night, dark; in night; by night

HSK 5 #665


  • night, dark
  • in night
  • by night
  • variant of 夜[ye4]
  • night


夜 stroke order diagram
夜 stroke order animation


校 yè xiào evening school; night school
生活 yè shēng huó night life
鹰 yè yīng nightjar (nocturnal bird in the family Caprimulgidae)
yuè yè moonlit night
lián yè that very night; through the night; for several nights in a row
宵 yè xiāo midnight snack
zǐ yè midnight
三更 bàn yè sān gēng in the depth of night; late at night
猫子 yè māo zi owl; (fig.) night owl
游 yè yóu to go to some place at night; to take a night trip to (a place); to sleepwalk
gé yè overnight; of the previous day
曲 yè qǔ nocturne (music)
景 yè jǐng nightscape
曲 xiǎo yè qǔ serenade
天方谭 tiān fāng yè tán The Arabian Nights (classic story); fantasy story
车 kāi yè chē to burn the midnight oil; to work late into the night
半 yè bàn midnight
rù yè nightfall
场 yè chǎng evening show (at theater etc)
市 yè shì night market
不眠 chè yè bù mián to be sleepless all night
深人静 yè shēn rén jìng in the dead of night (idiom)
壶 yè hú chamber pot
叉 mǔ yè chā witch; shrew; vixen
袭 yè xí night attack