔ xí | to take extra lessons in a cram school or with a private tutor |
补丁 bǔ ding | patch (for mending clothes, tires etc); (software) patch |
亡羊补牢 wáng yáng bǔ láo | lit. to mend the pen after sheep are lost (idiom); fig. to act belatedly; better late than never; to lock the stable door after the horse has bolted |
补习班 bǔ xí bān | cram class; cram school; evening classes |
互补 hù bǔ | complementary; to complement each other |
补考 bǔ kǎo | to sit for a makeup exam; to resit an exam; makeup exam; resit |
补给品 bǔ jǐ pǐn | supplies; stores |
补课 bǔ kè | to make up missed lesson; to reschedule a class |
补过 bǔ guò | to make up for an earlier mistake; to make amends |
缝补 féng bǔ | to darn (clothing); to sew and mend |
补牙 bǔ yá | to fill a tooth (cavity); to have a tooth filled; a dental filling |
滋补 zī bǔ | nourishing; nutritious |
补品 bǔ pǐn | tonic |