HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 835th character |
RADICAL | ⾉ (138.1) |
INDEX # | 884 |
good, virtuous, respectable
良 liáng |

善良 shàn liáng | good and honest; kindhearted |
良好 liáng hǎo | good; favorable; well; fine |
良心 liáng xīn | conscience |
改良 gǎi liáng | to improve (sth); to reform (a system) |
不良 bù liáng | bad; harmful; unhealthy |
新奥尔良 xīn ào ěr liáng | New Orleans, Louisiana |
良知 liáng zhī | innate sense of right and wrong; conscience; bosom friend |
优良 yōu liáng | fine; good; first-rate |
良机 liáng jī | a good chance; a golden opportunity |
精良 jīng liáng | excellent; of superior quality |
良药 liáng yào | good medicine; panacea; fig. a good solution; a good remedy (e.g. to a social problem) |
良性 liáng xìng | positive (in its effect); leading to good consequences; virtuous; (medicine) benign (tumor etc) |
奥尔良 ào ěr liáng | Orléans |
良师益友 liáng shī yì yǒu | good teacher and helpful friend (idiom); mentor |
良方 liáng fāng | good medicine; effective prescription; fig. good plan; effective strategy |
良多 liáng duō | considerably; much; quite a bit |
奈良 nài liáng | Nara, an old capital of Japan |
纽奥良 niǔ ào liáng | New Orleans, Louisiana |
良民 liáng mín | good people; ordinary people (i.e. not the lowest class) |
除暴安良 chú bào ān liáng | to root out the strong and give people peace (idiom); to rob the rich and give to the poor |
从良 cóng liáng | (of a slave or servant) to be given one's freedom; (of a prostitute) to marry and leave one's trade |
居心不良 jū xīn bù liáng | to harbor evil intentions (idiom) |
良种 liáng zhǒng | improved type; good breed; pedigree |
良策 liáng cè | good plan; good idea |
金玉良言 jīn yù liáng yán | gems of wisdom (idiom); priceless advice |