HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 770th character |
RADICAL | ⼧ (40.6) |
INDEX # | 1695 |
declare, announce, proclaim
- declare, announce, proclaim
- surname Xuan
- to declare (publicly)
- to announce

宣布 xuān bù | to declare; to announce; to proclaim |
宣传 xuān chuán | to disseminate; to give publicity to; propaganda; CL:個|个[ge4] |
宣誓 xuān shì | to swear an oath (of office); to make a vow |
宣扬 xuān yáng | to proclaim; to make public or well known |
宣称 xuān chēng | to assert; to claim |
宣言 xuān yán | declaration; manifesto |
宣判 xuān pàn | to pronounce a sentence (after a verdict in a court of law) |
宣读 xuān dú | to read out loud to an audience; a prepared speech (e.g. to a party conference) |
宣告 xuān gào | to declare; to proclaim |
宣战 xuān zhàn | to declare war |
宣泄 xuān xiè | to drain (by leading off water); to unburden oneself; to divulge; to leak a secret |
宣传册 xuān chuán cè | commercial brochure; advertising pamphlet; flyer |
宣讲 xuān jiǎng | to preach; to explain publicly |
心照不宣 xīn zhào bù xuān | a tacit mutual understanding |
照本宣科 zhào běn xuān kē | a wooden word-by-word reading |
宣传画 xuān chuán huà | propaganda poster; advertising hoarding |
秘而不宣 mì ér bù xuān | to withhold information; to keep sth secret |
宣示 xuān shì | to vow; to pledge |
宣传部 xuān chuán bù | Propaganda Department |
不宣而战 bù xuān ér zhàn | open hostilities without declaring war; start an undeclared war |
不宣而戰 bù xuān ér zhàn | open hostilities without declaring war; start an undeclared war |
世界人权宣言 shì jiè rén quán xuān yán | Universal Declaration of Human Rights |
世界人權宣言 shì jiè rén quán xuān yán | Universal Declaration of Human Rights |
中共中央宣传部 zhōng gòng zhōng yāng xuān chuán bù | Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China |
中共中央宣傳部 zhōng gòng zhōng yāng xuān chuán bù | Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China |