HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 665th character |
RADICAL | ⼣ (36.5) |
INDEX # | 1209 |
night, dark; in night; by night
- night, dark
- in night
- by night
- variant of 夜[ye4]
- night

熬夜 áo yè | to stay up late or all night |
昼夜 zhòu yè | day and night; period of 24 hours; continuously, without stop |
夜晚 yè wǎn | night; CL:個|个[ge4] |
午夜 wǔ yè | midnight |
半夜 bàn yè | midnight; in the middle of the night |
过夜 guò yè | to spend the night; overnight |
夜总会 yè zǒng huì | nightclub; nightspot |
夜里 yè li | during the night; at night; nighttime |
今夜 jīn yè | tonight; this evening |
整夜 zhěng yè | the whole night; all through the night |
深夜 shēn yè | very late at night |
黑夜 hēi yè | night |
夜间 yè jiān | nighttime; evening or night (e.g. classes) |
夜班 yè bān | night shift |
前夜 qián yè | the eve; the night before |
日夜 rì yè | day and night; around the clock |
彻夜 chè yè | the whole night |
夜色 yè sè | night scene; the dim light of night |
昨夜 zuó yè | last night |
守夜 shǒu yè | to be on all-night duty; to be on night watch; to keep a vigil |
长夜 cháng yè | long dark night; fig. long period of misery and oppression |
夜莺 yè yīng | nightingale |
夜幕 yè mù | curtain of night; gathering darkness |
夜以继日 yè yǐ jì rì | night and day (idiom); continuous strenuous effort |
夜空 yè kōng | night sky |