
crisp; fragile, frail; brittle

HSK 5 #1976


  • crisp
  • fragile, frail
  • brittle
  • old variant of 脆[cui4]
  • brittle
  • fragile
  • crisp
  • crunchy
  • clear and loud voice
  • neat



gān cuì straightforward; clear-cut; blunt (e.g. statement); you might as well; simply
弱 cuì ruò weak; frail
利落 gān cuì lì luo (of speech or actions) direct and efficient; without fooling around
báo cuì crispy; thin and brittle; a crispy fried cracker
qīng cuì sharp and clear; crisp; melodious; ringing; tinkling; silvery (of sound); fragile; frail; also written 輕脆|轻脆
sū cuì crisp (of food)
gān cuì straightforward; clear-cut; blunt (e.g. statement); you might as well; simply
利索 gān cuì lì suo see 乾脆利落|干脆利落[gan1 cui4 li4 luo5]
利索 gān cuì lì suo see 乾脆利落|干脆利落[gan1 cui4 li4 luo5]
利落 gān cuì lì luo (of speech or actions) direct and efficient; without fooling around
巧克力片 qiǎo kè lì cuì piàn chocolate chip
shuǎng cuì sharp and clear; frank; straightfoward; quick; brisk; crisp and tasty
fā cuì to become brittle; to become crisp
fā cuì to become brittle; to become crisp
片 cuì piàn chip
谷乐 cuì gǔ lè Cheerios (breakfast cereal)
穀樂 cuì gǔ lè Cheerios (breakfast cereal)
cuì cuì crispy
qīng cuì sharp and clear; crisp; melodious; ringing; tinkling; silvery (of sound); fragile; frail; also written 清脆
qīng cuì sharp and clear; crisp; melodious; ringing; tinkling; silvery (of sound); fragile; frail; also written 清脆
皮 cuì pí fragile skin; thin-skinned
夠 gòu cuì gòu crispy enough; sufficiently crispy
口 cuì kǒu crispy and tender; having a crunchy texture
响 cuì xiǎng crisp sound
烂 cuì làn brittle and fragmented; describes a condition where something is easily broken or crushed into pieces, often indicating a fragile or delicate state
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