HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1948th character |
RADICAL | ⽋ (76.0) |
INDEX # | 153 |
owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76
欠 qiàn |

欠债 qiàn zhài | to owe a debt; the sum owed |
欠款 qiàn kuǎn | to owe a debt; balance due; debts |
欠缺 qiàn quē | to be deficient in; lapse; deficiency |
亏欠 kuī qiàn | to fall short of; to have a deficit; deficit; deficiency |
拖欠 tuō qiàn | in arrears; behind in payments; to default on one's debts |
欠费 qiàn fèi | to be in arrears; to be out of credit; amount owing |
呵欠 hē qiàn | yawn |
哈欠 hā qian | yawn |
欠佳 qiàn jiā | suboptimal; subpar; not good enough |
欠账 qiàn zhàng | to owe a debt; debt; obligation |
欠妥 qiàn tuǒ | improper; inappropriate; unsatisfactory; inadequate |
欠条 qiàn tiáo | IOU; certificate of indebtedness |
欠安 qiàn ān | ill (euphemism) |
互不相欠 hù bù xiāng qiàn | see 兩不相欠|两不相欠[liang3 bu4 xiang1 qian4] |
两不相欠 liǎng bù xiāng qiàn | to be even; to be quits; to be even-steven |
兩不相欠 liǎng bù xiāng qiàn | to be even; to be quits; to be even-steven |
只欠东风 zhǐ qiàn dōng fēng | all we need is an east wind (idiom); lacking only one tiny crucial item |
只欠東風 zhǐ qiàn dōng fēng | all we need is an east wind (idiom); lacking only one tiny crucial item |
尾欠 wěi qiàn | balance due; small balance still to pay; final remaining debt |
打呵欠 dǎ hē qiàn | to yawn |
欠債 qiàn zhài | to owe a debt; the sum owed |
欠扁 qiàn biǎn | annoying; infuriating; deserving of a good spanking |
欠揍 qiàn zòu | to need a spanking |
欠條 qiàn tiáo | IOU; certificate of indebtedness |
欠薪 qiàn xīn | to owe wages; back pay; wages arrears |