HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1413th character |
RADICAL | ⽷ (120.8) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2487 |
end of thread; thread, clue
- end of thread
- thread, clue
- beginnings
- clues
- mental state
- thread

情绪 qíng xù | mood; state of mind; moodiness; CL:種|种[zhong3] |
头绪 tóu xù | outline; main threads |
就绪 jiù xù | to be ready; to be in order |
情绪化 qíng xù huà | emotional; sentimental |
思绪 sī xù | train of thought; emotional state; mood; feeling |
闹情绪 nào qíng xù | to be in a bad mood |
心绪 xīn xù | state of mind; mood |
千头万绪 qiān tóu wàn xù | plethora of things to tackle; multitude of loose ends; very complicated; chaotic |
愁绪 chóu xù | melancholy |
一切就绪 yī qiè jiù xù | everything in its place and ready (idiom) |
光绪 guāng xù | reign name of penultimate Qing emperor Guangxu or Guang-hsu (1875-1908) |
光绪帝 guāng xù dì | Guangxu Emperor |
别绪 bié xù | emotions at time of parting |
执行绪 zhí xíng xù | (Tw) (computing) thread |
心绪不佳 xīn xù bù jiā | out of sorts; gloomy |
心绪不宁 xīn xù bù níng | unquiet state of mind |
情绪商数 qíng xù shāng shù | emotional quotient (EQ); emotional IQ |
情绪智商 qíng xù zhì shāng | emotional intelligence (EQ) |
情绪状态 qíng xù zhuàng tài | emotional state |
意第绪语 yì dì xù yǔ | Yiddish language |
殷弘绪 yīn hóng xù | François Xavier d'Entrecolles (1664-1741), French Jesuit missionary to Kangxi court |
民族主义情绪 mín zú zhǔ yì qíng xù | nationalist feelings; nationalist sentiment |
端绪 duān xù | start and development; thread (of a story); general outline; clue |
索绪尔 suǒ xù ěr | Saussure (name) |
绪言 xù yán | see 緒論|绪论[xu4 lun4] |