HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1469th character |
RADICAL | ⾆ (135.7) |
STROKES | 13 |
INDEX # | 2947 |
words, speech, expression, phrase
- words, speech, expression, phrase
- old variant of 辭|辞[ci2]
- to resign
- to dismiss
- to decline
- to take leave
- ballad (archaic poetic genre)
- variant of 詞|词[ci2]

辞职 cí zhí | to resign |
推辞 tuī cí | to decline (an appointment, invitation etc) |
告辞 gào cí | to say goodbye; to take one's leave |
致辞 zhì cí | to express in words or writing; to make a speech (esp. short introduction, vote of thanks, afterword, funeral homily etc); to address (an audience); same as 致詞|致词 |
说辞 shuō cí | excuse; pretext; entreaties; arguments |
措辞 cuò cí | wording; way of expressing something; turn of phrase; diction |
言辞 yán cí | words; expression; what one says |
辞掉 cí diào | to quit (one's job); to dismiss (an employee) |
辞去 cí qù | to resign; to quit |
辞呈 cí chéng | (written) resignation |
辞退 cí tuì | to dismiss; to discharge; to fire |
辞典 cí diǎn | dictionary; also written 詞典|词典[ci2 dian3]; CL:本[ben3],部[bu4] |
不辞而别 bù cí ér bié | to leave without saying good-bye |
修辞 xiū cí | rhetoric |
祝酒辞 zhù jiǔ cí | short speech given in proposing a toast |
托辞 tuō cí | see 託詞|托词[tuo1 ci2] |
辞世 cí shì | to die; to depart this life (euphemism); same as 去世 |
义不容辞 yì bù róng cí | not to be shirked without dishonor (idiom); incumbent; bounden (duty) |
在所不辞 zài suǒ bù cí | not to refuse to (idiom); not to hesitate to |
不辞劳苦 bù cí láo kǔ | to spare no effort |
不辞辛苦 bù cí xīn kǔ | to make nothing of hardships |
辞藻 cí zǎo | rhetoric |
引咎辞职 yǐn jiù cí zhí | to admit responsibility and resign |
辞行 cí xíng | to say goodbye; leave-taking; farewells |
悼辞 dào cí | variant of 悼詞|悼词[dao4 ci2] |