words, speech, expression, phrase

HSK 5 #1469


  • words, speech, expression, phrase
  • old variant of 辭|辞[ci2]
  • to resign
  • to dismiss
  • to decline
  • to take leave
  • ballad (archaic poetic genre)
  • variant of 詞|词[ci2]


辞 stroke order diagram
辞 stroke order animation


与世长 yǔ shì cháng cí to die; to depart from the world forever
令 cí lìng polite speech; diplomatic terms; rhetoric
wén cí language; words
别 cí bié to take leave
海 cí hǎi Cihai, an encyclopedic dictionary first published in 1915, and frequently revised
莫赞 yī cí mò zàn left speechless by sth perfect (idiom)
不以害志 bù yǐ cí hài zhì don't let rhetoric spoil the message (idiom); don't get carried away with flowery speech to the detriment of what you want to say
学 xiū cí xué rhetoric
格 xiū cí gé figure of speech
piān cí one-sided words; prejudice; flattery
rǒng cí variant of 冗詞|冗词[rong3 ci2]
厚币 bēi cí hòu bì humble expression for generous donation
厚礼 bēi cí hòu lǐ humble expression for generous gift
bǔ cí oracle inscriptions of the Shang Dynasty (16th-11th century BC) on tortoiseshells or animal bones
guà cí to interpret the divinatory trigrams
耸听 wēi cí sǒng tīng to startle sb with scary tale
āi cí dirge; lament
善言 shàn yán cí articulate; eloquent
yán cí stern words
大放厥 dà fàng jué cí great release of talk (idiom); to spout nonsense
wǎn cí tactful expression; to politely decline
jì cí to send a message
tuàn cí to interpret the divinatory trigrams
形容 xíng róng cí adjective
kěn cí to decline with sincere thanks