HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1516th character |
RADICAL | ⾜ (157.4) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2276 |
skip, jump, frolic
- skip, jump, frolic
- to jump
- to leap

活跃 huó yuè | active; lively; excited; to enliven; to brighten up |
跳跃 tiào yuè | to jump; to leap; to bound; to skip |
飞跃 fēi yuè | to leap |
踊跃 yǒng yuè | to leap; to jump; eager; enthusiastically |
雀跃 què yuè | excited; in high spirits |
跃跃欲试 yuè yuè yù shì | to be eager to give sth a try (idiom) |
欢呼雀跃 huān hū què yuè | cheering excitedly (idiom); jubilant |
跃进 yuè jìn | to leap forward; to make rapid progress; a leap forward |
一跃而起 yī yuè ér qǐ | to jump up suddenly; to bound up; to rise up in one bound |
跃然纸上 yuè rán zhǐ shàng | to appear vividly on paper (idiom); to show forth vividly (in writing, painting etc); to stand out markedly |
大跃进 dà yuè jìn | Great Leap Forward (1958-1960), Mao's attempt to modernize China's economy, which resulted in economic devastation, and millions of deaths from famine caused by misguided policies |
跃升 yuè shēng | to leap to (a higher position etc); to jump; (of a plane) to ascend |
跃居 yuè jū | to vault |
喜跃 xǐ yuè | to jump for joy |
欢欣雀跃 huān xīn què yuè | elated; overjoyed |
活跃分子 huó yuè fèn zǐ | activist |
质的飞跃 zhì de fēi yuè | qualitative leap |
跃层 yuè céng | duplex (apartment) |
跃然 yuè rán | to show forth; to appear as a vivid image; to stand out markedly |
跃迁 yuè qiān | transition; jump (e.g. quantum leap in spectroscopy) |
跃马 yuè mǎ | to gallop; to spur on a horse; to let one's steed have his head |
跃龙 yuè lóng | allosaurus |
飞跃道 fēi yuè dào | parkour (HK) |
龙腾虎跃 lóng téng hǔ yuè | lit. dragon soaring and tiger leaping (idiom); fig. prosperous and bustling; vigorous and active |
一跃 yī yuè | a single leap; a movement performed by jumping from one point to another, often quickly or with significant impact |