HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1565th character |
RADICAL | ⼒ (19.11) |
STROKES | 13 |
INDEX # | 2848 |
industrious, diligent, attentive
勤 qín |

勤奋 qín fèn | hardworking; diligent |
辛勤 xīn qín | hardworking; industrious |
后勤 hòu qín | logistics |
勤劳 qín láo | hardworking; industrious; diligent |
勤俭 qín jiǎn | hardworking and frugal |
外勤 wài qín | field work; field personnel; any occupation that involves a great deal of field work |
执勤 zhí qín | to be on duty (of a security guard etc) |
出勤 chū qín | to go to work; to be present (at work, school etc); to be away on business |
勤务 qín wù | service; duties; an orderly (military) |
献殷勤 xiàn yīn qín | to be particularly attentive to (an attractive young lady or man etc); to fawn upon (an influential politician etc); to court sb's favor; to ingratiate oneself |
勤快 qín kuài | diligent; hardworking |
值勤 zhí qín | variant of 執勤|执勤[zhi2 qin2] |
殷勤 yīn qín | politely; solicitously; eagerly attentive |
缺勤 quē qín | to be absent from work or school |
勤勤恳恳 qín qín kěn kěn | industrious and conscientious; assiduous |
勤勉 qín miǎn | diligence; diligent; industrious |
勤务兵 qín wù bīng | army orderly |
考勤 kǎo qín | to check attendance (at school or workplace); to monitor efficiency (of workers) |
勤恳 qín kěn | diligent and attentive; assiduous; sincere |
地勤 dì qín | ground service (airport) |
勤工俭学 qín gōng jiǎn xué | to work part time while studying; work-study program |
全勤 quán qín | full-time attendance at work |
勤俭节约 qín jiǎn jié yuē | diligent and thrifty (idiom) |
勤务员 qín wù yuán | odd job man; army orderly |
勤学苦练 qín xué kǔ liàn | to study diligently; to train assiduously |