HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1393rd character |
RADICAL | ⽶ (119.9) |
STROKES | 15 |
INDEX # | 3287 |
paste, stick on with paste
糊 hú |
糊 hù |

糊涂 hú tu | muddled; silly; confused |
模糊 mó hu | vague; indistinct; fuzzy |
含糊 hán hu | ambiguous; vague; careless; perfunctory |
一塌糊涂 yī tā hú tu | muddled and completely collapsing (idiom); in an awful condition; complete shambles; a total mess |
糊弄 hù nong | to fool; to deceive; to go through the motions |
迷糊 mí hu | muddle-headed; dazed; only half conscious |
糊口 hú kǒu | to scrape a meager living; to get by with difficulty; variant of 糊口[hu2 kou3] |
浆糊 jiàng hu | paste; Taiwan pr. [jiang4 hu2] |
黏糊 nián hu | sticky; glutinous; slow-moving |
老糊涂 lǎo hú tu | dotard |
糊里糊涂 hú li hú tú | confused; vague; indistinct; muddle-headed; mixed up; in a daze; variant of 糊裡糊塗|糊里糊涂[hu2 li5 hu2 tu2] |
迷迷糊糊 mí mí hū hū | in a daze; bewildered |
稀里糊涂 xī li hú tu | muddleheaded; careless |
模糊不清 mó hu bù qīng | indistinct; fuzzy; blurred with age |
面糊 miàn hú | starchy; floury and without fiber |
面糊 miàn hù | flour paste |
糊涂虫 hú tu chóng | blunderer; bungler |
糊糊 hú hu | viscous; gooey; sticky; indistinct; thick congee; porridge |
不含糊 bù hán hu | unambiguous; unequivocal; explicit; prudent; cautious; not negligent; unafraid; unhesitating; really good; extraordinary |
糨糊 jiàng hu | paste; also written 漿糊|浆糊[jiang4 hu5]; Taiwan pr. [jiang4 hu2] |
含含糊糊 hán hán hú hú | (of speech) obscure; unclear; (of actions) vague; ineffectual |
含糊其词 hán hú qí cí | to equivocate; to talk evasively (idiom) |
糊涂账 hú tu zhàng | muddled accounts; a mess of bookkeeping |
一塌糊塗 yī tā hú tu | muddled and completely collapsing (idiom); in an awful condition; complete shambles; a total mess |
含糊不清 hán hú bù qīng | unclear; indistinct; ambiguous |