HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1366th character |
RADICAL | ⼞ (31.8) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2302 |
to circle; a circle; corral
圈 quān |
圈 juàn |
圈 juān |

圈套 quān tào | trap; snare; trick |
圈子 quān zi | circle; ring; (social) circle |
项圈 xiàng quān | necklace |
转圈 zhuàn quān | to rotate; to twirl; to run around; to encircle; rotation; (coll.) to speak indirectly; to beat about the bush |
兜圈子 dōu quān zi | to encircle; to go around; to circle; to beat about the bush |
圆圈 yuán quān | circle |
圈圈 quān quan | to draw a circle; cliques; circles |
眼圈 yǎn quān | rim of the eye; eye socket |
演艺圈 yǎn yì quān | show business |
线圈 xiàn quān | solenoid (electrical engineering); coil |
绕圈子 rào quān zi | to go around in circles; to make a detour; (fig.) to beat about the bush |
猪圈 zhū juàn | pigsty (lit. and fig.) |
花圈 huā quān | wreath; garland |
怪圈 guài quān | vicious circle; (abnormal) phenomenon |
北极圈 běi jí quān | Arctic Circle |
光圈 guāng quān | aperture; diaphragm; halo; aureole |
垫圈 diàn juàn | to spread litter in a cowshed, pigsty etc |
垫圈 diàn quān | washer (on bolt); toilet seat |
救生圈 jiù shēng quān | life buoy; life belt; (jocularly) flab; spare tire |
圈养 juàn yǎng | to rear (an animal) in an enclosure |
生物圈 shēng wù quān | biosphere; ecosphere |
罗圈腿 luó quān tuǐ | bow-legged; bandy-legged |
钢圈 gāng quān | wheel rim; underwire (in a bra) |
水圈 shuǐ quān | the earth's ocean; the hydrosphere (geology) |
生态圈 shēng tài quān | ecosphere |