HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 516th character |
RADICAL | ⼿ (64.4) |
INDEX # | 643 |
throw, cast, fling, pitch; jump
投 tóu |

投资 tóu zī | investment; to invest |
投入 tóu rù | to throw into; to put into; to throw oneself into; to participate in; to invest in; absorbed; engrossed |
投票 tóu piào | to vote; vote |
投降 tóu xiáng | to surrender; surrender |
投诉 tóu sù | complaint; to complain; to register a complaint (esp. as a customer) |
投掷 tóu zhì | to throw sth a long distance; to hurl; to throw at; to throw (dice etc); to flip (a coin) |
投机 tóu jī | to speculate (on financial markets); opportunistic; congenial; agreeable |
投手 tóu shǒu | thrower; pitcher; bowler |
投篮 tóu lán | to shoot for the basket (basketball) |
投资者 tóu zī zhě | investor |
投稿 tóu gǎo | to submit articles for publication; to contribute (writing) |
走投无路 zǒu tóu wú lù | to be at an impasse (idiom); in a tight spot; at the end of one's rope; desperate |
投放 tóu fàng | to input; to throw in; to unload; to put into circulation |
投资人 tóu zī rén | investor |
投靠 tóu kào | to rely on help from sb |
投身 tóu shēn | to throw oneself into sth |
投标 tóu biāo | to bid; to make a tender |
投保 tóu bǎo | to take out insurance; to insure |
投票权 tóu piào quán | suffrage; right to vote |
投胎 tóu tāi | to be reincarnated |
相投 xiāng tóu | agreeing with one another; congenial |
投弹 tóu dàn | to throw an explosive charge; to bomb |
投射 tóu shè | to throw (a projectile); to cast (light) |
投奔 tóu bèn | to seek shelter; to seek asylum |
空投 kōng tóu | air drop; to drop supplies by air |