HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1754th character |
RADICAL | ⽕ (86.5) |
INDEX # | 1660 |
rotten, spoiled, decayed
- rotten, spoiled, decayed
- soft
- mushy
- well-cooked and soft
- to rot
- to decompose
- rotten
- worn out
- chaotic
- messy
- utterly
- thoroughly
- crappy
- bad

腐烂 fǔ làn | to rot; to putrefy; (fig.) corrupt |
灿烂 càn làn | to glitter; brilliant; splendid |
烂摊子 làn tān zi | terrible mess; shambles |
破烂 pò làn | worn-out; rotten; dilapidated; tattered; ragged; rubbish; junk |
砸烂 zá làn | to smash |
焦头烂额 jiāo tóu làn é | lit. badly burned about the head (from trying to put out a fire) (idiom); fig. hard-pressed; under pressure (from a heavy workload, creditors etc) |
烂泥 làn ní | mud; mire |
溃烂 kuì làn | to fester; to ulcerate |
稀烂 xī làn | smashed up; broken into pieces; thoroughly mashed; pulpy |
绚烂 xuàn làn | splendid; gorgeous; dazzling |
烂熟 làn shú | well cooked; to know thoroughly |
糜烂 mí làn | dissipated; rotten; decaying |
海枯石烂 hǎi kū shí làn | lit. when the seas run dry and the stones go soft (idiom); fig. forever; until the end of time |
天真烂漫 tiān zhēn làn màn | innocent and unaffected |
朽烂 xiǔ làn | rotten |
烂漫 làn màn | brightly colored; unaffected (i.e. behaving naturally) |
三寸不烂之舌 sān cùn bù làn zhī shé | to have a silver tongue; to have the gift of the gab |
下三烂 xià sān làn | variant of 下三濫|下三滥[xia4 san1 lan4] |
唬烂 hǔ làn | (slang) (Tw) to bullshit; to fool |
好记性不如烂笔头 hǎo jì xìng bù rú làn bǐ tóu | the palest ink is better than the best memory (idiom) |
废铜烂铁 fèi tóng làn tiě | scrap metal; a pile of junk |
捣烂 dǎo làn | to mash; to beat to a pulp |
撕烂 sī làn | to tear up; to tear to pieces |
撞烂 zhuàng làn | to destroy by smashing; smashed up |
死缠烂打 sǐ chán làn dǎ | (coll.) to pester; to harass |