HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1256th character |
RADICAL | ⼻ (60.5) |
INDEX # | 1162 |
that, there, those
- that, there, those
- that
- those
- (one) another

彼此 bǐ cǐ | each other; one another |
彼得 bǐ dé | Peter (name) |
圣彼得堡 shèng bǐ dé bǎo | Saint Petersburg (city in Russia) |
圣彼得 shèng bǐ dé | Saint Peter |
知己知彼 zhī jǐ zhī bǐ | know yourself, know your enemy (idiom, from Sunzi's "The Art of War" 孫子兵法|孙子兵法[Sun1 zi3 Bing1 fa3]) |
彼得潘 bǐ dé pān | Peter Pan, the novel character |
彼拉多 bǐ lā duō | Pilate (Pontius Pilate in the Biblical passion story) |
彼岸 bǐ àn | the other shore; (Buddhism) paramita |
非此即彼 fēi cǐ jí bǐ | either this or that; one or the other |
此起彼伏 cǐ qǐ bǐ fú | up here, down there (idiom); to rise and fall in succession; no sooner one subsides, the next arises; repeating continuously; occurring again and again (of applause, fires, waves, protests, conflicts, uprisings etc) |
蒙彼利埃 méng bǐ lì āi | Montpellier (French town) |
顾此失彼 gù cǐ shī bǐ | lit. to attend to one thing and lose sight of another (idiom); fig. to be unable to manage two or more things at once; cannot pay attention to one thing without neglecting the other |
厚此薄彼 hòu cǐ bó bǐ | to favour one and discriminate against the other |
彼拉提斯 bǐ lā tí sī | Pilates (physical fitness system) (Tw) |
不分彼此 bù fēn bǐ cǐ | to make no distinction between what's one's own and what's another's (idiom); to share everything; to be on very intimate terms |
卡特彼勒公司 kǎ tè bǐ lè gōng sī | Caterpillar Inc. |
布拉德・彼特 bù lā dé ・ bǐ tè | William Bradley "Brad" Pitt (1963-), US actor and film producer |
彼一时此一时 bǐ yī shí cǐ yī shí | that was one thing, and this is another; times have changed |
彼一時此一時 bǐ yī shí cǐ yī shí | that was one thing, and this is another; times have changed |
彼倡此和 bǐ chàng cǐ hé | to chorus sb else's lead (idiom); to chime in in agreement |
彼唱此和 bǐ chàng cǐ hé | to chorus sb else's lead (idiom); to chime in in agreement |
彼岸花 bǐ àn huā | red spider lily (Lycoris radiata); cluster amaryllis |
彼得前书 bǐ dé qián shū | First Epistle of Peter (in New Testament) |
彼得前書 bǐ dé qián shū | First Epistle of Peter (in New Testament) |
彼得堡 bǐ dé bǎo | Petersburg (place name); Saint Petersburg, Russia |