HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 977th character |
RADICAL | ⼽ (62.6) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 1787 |
load; carry; transport, convey
载 zài |
载 zǎi |

下载 xià zǎi | to download; also pr. [xia4 zai4] |
记载 jì zǎi | to write down; to record; written account |
装载 zhuāng zài | to load; to stow |
千载难逢 qiān zǎi nán féng | extremely rare (idiom); once in a blue moon |
载入 zǎi rù | to load into; to record; to write into; to enter (data); to go into (the records); to go down (in history) |
过载 guò zài | overload |
承载 chéng zài | to bear the weight; to sustain |
满载 mǎn zài | full to capacity; fully loaded |
超载 chāo zài | to overload |
载歌载舞 zài gē zài wǔ | singing and dancing (idiom); festive celebrations |
搭载 dā zài | to transport (people, a payload etc) |
载货 zài huò | freight; load |
载体 zài tǐ | carrier (chemistry); vector (epidemiology); vehicle or medium |
负载 fù zài | to carry; to support; load |
连载 lián zǎi | serialized; published as a serial (in a newspaper) |
载人 zài rén | to carry a passenger; (of spaceships etc) manned; also pr. [zai3 ren2] |
载客 zài kè | to take passengers on board |
转载 zhuǎn zǎi | to forward (a shipment); to reprint sth published elsewhere; Taiwan pr. [zhuan3 zai4] |
舰载 jiàn zài | ship-based |
登载 dēng zǎi | to publish (in newspapers or magazines); to record (bookkeeping entries) |
怨声载道 yuàn shēng zài dào | lit. cries of complaint fill the roads (idiom); complaints rise all around; discontent is openly voiced |
满载而归 mǎn zài ér guī | to return from a rewarding journey |
载波 zài bō | carrier wave |
载重 zài zhòng | load; carrying capacity |
载荷 zài hè | load; lading (weight) |