HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 667th character |
RADICAL | ⼑ (18.5) |
INDEX # | 889 |
beginning, initial, primary
- beginning, initial, primary
- at first
- (at the) beginning
- first
- junior
- basic

最初 zuì chū | first; primary; initial; original; at first; initially; originally |
初级 chū jí | junior; primary |
当初 dāng chū | at that time; originally |
起初 qǐ chū | originally; at first; at the outset |
初步 chū bù | initial; preliminary; tentative |
初恋 chū liàn | first love |
初次 chū cì | for the first time; first (meeting, attempt etc) |
初中 chū zhōng | junior high school; abbr. for 初級中學|初级中学[chu1 ji2 zhong1 xue2] |
初期 chū qī | initial stage; beginning period |
初衷 chū zhōng | original intention |
初始 chū shǐ | initial; starting (point) |
初学者 chū xué zhě | beginning student |
初始化 chū shǐ huà | (computing) to initialize; initialization |
初选 chū xuǎn | primary election |
初犯 chū fàn | first offender; first offense |
初稿 chū gǎo | first draft (of writing) |
初中生 chū zhōng shēng | junior high student |
初一 chū yī | first day of lunar month; New Year's Day; first year in junior middle school |
年初 nián chū | beginning of the year |
初出茅庐 chū chū máo lú | venturing from one's thatched hut for the first time (idiom); young and inexperienced; novice; greenhorn |
初来乍到 chū lái zhà dào | to be a newcomer; just off the boat |
初审 chū shěn | preliminary trial |
初三 chū sān | third year in junior middle school |
月初 yuè chū | start of month; early in the month |
初夏 chū xià | early summer |