
endure, bear, suffer; forbear

HSK 5 #1127


忍 rěn
  • to bear
  • to endure
  • to tolerate
  • to restrain oneself


忍 stroke order diagram
忍 stroke order animation


吞聲氣 tūn shēng rěn qì see 忍氣吞聲|忍气吞声[ren3 qi4 tun1 sheng1]
含垢辱 hán gòu rěn rǔ to bear shame and humiliation (idiom)
耻辱 hán rěn chǐ rǔ to eat humble pie; to accept humiliation; to turn the other cheek
恥辱 hán rěn chǐ rǔ to eat humble pie; to accept humiliation; to turn the other cheek
jiān rěn persevering
不拔 jiān rěn bù bá fortitude
小不则乱大谋 xiǎo bù rěn zé luàn dà móu (idiom) great plans can be ruined by just a touch of impatience
小不則亂大謀 xiǎo bù rěn zé luàn dà móu (idiom) great plans can be ruined by just a touch of impatience
qiáng rěn to resist (with great difficulty)
qiáng rěn to resist (with great difficulty)
悲痛 qiáng rěn bēi tòng to try hard to suppress one's grief (idiom)
悲痛 qiáng rěn bēi tòng to try hard to suppress one's grief (idiom)
俊 rěn jùn smiling
垢偷生 rěn gòu tōu shēng to bear humiliation to save one's skin (idiom)
得住 rěn de zhù to refrain; to be able to endure it
耻 rěn chǐ to endure humiliation
恥 rěn chǐ to endure humiliation
氣吞聲 rěn qì tūn shēng to submit to humiliation (idiom); to suffer in silence; to swallow one's anger; to grin and bear it
無可 rěn wú kě rěn more than one can bear (idiom); at the end of one's patience; the last straw
痛割愛 rěn tòng gē ài to resign oneself to part with what one treasures
者 rěn zhě ninja
者神龟 rěn zhě shén guī Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, US comic book series, first appeared in 1984, also films, video games etc
者神龜 rěn zhě shén guī Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, US comic book series, first appeared in 1984, also films, video games etc
者龟 rěn zhě guī Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Tw); see 忍者神龜|忍者神龟[Ren3 zhe3 Shen2 gui1]
者龜 rěn zhě guī Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Tw); see 忍者神龜|忍者神龟[Ren3 zhe3 Shen2 gui1]