HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1148th character |
RADICAL | ⼿ (64.8) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2162 |
place; collect, arrange; employ
措 cuò |

措施 cuò shī | measure; step; CL:個|个[ge4] |
不知所措 bù zhī suǒ cuò | not knowing what to do (idiom); at one's wits' end; embarrassed and at a complete loss |
惊慌失措 jīng huāng shī cuò | to lose one's head out of fear (idiom) |
措辞 cuò cí | wording; way of expressing something; turn of phrase; diction |
措手不及 cuò shǒu bù jí | no time to deal with it (idiom); caught unprepared |
手足无措 shǒu zú wú cuò | at a loss to know what to do (idiom); bewildered |
举措 jǔ cuò | to move; to act; action; decision; conduct; manner |
失措 shī cuò | to be at a loss |
筹措 chóu cuò | to raise (money) |
措词 cuò cí | wording; way of expressing something; turn of phrase; diction |
仓皇失措 cāng huáng shī cuò | flustered; ruffled; disconcerted |
倉皇失措 cāng huáng shī cuò | flustered; ruffled; disconcerted |
向巴平措 xiàng bā píng cuò | Qiangba Puncog (1947-), chairman of government of Tibet (i.e. governor) |
安全措施 ān quán cuò shī | safety feature; security measure |
张皇失措 zhāng huáng shī cuò | panic-stricken (idiom); to be in a flustered state; also written 張惶失措|张惶失措[zhang1 huang2 shi1 cuo4] |
張皇失措 zhāng huáng shī cuò | panic-stricken (idiom); to be in a flustered state; also written 張惶失措|张惶失措[zhang1 huang2 shi1 cuo4] |
应急措施 yìng jí cuò shī | emergency measure |
應急措施 yìng jí cuò shī | emergency measure |
手足無措 shǒu zú wú cuò | at a loss to know what to do (idiom); bewildered |
采取措施 cǎi qǔ cuò shī | to adopt measures; to take steps |
採取措施 cǎi qǔ cuò shī | to adopt measures; to take steps |
措勤 cuò qín | Coqen county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Mtsho chen rdzong |
措勤县 cuò qín xiàn | Coqen county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Mtsho chen rdzong |
措勤縣 cuò qín xiàn | Coqen county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Mtsho chen rdzong |
措大 cuò dà | worthless scholar; useless wretch |