HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1515th character |
RADICAL | ⼋ (12.8) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 2056 |
unite, combine; connect; and
- unite, combine
- connect
- and
- double
- twice
- simultaneous
- holding two or more (official) posts at the same time

兼职 jiān zhí | to hold concurrent posts; concurrent job; moonlighting |
统筹兼顾 tǒng chóu jiān gù | an overall plan taking into account all factors |
兼顾 jiān gù | to attend simultaneously to two or more things; to balance (career and family, family and education etc) |
兼容 jiān róng | compatible |
兼并 jiān bìng | to annex; to take over; to acquire |
兼具 jiān jù | to combine; to have both |
兼有 jiān yǒu | to combine; to have both |
兼备 jiān bèi | have both |
兼任 jiān rèn | to hold several jobs at once; concurrent post; working part-time |
兼而有之 jiān ér yǒu zhī | to have both (at the same time) |
软硬兼施 ruǎn yìng jiān shī | use both carrot and stick; use gentle methods and force; an iron hand in a velvet glove |
品学兼优 pǐn xué jiān yōu | excelling both in morals and studies (idiom); top marks for studies and for behavior (at school); a paragon of virtue and learning |
兼营 jiān yíng | a second job; supplementary way of making a living |
兼容并包 jiān róng bìng bāo | to include and monopolize many things; all-embracing |
日夜兼程 rì yè jiān chéng | to travel day and night |
不兼容性 bù jiān róng xìng | incompatibility |
内外兼修 nèi wài jiān xiū | (of a person) beautiful inside and out |
內外兼修 nèi wài jiān xiū | (of a person) beautiful inside and out |
公私兼顾 gōng sī jiān gù | to adequately take into account both public and private interests |
公私兼顧 gōng sī jiān gù | to adequately take into account both public and private interests |
兼并与收购 jiān bìng yǔ shōu gòu | mergers and acquisitions (M&A) |
兼並與收購 jiān bìng yǔ shōu gòu | mergers and acquisitions (M&A) |
兼併 jiān bìng | to annex; to take over; to acquire |
兼備 jiān bèi | have both |
兼优 jiān yōu | an all-rounder; good at everything |