HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 937th character |
RADICAL | ⼝ (30.4) |
INDEX # | 800 |
hold in mouth; cherish; contain
含 hán |

包含 bāo hán | to contain; to embody; to include |
含义 hán yì | meaning (implicit in a phrase); implied meaning; hidden meaning; hint; connotation |
含糊 hán hu | ambiguous; vague; careless; perfunctory |
含有 hán yǒu | to contain; including |
含量 hán liàng | content; quantity contained |
蕴含 yùn hán | to contain; to accumulate |
含蓄 hán xù | to contain; to hold; (of a person or style etc) reserved; restrained; (of words, writings) full of hidden meaning; implicit; veiled (criticism) |
含意 hán yì | meaning |
隐含 yǐn hán | to contain in a concealed form; to keep covered up; implicit |
含羞草 hán xiū cǎo | mimosa; sensitive plant (that closes its leaves when touched) |
饱含 bǎo hán | to be full of (emotion); to brim with (love, tears etc) |
含冤 hán yuān | wronged; to suffer false accusations |
含辛茹苦 hán xīn rú kǔ | to suffer every possible torment (idiom); bitter hardship; to bear one's cross |
含泪 hán lèi | tearful; tearfully |
含混 hán hùn | vague; unclear; ambiguous |
不含糊 bù hán hu | unambiguous; unequivocal; explicit; prudent; cautious; not negligent; unafraid; unhesitating; really good; extraordinary |
含情脉脉 hán qíng mò mò | full of tender feelings (idiom); tender-hearted |
暗含 àn hán | to imply; to suggest; to connote; implicit |
含含糊糊 hán hán hú hú | (of speech) obscure; unclear; (of actions) vague; ineffectual |
含笑 hán xiào | to have a smile on one's face |
含糊其词 hán hú qí cí | to equivocate; to talk evasively (idiom) |
含片 hán piàn | lozenge; cough drop |
含饴弄孙 hán yí nòng sūn | lit. to play with one's grandchildren while eating candy (idiom); fig. to enjoy a happy and leisurely old age |
含沙量 hán shā liàng | sand content; quantity of sediment (carried by a river) |
含油 hán yóu | containing oil; oil-bearing |