end of thread; thread


  • end of thread
  • thread
  • beginnings
  • clues
  • mental state
  • thread


一切就 yī qiè jiù xù everything in its place and ready (idiom)
guāng xù reign name of penultimate Qing emperor Guangxu or Guang-hsu (1875-1908)
帝 guāng xù dì Guangxu Emperor
bié xù emotions at time of parting
千頭萬 qiān tóu wàn xù plethora of things to tackle; multitude of loose ends; very complicated; chaotic
執行 zhí xíng xù (Tw) (computing) thread
jiù xù to be ready; to be in order
xīn xù state of mind; mood
不佳 xīn xù bù jiā out of sorts; gloomy
不寧 xīn xù bù níng unquiet state of mind
sī xù train of thought; emotional state; mood; feeling
qíng xù mood; state of mind; moodiness; CL:種|种[zhong3]
化 qíng xù huà emotional; sentimental
商數 qíng xù shāng shù emotional quotient (EQ); emotional IQ
智商 qíng xù zhì shāng emotional intelligence (EQ)
狀態 qíng xù zhuàng tài emotional state
chóu xù melancholy
意第語 yì dì xù yǔ Yiddish language
殷弘 yīn hóng xù François Xavier d'Entrecolles (1664-1741), French Jesuit missionary to Kangxi court
民族主義情 mín zú zhǔ yì qíng xù nationalist feelings; nationalist sentiment
duān xù start and development; thread (of a story); general outline; clue
爾 suǒ xù ěr Saussure (name)
言 xù yán see 緒論|绪论[xu4 lun4]
論 xù lùn introduction; introductory chapter
自卑情 zì bēi qíng xù inferiority complex
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