HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 2497th character |
RADICAL | ⾜ (157.12) |
STROKES | 19 |
INDEX # | 3458 |
squat, crouch; idle about
蹲 dūn |

蹲点 dūn diǎn | (of a cadre etc) to work for a period of time with a grassroots unit to gain firsthand experience; (dialect) taking a crap |
蹲伏 dūn fú | to crouch low and bend forward (esp. in hiding or in wait) |
半蹲 bàn dūn | half squat |
家里蹲 jiā lǐ dūn | recluse; hikikomori person |
家裡蹲 jiā lǐ dūn | recluse; hikikomori person |
屁股蹲儿 pì gu dūn r | (dialect) a fall on the buttocks; pratfall |
屁股蹲兒 pì gu dūn r | (dialect) a fall on the buttocks; pratfall |
深蹲 shēn dūn | squat (exercise) |
罚半蹲 fá bàn dūn | to punish a student by having him stand in a half-squatting position with arms extended forward |
罰半蹲 fá bàn dūn | to punish a student by having him stand in a half-squatting position with arms extended forward |
虎蹲炮 hǔ dūn pào | a short-barreled mortar; an ancient catapult |
虎蹲砲 hǔ dūn pào | a short-barreled mortar; an ancient catapult |
蹲下 dūn xià | to squat down; to crouch |
蹲便器 dūn biàn qì | squat toilet |
蹲坑 dūn kēng | Turkish toilet; squat toilet; to vacate one's bowels |
蹲大牢 dūn dà láo | to be behind bars |
蹲守 dūn shǒu | to hang around keeping a watch out for sth |
蹲厕 dūn cè | squat toilet |
蹲廁 dūn cè | squat toilet |
蹲牢 dūn láo | see 蹲大牢[dun1 da4 lao2] |
蹲膘 dūn biāo | to fatten cattle in a shed; to become fat |
蹲苦窑 dūn kǔ yáo | (slang) to be behind bars |
蹲苦窯 dūn kǔ yáo | (slang) to be behind bars |
蹲踞 dūn jù | squat; crouch |
蹲马步 dùn mǎ bù | to do a martial-art squat |