express, state, relate, narrate

HSK 5 #1607


  • express, state, relate, narrate
  • variant of 敘|叙[xu4]
  • abbr. for Syria 敘利亞|叙利亚[Xu4 li4 ya4]
  • to narrate
  • to chat


叙 stroke order diagram
叙 stroke order animation


述 xù shù to relate (a story or information); to tell or talk about; to recount; narration; telling; narrative; account
利亚 xù lì yà Syria
旧 xù jiù to reminisce; to talk about former times
事 xù shì narrative
事诗 xù shì shī narrative poem
jì xù to narrate; narrative
dào xù to flash back; flashback (in a novel, movie etc)
永 xù yǒng Xuyong county in Luzhou 瀘州|泸州[Lu2 zhou1], Sichuan
文 jì xù wén narrative writing; written narration
yǐ xù Israel-Syria
āi xù Egypt-Syria
yǐn xù reported speech (in grammar)
利亚文 xù lì yà wén Syriac language (from c. 2nd century BC); the Syriac script
功行赏 xù gōng xíng shǎng to review records and decide on rewards (idiom)
拉古 xù lā gǔ Syracuse, Sicily; also written 錫拉庫薩|锡拉库萨[Xi1 la1 ku4 sa4]
文 xù wén variant of 序文[xu4 wen2]
明 xù míng detailed accounting
永县 xù yǒng xiàn Xuyong county in Luzhou 瀘州|泸州[Lu2 zhou1], Sichuan
言 xù yán variant of 序言[xu4 yan2]
谈 xù tán to chat
述性 xù shù xìng narrative
综合述 zōng hé xù shù to summarize; a round-up
liáo xù to speak tentatively
chá xù to take tea and chat; a small-scale informal gathering with tea and snacks
zhuī xù to recount what happened prior to events already known
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