HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 432nd character |
RADICAL | ⼧ (40.5) |
INDEX # | 1281 |
official, public servant
- official, public servant
- surname Guan
- government official
- governmental
- official
- public
- organ of the body
- CL:個|个[ge4]

器官 qì guān | organ (part of body tissue); apparatus |
官方 guān fāng | government; official (approved or issued by an authority) |
打官司 dǎ guān si | to file a lawsuit; to sue; to dispute |
长官 zhǎng guān | senior official; senior officer; commanding officer; CL:位[wei4]; sir (term of address for senior officer) |
法官 fǎ guān | judge (in court) |
警官 jǐng guān | constable; police officer |
检察官 jiǎn chá guān | public prosecutor; public procurator (judicial officer whose job may involve both criminal investigation and public prosecution) |
指挥官 zhǐ huī guān | commander |
官司 guān si | lawsuit; CL:場|场[chang2] |
官员 guān yuán | official (in an organization or government); administrator |
军官 jūn guān | officer (military) |
士官 shì guān | warrant officer; petty officer; noncommissioned officer (NCO); Japanese military officer |
执政官 zhí zhèng guān | consul (of the Roman Republic); magistrate (chief administrator) |
教官 jiào guān | military instructor |
司令官 sī lìng guān | commander; officer in charge |
官僚 guān liáo | bureaucrat; bureaucracy; bureaucratic |
感官 gǎn guān | sense; sense organ |
副官 fù guān | aide-de-camp |
外交官 wài jiāo guān | diplomat |
大法官 dà fǎ guān | grand justice; high court justice; supreme court justice |
高官 gāo guān | high official |
升官 shēng guān | to get promoted |
官邸 guān dǐ | official residence |
非官方 fēi guān fāng | unofficial |
官僚主义 guān liáo zhǔ yì | bureaucracy |