
industrious, diligent, attentive

HSK 5 #1565


勤 qín
  • diligent
  • industrious
  • hardworking
  • frequent
  • regular
  • constant
  • variant of 勤[qin2]
  • solicitous


勤 stroke order diagram
勤 stroke order animation


天道酬 tiān dào chóu qín Heaven rewards the diligent. (idiom)
俭持家 qín jiǎn chí jiā hardworking and thrifty in running one's household
克俭 kè qín kè jiǎn to be industrious and frugal (idiom)
克儉 kè qín kè jiǎn to be industrious and frugal (idiom)
出满,干满点 chū mǎn qín , gàn mǎn diǎn to be assiduous and work full hours
出滿,幹滿點 chū mǎn qín , gàn mǎn diǎn to be assiduous and work full hours
儉 qín jiǎn hardworking and frugal
俭务实 qín jiǎn wù shí hardworking, thrifty and pragmatic
儉務實 qín jiǎn wù shí hardworking, thrifty and pragmatic
俭建国 qín jiǎn jiàn guó to build up the country through thrift and hard work (idiom)
儉建國 qín jiǎn jiàn guó to build up the country through thrift and hard work (idiom)
儉持家 qín jiǎn chí jiā hardworking and thrifty in running one's household
俭朴实 qín jiǎn pǔ shí hardworking, thrifty, plain, and honest (idiom)
儉樸實 qín jiǎn pǔ shí hardworking, thrifty, plain, and honest (idiom)
俭朴素 qín jiǎn pǔ sù hardworking, thrifty, plain, and simple (idiom)
儉樸素 qín jiǎn pǔ sù hardworking, thrifty, plain, and simple (idiom)
俭为服务之本 qín jiǎn wéi fú wù zhī běn hardwork and thriftiness are the foundations of service (idiom)
儉為服務之本 qín jiǎn wéi fú wù zhī běn hardwork and thriftiness are the foundations of service (idiom)
儉節約 qín jiǎn jié yuē diligent and thrifty (idiom)
俭耐劳 qín jiǎn nài láo diligent and able to endure hardship (idiom)
儉耐勞 qín jiǎn nài láo diligent and able to endure hardship (idiom)
俭起家 qín jiǎn qǐ jiā to rise up by thrift and hard work (idiom)
儉起家 qín jiǎn qǐ jiā to rise up by thrift and hard work (idiom)
俭办企业 qín jiǎn bàn qǐ yè to run an enterprise diligently and thriftily
儉辦企業 qín jiǎn bàn qǐ yè to run an enterprise diligently and thriftily