
rotten, spoiled, decayed


  • rotten, spoiled, decayed
  • soft
  • mushy
  • well-cooked and soft
  • to rot
  • to decompose
  • rotten
  • worn out
  • chaotic
  • messy
  • utterly
  • thoroughly
  • crappy
  • bad


三寸不之舌 sān cùn bù làn zhī shé to have a silver tongue; to have the gift of the gab
下三 xià sān làn variant of 下三濫|下三滥[xia4 san1 lan4]
hǔ làn (slang) (Tw) to bullshit; to fool
天真漫 tiān zhēn làn màn innocent and unaffected
好記性不如筆頭 hǎo jì xìng bù rú làn bǐ tóu the palest ink is better than the best memory (idiom)
廢銅鐵 fèi tóng làn tiě scrap metal; a pile of junk
dǎo làn to mash; to beat to a pulp
sī làn to tear up; to tear to pieces
zhuàng làn to destroy by smashing; smashed up
xiǔ làn rotten
死纏打 sǐ chán làn dǎ (coll.) to pester; to harass
bǐ làn to compare two unsatisfactory things; to argue that others have similar or worse faults (as a response to criticism); whataboutery
海枯石 hǎi kū shí làn lit. when the seas run dry and the stones go soft (idiom); fig. forever; until the end of time
滾瓜熟 gǔn guā làn shú lit. ripe as a melon that rolls from its vine (idiom); fig. to know fluently; to know sth inside out; to know sth by heart
kuì làn to fester; to ulcerate
焦頭額 jiāo tóu làn é lit. badly burned about the head (from trying to put out a fire) (idiom); fig. hard-pressed; under pressure (from a heavy workload, creditors etc)
càn làn to glitter; brilliant; splendid
多彩 càn làn duō cǎi multicolored splendor (of fireworks, bright lights etc)
好人 làn hǎo rén sb who tries to be on good terms with everyone
尾 làn wěi unfinished; incomplete
崽 làn zǎi rogue; rowdy; unreliable chap
攤子 làn tān zi terrible mess; shambles
桃花 làn táo huā unhappy love affair
污貨 làn wū huò loose woman; slut
泥 làn ní mud; mire
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