HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1670th character |
RADICAL | ⾬ (173.5) |
STROKES | 13 |
INDEX # | 2886 |
fog, mist, vapor, fine spray
- fog, mist, vapor, fine spray
- fog
- mist
- CL:場|场[chang2],陣|阵[zhen4]

烟雾 yān wù | smoke; mist; vapor; smog; fumes |
迷雾 mí wù | dense fog; fig. completely misleading |
雾气 wù qì | fog; mist; vapor |
喷雾器 pēn wù qì | nebulizer; spray; atomizer |
浓雾 nóng wù | thick fog |
大雾 dà wù | thick fog |
薄雾 bó wù | mist; haze |
云雾 yún wù | clouds and mist |
雾蒙蒙 wù méng méng | foggy; misty; hazy |
吞云吐雾 tūn yún tǔ wù | to swallow clouds and blow out fog (idiom); to blow cigarette or opium smoke |
气雾剂 qì wù jì | aerosol |
雾霭 wù ǎi | mist |
雾化器 wù huà qì | nebulizer; spray; atomizer |
雾里看花 wù lǐ kàn huā | lit. to look at flowers in the fog (idiom); fig. blurred vision |
一头雾水 yī tóu wù shuǐ | to be confused; to be baffled |
喷雾 pēn wù | mist spray; atomizing |
尘雾 chén wù | cloud of dust; smog |
堕云雾中 duò yún wù zhōng | lit. to become lost in a fog (idiom); fig. at a complete loss |
如堕五里雾中 rú duò wǔ lǐ wù zhōng | as if lost in a thick fog (idiom); in a fog; muddled; completely unfamiliar with sth |
如堕烟雾 rú duò yān wù | as if degenerating into smoke (idiom); ignorant and unable to see where things are heading |
宿雾 sù wù | Cebu, a province (and a city) in the Philippines (Tw) |
宿雾语 sù wù yǔ | Cebuano (aka Bisaya), language spoken in parts of the Philippines (Tw) |
于雾霭之中 yú wù ǎi zhī zhōng | to be beclouded |
柳烟花雾 liǔ yān huā wù | lit. willow scent and mist of blossom (idiom); scene full of the delights of spring |
气雾免疫 qì wù miǎn yì | aerosol immunization |