HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1127th character |
RADICAL | ⼼ (61.3) |
INDEX # | 925 |
endure, bear, suffer; forbear
忍 rěn |

忍不住 rěn bu zhù | cannot help; unable to bear |
忍受 rěn shòu | to bear; to endure |
残忍 cán rěn | cruel; mean; merciless; ruthless |
容忍 róng rěn | to put up with; to tolerate |
忍耐 rěn nài | to endure; to bear with; to exercise patience; to restrain oneself; patience; endurance |
忍心 rěn xīn | to have the heart to do sth; to steel oneself to a task |
难以忍受 nán yǐ rěn shòu | hard to endure; unbearable |
忍无可忍 rěn wú kě rěn | more than one can bear (idiom); at the end of one's patience; the last straw |
惨不忍睹 cǎn bù rěn dǔ | spectacle too horrible to endure (idiom); tragic sight; appalling scenes of devastation |
忍气吞声 rěn qì tūn shēng | to submit to humiliation (idiom); to suffer in silence; to swallow one's anger; to grin and bear it |
忍耐力 rěn nài lì | patience; fortitude |
忍痛 rěn tòng | to suffer; fig. reluctantly |
坚忍 jiān rěn | persevering |
隐忍 yǐn rěn | to bear patiently; to endure silently; to forbear |
忍让 rěn ràng | to exercise forbearance; patient and accommodating |
忍辱负重 rěn rǔ fù zhòng | to endure humiliation as part of an important mission (idiom); to suffer in silence |
忍冬 rěn dōng | honeysuckle; Lonicera japonica |
忍俊不禁 rěn jùn bù jīn | cannot help laughing; unable to restrain a smile |
不忍 bù rěn | cannot bear to; disturbed |
坚忍不拔 jiān rěn bù bá | fortitude |
忍痛割爱 rěn tòng gē ài | to resign oneself to part with what one treasures |
于心不忍 yú xīn bù rěn | can't bear to |
不堪忍受 bù kān rěn shòu | unbearable |
可容忍 kě róng rěn | tolerable |
吞声忍气 tūn shēng rěn qì | see 忍氣吞聲|忍气吞声[ren3 qi4 tun1 sheng1] |